Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4439: Have a good fight

Gu Ling succeeded in refining the Nine Phoenix Ding, and the cultivation base increased greatly, which surprised both Laogui and Xiaoqing.

She wanted to find someone to practice, so she went to the Eastern Heaven Overlord.

The Eastern Heaven Overlord is one of the best in the human world, but she is also one of the best in the heavens, and there are not many people who can crush her in the entire heavens.

And none of the ancestors in the heavens present was an opponent of the Eastern Heaven Overlord.

The one who fights against the strongest.

Gu Ling and the Eastern Heaven Overlord were facing each other. There was no strong momentum, no shocking power fluctuations, everything was calm and calm, but there were murderous ups and downs.

Between the two, as long as one of them is careless, they will suffer a fatal blow from the other.

Gu Ling and Dongtian Overlord didn't want to kill each other, but when the cultivation base reached their level, they didn't make a full shot, just look down on each other.

Their stop is several hours.

"When are they fighting!"

"Just stand like this, I'm dizzy!"

"Cut, you want to have no momentum, you want strength and no strength, but the strongest."

Those old antiques in the heavens were muttering, very disdainful.

"Oh, our niece's realm has really gone up!"

The old turtle nodded and said, this kind of return to nature is not something ordinary ancestors can possess.

There is no mountain or dew, no trace of murderous intent, but the most powerful murderous intent. If these two people do not move, they will shake the earth when they move.

"Not bad!"

Xiaoqing nodded, this kind of natural way of Taoism also inspired him a lot.

He was only half a step away from reaching the sky in one step, and if he had an epiphany, he might be able to take that half step.

Everyone stared nervously at the two peerless beauties.


The next moment, the Dongtian Overlord suddenly moved, and the next moment, the void around her body was like a transparent ice block, instantly shattering, and an immortal sword light pierced directly at the opposite ancient spirit.

The speed of Dongtian Overlord's sword reached the extreme, and it immediately pierced Gu Ling's eyebrows.

Even if this sword hadn't really pierced Gu Ling, a drop of blood had leaked from the center of his eyebrows, and the skin was pierced by the sword qi.

The human is the Eastern Heaven Overlord, and the sword is the Human Emperor's sword. If he is stabbed, even Gu Fei will suffer a great impact. If Gu Ling is stabbed, his life is in danger.

Everyone was shocked by the sword of the Eastern Heaven Overlord.

This peerless sword, any ancestor present, except Laogui, I am afraid that no one can hide.

At the moment when Dongtian Overlord's sword was about to pierce Gu Ling's eyebrows, Gu Ling suddenly smiled. The next moment, her eyebrows split, and a Fire Phoenix actually rushed out of her eyebrows.


With a sound of golden iron, the Eastern Heaven Overlord's sword pierced the Fire Phoenix, the Fire Phoenix dissipated, and a fist-sized **** cauldron appeared.


The divine cauldron shook, and instantly became as huge as a hill, and slew directly towards the Eastern Heaven Overlord Town.

At the same time, nine fire phoenixes rushed out from the top of the cauldron, and the divine fire that broke out from above the nine great fire phoenixes instantly enveloped the entire void.

This is the true fire of the Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix, and the burning void is dying out.

"Little girl, you are very cunning!"

Dongtian Overlord said, holding the sword in both hands, and smashed the sword directly at the Nine Phoenix Cauldron known to be killed.

At this time, the Eastern Heaven Overlord had already understood that this Gu Ling deliberately attracted himself to take action!


The Eastern Heaven Overlord severely smashed the Nine Phoenix Ding with a sword, and the entire Nine Phoenix Ding shook violently, and countless ancient Dao patterns emerged on the Nine Phoenix Ding, intertwined with ancient Dao pictures.

The powerful kendo force directly flew Nine Phoenix Ding tremblingly to the side.

At this moment, a fist suddenly broke open with heavy sacred fire and smashed towards the Emperor Dongtian.


The long sword in the hand of the Emperor Dongtian crossed and stood in front of him.


Gu Ling's fist hit the sword.

Dongtian Overlord only felt that a strong force came from the sword, and the sword was bent by this fist and directly hit the Dongtian Overlord.

"What a strong force."

Dongtian Overlord was taken aback, she directly used the opponent's fist to float backwards.


As soon as Gu Ling waved his hand, the Nine Phoenix Cauldron flew back towards her, quickly became smaller, and landed on her hand.

"Nine Phoenix Sword!"

Gu Ling shook the Nine Phoenix Cauldron in his hand. The next moment, a sky-shaking sword aura burst out from the Nine Phoenix Cauldron. The nine fire phoenixes turned into nine immortal sword lights and flew out towards the Eastern Overlord. Go through the hole.

The sword aura is mighty, the sword light is in the sky, the power of this Nine Phoenix Sword cannot be underestimated.

This Nine Phoenix Sword is a powerful kendo magical power. The cultivation method of this magical power lies in the Nine Phoenix Cauldron. As long as you become the master of the Nine Phoenix Cauldron, you will naturally gain this magical power.

"Haha, play sword in front of me?"

Dongtian Overlord laughed and smiled brilliantly. She cultivated kendo. In terms of kendo cultivation, she asked herself whether she was weaker than others.

Seeing a circle of the long sword in the hand of Dongtian Overlord, an arc-shaped sword wave immediately rushed out of his hand, directly slashing all the nine sword lights that penetrated the hole.

"Breaking the sky!"

Dongtian Overlord roared and saw that the divine sword in her hand turned into an immortal sword light, which directly broke through the void of heaven and earth, and instantly smashed in front of Gu Ling.

The sword power of this sword is extremely powerful, as if the world has been split in half by this sword.

"Foot on the Eight Wastes!"

With Gu Ling's footsteps moving, the extremely sharp sword light wiped his clothes and slashed past.

"With one hand!"

After evading the sword of the Eastern Heaven Overlord with a step on the sky, Gu Ling immediately displayed the Heavenly Transformation Hand, and the powerful Heavenly Transformation Power came out of his hand.

Everyone who was enveloped by the power of the sky could not escape the end of death.

"this is……"

The Eastern Heaven Overlord slashed out with a sword, and the sword light disappeared directly into the void, turned into nothingness by the mighty power of the sky.


The Emperor of East Heaven retreated quickly.

However, Gu Ling's palm followed like a shadow, and he still slapped towards the Eastern Overlord.


Dongtian Overlord's face became a bit solemn, and he backed away again.

"Forcing the Dongtian Overlord to retreat, our niece is really amazing!"

Lao Gui sighed, Dongtian Overlord is one of the best in the world, whether it is in the world or in the world, anyone who wants to push her back can count with one hand.

"It's really not easy to cultivate to this level at a young age."

Xiaoqing looked at Gu Ling and said.

"Well, the warm-up is over, let's have a good fight!"

The Dongtian Overlord stood with a sword, staring at the killed Gu Ling, a murderous aura burst out from her body.

"Okay, let's fight!"

The strongest fighting spirit erupted from Gu Ling's body.

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