Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4467: King Fist

The Zhao family in the heavens is actually a branch of the Zhao family in the human world.

In that distant past, when the heavens and the earth were still connected, and the road to heaven had not been cut off, the ancient forces in the earth had strongholds in the heavens.

However, since the devil chased the world and the dark years came, the battle between gods and demons broke out, exploding the human world, and the heavens were cut off. Since then, the heavens and the world have ceased to communicate.

In those days, the ancient forces that had no time to withdraw to the human world stayed in the heaven.

However, after endless years have passed, many forces from the human world have disappeared in the long river of years, but the Zhao family has passed on.

This Celestial Realm Zhao family is also really good. It turned out to be a famous place in the Celestial Northern Territory. The Zhao family continued to grow and eventually became one of the top forces in the Northern Territory.

However, in the current world, the Zhao family of the Celestial Realm suffered a great blow, especially in the battle of Gu Fei, who copied the Zhao family directly.

Zhao Yuntian, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, had long since retired, and the current Patriarch is Zhao Tianxiong.

As the Patriarch of the Zhao Family in Heaven, Zhao Tianxiong is naturally very clear about Gu Fei's power and fear, and even the taboo of the Zhao Family can't help this guy!

When Zhao Tianxiong saw Gu Fei's appearance, he was stunned.

At this moment, Ye Kuang, the first overlord of the Overlord Dynasty from the ancestor realm, and the ancient Great Fierce Phoenix Bird had already entered the starry sky, and the entire starry sky was shaking.

Where the two powerhouses went, the big stars exploded directly, terrifying.

The saint of the Snow Territory Palace also rushed into the starry sky, the ancient Great Fierce Phoenix Bird was just a great fierce she surrendered in the Northern Prison Region.

This phoenix bird has been imprisoned for endless years, and the original cultivation base has been cut off. However, the saint of the heavenly palace brought the phoenix bird back to the holy land of the heavenly palace and provided it with countless cultivation resources. The Phoenix Bird's cultivation base continued to recover.

To this day, the phoenix bird still hasn't fully recovered, but only recovered 30 to 40% of the cultivation base.

However, the phoenix bird was a great evil in ancient times, even if it only recovered 30 or 40% of the cultivation base, it was not comparable to the general quasi-supreme.

The ancient Great Fierce Phoenix Bird actually fought endlessly with Ye Kuang, and for a while, it was difficult to tell the winner.

This battle was extremely exciting, and let the powerhouses in the northern region of the Celestial Realm know how powerful the people from the Ancestral Realm were, and this made the powerhouses in the Heavenly Realm even more jealous of the people from the Ancestral Realm.

However, when Gu Fei appeared, most of the celestial powerhouses who were watching the battle in the distance walked directly away, leaving behind people who had no grievances with Gu Fei.

"what happened!"

Ye Xiao, the seventh overlord of the Overlord Empire from the ancestor realm, noticed the dynamics of the heavenly powers, and the heavenly powers had left more than half of them all at once, which made him wonder.

"They seem to be very afraid of that person. When that person came, those people ran away." Ye He, the second overlord of the Tyrannical Dynasty, stared at the boy in black and said.


Ye Xiao looked at the boy in black and couldn't help frowning.

"Very familiar, where have you seen it?"

Ye Xiao said.

However, soon, he was scared and almost fell from the sky.

"He, he... is Gu Fei?"

Ye Xiao's voice was trembling.

Gu Fei fought against the heroes in the Ancestral Realm back then, but many of the Supreme Dao Supremes died in his hands, and even the Mu Clan in the southern region of the Ancestral Realm was destroyed by this guy.

This time, the reason they came to the heavens was to confirm whether the Gu Fei who was beaten into the cycle by the first demon of the ancestor was still alive.

Now it seems that Gu Fei is really alive, and alive well.

"What, I didn't think he was really alive."

Second Overlord also recognized Gu Fei at this time.

This guy is the number one killer in the Ancestral Realm. Although the Overlord Dynasty and Gu Fei have nothing to do with each other, Gu Fei’s name is in the Ancestral Realm. Who doesn’t know, who doesn’t?

Although the Overlord Dynasty was powerful, even if the emperor came in person, he did not dare to underestimate Gu Fei.

Overlord, but the supreme existence of the pinnacle.

Just when Ye Xiao and Ye He were shocked, there was a loud noise suddenly in the starry sky, and the next moment, a bright light exploded in front of them.

The terrifying power fluctuated in ten directions, countless stars exploded, the void collapsed, and a huge black hole appeared in the starry sky.

At the same time, a ball of fire fell from the starry sky towards the northern part of the heavens, and the endless divine fire and burning void were constantly annihilated, which was a round of divine sun descending from the sky.


"The ancient Great Fierce Phoenix Bird was defeated?"

Everyone was shocked to see this scene.

"It's a creature from the lower realm, it's vulnerable!"

An extremely arrogant voice came out from the starry sky, echoing between heaven and earth.

Hearing this voice, countless experts in the northern region of the heavens all changed their colors.


With a wave of the right hand of the Saintess of Heaven, the group of divine light falling from the sky immediately stopped in the void, then rose into the sky and flew back towards her.

Seeing her big sleeves stretched out, she immediately closed the fire.

No one could see that the Phoenix Bird was severely injured, and was knocked out by the guy from the ancestor realm. He hadn't cultivated for several years, and he could not recover his vitality.

"Don't think that the Ancestral Realm will be invincible if you come here. This realm is far beyond your imagination." The Heavenly Palace Saintess stared at the opposite Ye Kuang and said coldly.

"LOL, really?"

Ye Kuang showed his madness.


The Saintess of the Heavenly Palace was too lazy to talk nonsense with this madman, and immediately shot, and saw a round of Shenyue directly rushed out of her body, and the unprecedented power of the lunar yin came out of that round of Shenyue.

"Is it finally going to be true?"

Ye Kuang grinned, his eyes flashing fiercely, his fighting spirit was like a rainbow, the stronger the opponent, the more he could stimulate the potential of his celestial combat body.


I also didn't see how the Saintess of the Heavenly Palace moved, the round of Shenyue that emerged from her instantly smashed in front of Ye Kuang, leaving a dark space crack where Shenyue passed.


Ye Kuang roared, his hair all over his head dancing wildly, his whole body was domineering and powerful, he didn't dare to be careless, and he directly hit a punch that was strong to strong.

Tyrant Fist, this is the unspoken secret of Tyrant, only the direct royal family of Tyrant can practice it.


Ye Kuang's fist instantly collided with the round of Shenyue that came from the chopping, and the moment the two forces collided, a strong light illuminated the endless starry sky.

The two figures flew out at the same time.

"This boxing technique has some ways."

Gu Fei in black couldn't help nodding secretly when he saw Ye Kuang's punch. This kind of combat skill, Xeon Invincible, already possessed a trace of invincible punch.

Of course, the saint of the palace was not a vegetarian.

The secret skills of the Snowy Heavenly Palace are equally powerful.

From Gu Fei's point of view, the cultivation base was between the two, it was a bit difficult to tell the winner.

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