Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4468: Incarnation of God Yue Ling Jiutian

Gu Fei was not a person who was waiting to die. Although he did not leave the ancestral land of the Demon Race, he released his two major clones.

His two avatars are terrible, one is a martial arts avatar, the most powerful and invincible, there are few opponents in the quasi-superior realm, and the other is a kendo clone, and the kendo cultivation is against the sky.

As soon as Zhutian Nine Swords are released, who will fight for the front?

At this time, Gu Fei's kendo clone came to the Northern Territory of the Celestial Realm, and then happened to encounter a battle between the Saintess of Heaven and Ye Kuang, the first overlord of the Ancestor Realm Overlord Dynasty.

"Unexpectedly, there will be a good show as soon as I arrive, I seem to be lucky!"

Gu Fei in black didn't know where to find a chair, and then sat on the chair while eating a bunch of fairy fruits while watching the battle ahead.

"This guy……"

Zhao Tianxiong saw Gu Fei's arrogant look, but he couldn't believe it. Is he really the Gu Fei who fought all over the Northern Territory back then?

Gu Fei was in the Zhao family, it was a taboo existence, and no one in the Zhao family would talk about this person, because he brought great shame to the Zhao family.

However, the Zhao Family in the Celestial Realm now dare not provoke Gu Fei anymore. You know, the Zhao Family has finally recovered some vitality, but it can't stand the toss.

Of course, they can also ask for help from the ancient Zhao family in the human world, but even the ancient Zhao family in the human world would not dare to offend Gu Fei!



Incomparable loud noises continued to sound, the entire starry sky was shaking, countless stars were crumbling, and in the starry sky, two figures moved quickly in the void.

Those two people were Ye Kuang and the Saintess of Heaven.

The power of Ye Kuang's Overlord Fist was extremely powerful, with the domineering and mighty Nine Heavens, every fist blasted, the Heavenly Palace Saintess had to retreat.

He is simply a supreme **** of destruction, the tyrant's punching power seems to destroy everything, and every punch he hits directly blasts the stars of a star field.

Countless stars exploded directly, and the most beautiful fireworks bloomed in the dark starry sky. This is the beauty of destruction.

But that day, the sage of the palace kept rushing out of the crescent-shaped divine light, and the moment when each crescent-shaped divine light smashed out, the cold air burst out instantly, and it was frozen in all directions.

That too yin and cold air was everywhere, posing a great threat to Ye Kuang, and the crescent-shaped divine light was even more powerful, constantly slashing towards Ye Kuang.

The Overlord's power erupted from Ye Kuang's fist directly smashed the crescent-shaped light blade that had been slashed, and on his fist, a little bit of hoarfrost was actually stuck on it.

"What a great power of Taiyin!"

Even if she is mad as a leaf, she has to admit that this woman is one of the strongest opponents she has encountered since her debut.

"Haha, if you only have this ability, then obediently follow me back to be my princess."

Ye Kuang laughed and said, this Heavenly Palace Saintess is indeed good, in this upper world, she can cultivate to this level, and she will be able to become the supreme Supreme in only one step.

Such a cultivation base can barely be his princess.

In the Overlord Dynasty, the ancestor Ye Qingtian was the supreme one, followed by the Overlord.

Ye Kuang, even though he was named the number one overlord of the Overlord, he was not the parent and child of the Overlord, the Overlord was just his uncle.

This guy hasn't married yet, and the position of princess is vacant.

Seeing the peerless saint at this time, it was no reason to make up the saint's idea.

"what did you say?"

The saint of the heavenly palace is angry, she is the saint of the northern heavenly palace, synonymous with holiness, this guy dares to molest her, what a damn!

"Haha, I want to take you back to be my princess."

Ye Kuang laughed.


Gu Fei's kendo clone saw this, but smiled.


At this time, the voice of the Heavenly Palace Saintess was trembling.

"In the form of Shenyue Ling Jiutian!"

The Saintess of the Heavenly Palace roared, and the next moment, she was full of the endless super-yin divine light, and that divine light suddenly drowned her figure, and a round of terrifying divine moon appeared in the world.

"this is……"

Ye Kuang couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this scene. He only felt that the void around him instantly solidified, as if he had become a peerless iron.

His actions were affected, and his actions slowed down.


I saw that Shenyue slashed directly towards Ye Kuang, and the speed was extremely fast.

Ye Kuang only felt that his whole body was frozen stiff, he felt a great danger.

"Drive me!"

Ye Kuang struggled with his fate and turned to profound art, only to see his fists shook, breaking the power of the ice, and he was about to rise into the sky.

However, the divine moon transformed by the goddess of the heavenly palace flashed by in an instant. The next moment, Ye Kuang felt a heart-wrenching pain coming from his left shoulder.

He quickly took a look and saw that his entire left arm had escaped from the position of his shoulder.


That round of Shenyue flashed again. This time, he was cut directly in the waist. The body below the waist was actually separated from the upper half.

"This this this..."

The seventh overlord Ye Xiao and the second overlord Ye He of the ancestor Realm Overlord, who were watching the battle from the sidelines, were all stunned when they saw this.

No one knows better than them how abnormal their boss's tyrannical combat body is. Their boss is simply a humanoid quasi-sovereign Taoist weapon!

However, today, Ye Kuang, who claims to have the strongest combat body, had his left arm removed and cut in the middle, but it was sad enough.

"This guy from Ancestral Realm lost?"

Those strong in the heavens were surprised and delighted.

At this time, the **** moon transformed by the goddess of the heavenly palace disappeared, and the figure of the goddess of the heavenly palace appeared in everyone's eyes.

The Saintess of the Heavenly Palace looked a little tired, and the whole person paused. It seemed that the use of the combat skills just now would consume a lot of vitality.

Even as strong as the saint of heaven could hardly hold it.

"how is this possible……"

Old Qiyexiao was dumbfounded.

Ye He, the second child, was shocked and speechless.

"The powerful ancestors of the world, this time is finally going to be unlucky."

The strong in the heavens are extremely excited.

Since these guys came across from the Ancestral Realm and fought all over the world without a single defeat, these guys from the Ancestral Realm have shown almost invincible cultivation and combat power.

But now, the people of the Ancestral Realm Tyrant Kingdom are going to be unlucky.


Gu Fei's kendo clone looked at Ye Kuang who had been chopped off in a playful manner.

Although this guy was severely injured by the Saintess of the Heavenly Palace, he did not completely lose his combat power. He could still fight.

Moreover, Gu Fei's kendo clone sensed that there was a shocking power lurking in Ye Kuang's body, and this guy did not show real combat power.


At this moment, Ye Kuang suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, and the whole world shook suddenly. In the next moment, his broken left arm and cut off his lower body all flew up and connected to him again.

A shocking might immediately erupted from his body, and the nearby stars directly exploded.


Sensing the power that erupted from Ye Kuang, the shock of the Heavenly Palace Saintess was truly extraordinary.

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