Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4487: In desperation

In the strongest battle in the ancestor world, Gu Fei fought the first demon of the ancestor, and finally, the first demon of the ancestor opened the reincarnation with his life and beat Gu Fei into the reincarnation.

Gu Fei's cultivation base was almost cut off by the power of reincarnation, if it weren't for the only eternal bone in his chest that could condense the eternal power, he would really be beaten as a mortal.

Because of the existence of eternal true bones, Gu Fei could cultivate to the quasi-supreme state so quickly.

And the First Demon, the ancestor First Demon who started the reincarnation with his life, was not so lucky. The price he paid for Gu Fei into the reincarnation was too great.

He burned his life and ended in a tragic end.

However, in the place where he fell that year, there is still the indestructible remnant thought of the first demon of the ancestor. This remnant thought, floating in the world, turned the battlefield into a terrifying demon.

The ancestor demon clan didn't know what secret technique was used, and even merged this remnant thought of the ancestor first demon with this super magic formation.

The Cannian of the first demon of the ancestor became the spirit of this super magic array, sitting in the eyes of the formation, dominating the whole formation.

Coupled with the supreme magic weapon of the ancestor Demon Race, the Demon Wheel, Gu Fei did encounter a great danger this time, and if he was not careful, he would really die here.

Even the Nine Sky Stars Sword was suppressed, which shocked Gu Fei's heart.

However, he was not desperate. Even if the ancestor Demon Race used the Super Demon Array and the World Destruction Demon Wheel, what about it, would it be so easy to kill himself?


The huge magic map transformed by the power of the super magic array is directly obliterated from the sky, and the void is constantly transformed into nothingness, and the magic map seems to be able to obliterate everything.

"What to do, what to do, this time I'm dead."

The countless great monsters in the ancestral land of the monster clan were all desperate.

Some big monsters were eroded by the demon nature that descended from the sky, and they shook the heart demon. They suddenly went crazy and attacked when they saw the people around them. For a while, there was a chaos in the ancestral land of the demon race.

When the old turtle saw this scene, he almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.


An old voice sounded, the next moment, a big hand appeared in the air, and a powerful swallowing force came directly out of the big hand.

Those big monsters who had been crazy about the devil flew directly, and were directly shaken into blood mist by the big hand, and their appearance and spirit were destroyed.


Laogui looked at the man and saw that the man who shot was his old uncle.

The ancestor of the monster race is exceptionally powerful, no one knows where his cultivation level has gone, but even if the old turtle faces his old uncle, he sometimes has a feeling of palpitations, unpredictable!

"What to do, ask Jiang Renhuang for help?"

The old turtle said to Gu Fei.

Now, it seems that only Emperor Jiang Ren can save them. However, since the ancestor Demon Race has used the Demon Wheel, even if Emperor Jiang Ren makes a move, I am afraid it will not be pleased.


Gu Fei shook his head. The Super Magic Array can counteract the power of Heaven's Punishment. This kind of power is no longer an ordinary extreme power.

No matter how strong Jiang Renhuang is, he is still the emperor's supreme. If he shoots, it is not certain who kills whom.

"Haha..., Gu Fei, no one can save you now, just die!"

The demon in the eyes of the super demon array laughed frantically. There was only one idea for this remnant, and that was to kill Gu Fei, and now this remnant was used by the ancestor demon clan.

The voice of the ancestor great demon was uploaded from the sky.

The remnant thought of the first demon of the ancestor was not even the remnant soul, naturally there was no autonomous consciousness, but the divine thought of the great demon of the ancestor was merged with this remnant thought.

To a certain extent, this remnant thought of the First Ancestor First Demon has become an alternative incarnation of the First Ancestor Great Demon.

"Haha, joke, do you have this ability?"

Gu Fei suddenly laughed.

"Huh! You laugh when you die?"

The ancestor great demon sneered.

"I don't know who is going to die!"

Gu Fei disagrees.

"go to hell!"

The ancestor was angry, and he paid a lot of money to deal with Gu Fei. This super magic formation, the world-destroying magic wheel, and the remnant thoughts of the first ancestor first demon, these are not easy to use. of.

For today, the Great Ancestral Demons and other Ancestral Demons have lost a lot, but if Gu Fei can be killed, then all this is worth it.


The endless magic light rushed out from the countless magic pillars that surrounded the entire demon clan's ancestral land. The magic light wiped out the void and echoed the magic map being suppressed by the sky.

The entire Demon Race's ancestral land was actually showing signs of being refined, and countless Demon Race Dao Marks disappeared under the influence of the super magic array.


Watching the guardian formations continue to collapse and be wiped out, the old turtle's heart is dripping blood. This is his trump card. Some guardian formations were even laid down by the Emperor himself.

Once this guardian formation is broken, there is no way to recover it.

"Haha, Gu Fei, aren't you very good? I'm going to kill you now, it's just a matter of moving my fingers."

The ancestor demon laughed wildly.


Gu Fei smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Do you really think it will take me?"

Gu Fei said.

"Why, can you still come back?"

The voice of the ancestor great demon was cold and merciless.

Although it was just an incarnation, the ancestor great demon was still very arrogant.

At this time, the World Destroying Magic Wheel loomed in the super magic array, revealing power fluctuations that were terrifying to the extreme.

The Demon Wheel, that is an eternal magic weapon, even if this incarnation of the ancestor great demon controls the super magic array, it can use the endless magic power, but it dare not use it at will.

You know, the eternal Dao device, every time it is used, the vitality to be consumed is absolutely unimaginable.

In particular, the eternal Dao artifacts to be used were not self-cultivating, and the vitality needed to be consumed more, even the Supreme Dao Supreme could not bear it.

"Ah, I see, you still have the heavens and myriad world wheels unused."

The incarnation of the great demon said coldly.

"There is no need to use the heavens and ten thousand world wheels!"

Gu Fei shook his head.

"Haha, then you just wait to die!"

The incarnation of the Great Ancestor Great Demon said with his right hand pressed towards Gu Fei, the speed of the demon figure in the sky immediately increased.

"Brother, think of a way, or we will all die!"

The old turtle was very anxious, he didn't want to be caught in a pot.

"What else can he do?"

The ancestor great demon is extremely proud.

"is it?"

Gu Fei sighed. He didn't want to do this, but now it seems that if he doesn't do this, he, Laogui and countless big monsters will die here.


The ancestor great demon sneered again and again. At this time, the demon figure was wiped out, and the mountains in the demon clan's ancestral land continued to crumble.

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