Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4488: Eternal Sword Spirit Recovery

Gu Fei was in desperation.

There is no person who can push Gu Fei to a desperate state. There is no one in the world of heaven and earth. When the news that Gu Fei was in desperate situation spread, whether it was the world of heaven or the world, it was all boiling.

Countless powerhouses in the celestial and human worlds all rushed towards the ancestral land of the demon clan, all wanting to see who is so awesome that can actually push Gu Fei to a desperate situation.

However, when the supreme Demon Dao's aura exploded, all the strong were shocked to the extreme.

It turned out to be a demon, it was the demon who forced Gu Fei to a desperate situation.

However, the one hundred thousand demon mountain has been destroyed by the old turtle, the last demon domain in the heavens has been destroyed, although there are still demons in the heavens, but they are all small fish and shrimps, which can't lift anything. storm.

Soon, there was news that this time, it was the ancestor demon clan who shot against Gu Fei. What is the ancestor demon clan? That is the demons of the ancestor world.

The ancestor of the demon race is known as the ancestor of the demon race of the heavens and the world, the source of the demon race.

This time, the ancestor Demon Race came across the border and used the Super Demon Array to envelop the entire Demon Race ancestral land, wanting to completely refine Gu Fei and the entire Demon Race ancestral land, and eliminate Gu Fei and Laogui at one time.

"Ancestral Demon..."

All forces in the celestial and human worlds felt the aura of danger. The demons were not good. Once Gu Fei was defeated, wouldn't the next step for the ancestor demons be to conquer the world and the human world?

If this is the case, there will be many dead people.

In fact, as early as when the powerhouses of the Ancestral Realm appeared in the Heaven Realm, some people said that those guys in the Ancestral Realm wanted to turn the Heaven Realm into their hunting ground.

The powerhouses in the heavens and the human world are not so welcome to the big men in the Ancestral Realm.

Almost all the powerhouses in the celestial and human worlds hope that Gu Fei can win and defeat the ancestor demons.


The ancestral land of the demon race, the super magic array is running frantically, the scope of the ancestral land of the demon race is constantly shrinking.

"Brother, what are you waiting for?"

The old turtle was very anxious, and if Gu Fei didn't make a move, they would have finished playing.

"Big Brother..."

Xiaoqing is also very anxious.

"Gu Fei, don't say I didn't give you a chance, just use whatever skills you have, but in the end, you will still die, haha!"

In the sky, in the eyes of the super magic array, the ancestor great demon laughed wildly.

He finally waited for this day. Gu Fei, who was inexperienced in the past, is now between his own thoughts, exhaling and raising his eyebrows.


Gu Fei sighed and shook his head. Then he didn't say anything, but sat down cross-legged, with a nine-day star sword stuck in the ground in front of him.

I saw that he grabbed the Nine Sky Stars Sword, and then slammed his backhand sword on his chest.


When Laogui and the others saw this scene, the surprise was really extraordinary.

"Haha, Gu Fei, are you going to commit suicide?"

The incarnation of the great ancestor in the sky laughed.


Gu Fei smiled and didn't say anything. This sword pierced his breastbone directly, and then the eternal blood was absorbed by the Nine Heavens Star Sword.


In the next moment, the Nine Heavens Stars Sword, which had absorbed Gu Fei's eternal true blood, exploded fiercely with unprecedented power fluctuations.

As if a supreme eternal supreme had awakened, with a sound of "Om!", the Nine Heavens Stars Sword flew directly from Gu Fei's body.


The whole world shook violently, and the endless eternal power erupted from the Nine Sky Stars Sword, directly blocking the magic picture that was suppressed.


At this moment, the incarnation of the ancestor Great Demon sitting in the eyes of the Super Demon Array was dumbfounded, and he never expected such a thing.

"You are underestimating the Ji Dao Qi."

Gu Fei said coldly, at this moment, his face was as pale as paper, and the Nine Heavens Stars Sword had sucked away most of the eternal true blood contained in his eternal true bone, his vitality was greatly injured!

It directly caused his cultivation level to drop rapidly, and he almost fell from the Quasi-Supreme Realm. His cultivation barely stabilized at the Quasi-Supreme Elementary Stage.

This time, Gu Fei was really bleeding, and if it hadn't been to the point where the mountains were exhausted, he would not have come to this point.

Eternal true blood is extremely precious to him, much more precious than the divine liquid of the immortal ancestral dragon magic medicine. A drop of eternal true blood contains eternal principles, and any supreme master of the extreme path will make great progress in cultivation.

However, now, Gu Fei had to use eternal true blood to completely awaken the Nine Sky Star Sword.

The sword spirit of the Nine Sky Stars Sword actually sleeps most of the time, and it is impossible for ordinary people to awaken the sword spirit of the Nine Sky Stars Sword.

However, the ancestor Great Demon was miscalculating this time. Gu Fei was once the eternal supreme, and the Nine Heavens Star Sword was a Taoist tool he had sacrificed for a lifetime.

Others can't wake up the sword spirit of Nine Sky Stars Sword, but he can.

The Nine Heavens Stars Sword that had absorbed Gu Fei's eternal true blood immediately turned on its firepower, and the Eternal Sword Spirit completely recovered, just like if an eternal supreme awakened from a deep sleep.


Old tortoise, his old uncle, and all the big demons all shivered. This is an existence beyond the realm of the extreme realm.

At the moment when the eternal sword spirit of the Nine Heavens Stars Sword recovered from sleep, the entire celestial realm, and even the entire human realm, were panicked to the extreme.

One sword crushes one world, this is the horror of the eternal Taoist device.


The Nine Sky Stars Sword attacked on its own, directly turning into a dazzling sword light, and a sword split the magic figure in the sky in half.


The Jiutian Xingchen Sword smashed into the world with the Devil Wheel. The next moment, the Nine Heavens Devil Wheel was directly smashed into the sky by the Nine Heavens Stars Sword.

This is a true eternal level power. The current Nine Heavens Stars Sword is unimaginable. The eternal sword light sweeps across the sky and the ground, and the devilish energy covering the whole world has disappeared.

"how is this possible……"

The avatar of the Great Demon, who was sitting in front of her, screamed.

"I said, want to kill me, you don't have this ability."

Gu Frisbee sat on the top of the mountain, his chest still oozing blood, his face became paler.


The incarnation of the great demon was frightened and angry.

Although the Demon Wheel was also an eternal magic weapon, the ancestor Great Demon did not have the ability to revive the Demon Wheel, so he would be unlucky.

"Kill him for me!"

Gu Fei directly ordered Jiutian Xingchen Sword.

At the next moment, the Nine Heavens Stars Sword uttered a sound of swords that rang through the nine days, and then soared into the sky, directly breaking through the heavy demon formation, and a sword smashed the demon shadow sitting in the eyes of the demon formation. Two halves.

The demon shadow formed by the fusion of the remnant thought of the first demon of the ancestor and the divine thought of the great demon of the ancestor immediately dissipated in the void, and was smashed by the sword of nine days stars.

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