Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4489: West Desert Temple

In the battle of the ancestral land of the demon clan, the ancestor demon clan had spent his blood, almost all the cards that could be used were used.

The origin of the super magic array of the ancestor demon clan is not simple, it is the supreme magic array left by the ancestor of the ancestor demon clan, which can refine Jidao Supreme.

The ancestor of the ancestor demon race is the oldest and most powerful demon in the ancestor world, the first demon bred in the ancestor world, and the ancestor of all demons.

The ancestor of the ancestor demon clan has disappeared for endless years, but the supreme magic weapon he left behind is still passed down from generation to generation in the ancestor demon clan.

Back then, when Gu Fei conquered the ancestor Demon Race, they did not use this super magic formation, but now, their supreme magic formation was broken by a sword, to be precise, an eternal divine sword. .


The bright eternal sword light swept across the pitch black void, making a sound of a sharp blade cutting the cloth, and the huge magic figure in the sky was directly split in half.

Then, countless magic lines were dissipating, and collapsed, and the entire super magic array was collapsing, and the horror was extreme.

In particular, the sword light was actually destroying the dead, directly splitting the eyes of the super magic array into two halves, and also the incarnation of the ancestor great demon sitting in the eyes.


At the moment when the Nine Heavens Stars Sword split the incarnation of the ancestor great demon in half, an angry roar was heard somewhere in the primordial forest somewhere in the ancestor world.

In a valley, the devilish spirit is mighty, and all the trees, flowers and plants in the area of ​​thousands of miles have withered.

In the valley, the magic shadow loomed, and in the open space in the middle of the valley, an ancient altar stood impressively, and on that altar, there were nine magic shadows sitting cross-legged.

Each of these nine demon shadows is peerlessly powerful. They are the only remaining nine ancestor-level demon heads among the ancestor demon clan. Each of them has experienced many battles and is a demon among the demon.

On the ancient altar, the ancient magic patterns continue to appear, and each magic pattern is blooming with the most primitive magic light, and the aura of the whole world gathers toward the altar like crazy.

However, at this time, the ancestor Great Demon sitting on the altar and presiding over the formation had a drop of demon blood oozing out of his eyebrows, and numerous cracks appeared on his frontal bones.

The ancestors of the other eight great ancestors of the Demon Race also received a great impact, all coughing up blood.

"how is this possible……"

"That's the supreme killing array left by Master Ancestor!"

"Isn't that guy beaten into reincarnation by the first demon ancestor, cutting off the ultimate cultivation base?"

The Demon Ancestor of the Nine Great Ancestor Demon Race on the altar was shocked to the extreme. At this time, a black hole above the ancient altar began to gradually shrink.

"The passage is about to be closed, I'm not willing!"

The ancestor great demon looked up to the sky and roared, with blood oozing from the corners of his mouth, and his face extremely hideous.

It turned out that the nine great demon ancestors of the ancestor demon clan had opened up the passage between the ancestor world and the heavens by relying on the ancient altar left by the ancestor, so that they could control the super magic array on the ancestor world.

However, no one could have imagined that a battle that was supposed to be inevitable would end in this way.

Just when the black hole in the sky was about to disappear, a sword light fell from the sky, directly splitting the ancestor great demon on the ancient altar into two halves.


The ancestors of the other ancestors of the demon clan saw this scene, and they were immediately frightened.

The ancestors of the Eight Great Ancestors of the Demon Race fled straight away.

Fortunately, that sword light only killed the great ancestor demon, and soared into the sky, rushing into the black hole in the sky at the moment the black hole completely disappeared.

"what is that……"

"Eternal swords?"

The eight ancestors of the first ancestor of the demons were shocked and inexplicable.


At this moment, there was a loud noise, and the black hole in the sky that had originally disappeared reappeared, and a thing shattered into the void, directly rushing into the Ancestral Realm.


The void shook, and a dark roulette was suspended in the void.

This thing is exactly the Demon Wheel of the World, this eternal magic weapon has returned to the ancestor realm on its own, but this is beyond the expectations of the ancestors of the eight ancestor demons.

At this time, in the heavens, where the demon clan ancestors were located, the super magic array was broken, and the entire super magic array was collapsing.

Gu Fei wanted to take away the Demon Wheel, but the eternal magic weapon was broken into the void by himself, and he fled away without a trace.


Gu Fei sighed, that's an eternal magic weapon. If you can get it, your own cultivation level may be able to reach the sky in one step, directly becoming the supreme Supreme.

At this time, the devilish energy that enveloped the entire sky completely dissipated, and the sunlight cast by the heavenly sun shone in.

The countless magic pillars surrounding the demon clan's ancestors have also become dim, and some magic pillars even have cracks.


At this moment, a sword light shattered the void, strangling down from the sky, directly cutting the countless magic pillars outside the Demon Race's ancestral land into two.

Gu Fei opened his mouth and inhaled, the endless demonic energy erupting from which magic pillars gathered toward Gu Fei like crazy and was swallowed by him.


The countless great monsters in the ancestral land of the monster clan were all shocked to see this scene.

"It's actually devouring the most primitive devil energy in this world!"

Laogui's old uncle was standing on another mountain peak and couldn't help being surprised when he saw this scene.

Gu Feiyuan endlessly swallowed the demon energy around him, and he wanted to restore the vitality he had consumed, but the eternal true blood he had consumed was not easy to recover.


Gu Fei's body heard the sound of gusts of wind and thunder, and the primitive demonic energy that he had swallowed was quickly refined by him and turned into his own vitality.


The big monsters in the ancestral land of the monster clan felt that the aura on Gu Fei's body was constantly increasing, and they were all shocked and inexplicably shocked. This Gu Fei is really amazing!

The super magic array collapsed, and the original demon energy released was extremely large. These demon energy was even more terrifying than poisonous to most people.

Even if the general quasi-sages are contaminated by this kind of devilish energy, they will be in big trouble, not to mention those holy ones, they will die!

Gu Fei swallowed all day and night before swallowing all the magic energy released after the collapse of the Super Magic Array.

An Excalibur was inserted on the ground in front of Gu Fei.


Gu Fei suddenly shook his body, and the next moment, a powerful wave of power immediately burst out of him, and there were spatial ripples visible to the naked eye in the surrounding void.

"Is it just restored to the quasi supreme mid-level?"

Gu Fei sensed the strength in his body, and couldn't help smiling bitterly. In fact, it was not easy for his cultivation to be restored to the mid-level quasi-superior realm.

He stood up directly from the ground, and then swiped the Nine Heavens Stars Sword with his right hand on the ground and immediately flew up, sinking into his sleeve.

The catastrophe of Yaozu's ancestral land was resolved by Gu Fei.

At this time, the big monsters in the ancestral land of the monster clan felt a sense of immortality.

"Gu Fei can't die like this?"

Somewhere in the heavens, in the middle of a hidden place, a group of people were very disappointed when they got the news of the defeat of the ancestor Demon Clan. They thought that Gu Fei was doomed this time.

Who thinks, this Gu Fei is simply an immortal Xiaoqiang, even the powerful power of the ancestor Demon Race can't kill him.

The powerhouses in the heavens and the human world didn't know that the Nine Heavens Stars Sword actually slashed the ancestor great demon of the ancestor world with one sword.

That was the ancestor of the ancestor Demon Race of the Extreme Dao level, just like that.

"Go contact those people, take advantage of this Gu Fei's weakness, and see if there is a chance to kill him."

An old man gritted his teeth and said that they had a great hatred with Gu Fei, and they wanted to break Gu Fei's body into pieces.

"it is good!"

A middle-aged strong man took the order and left directly.

"When the true body of the Proterozoic Emperor comes, Gu Fei and Laogui will die."

The old man said bitterly.

The remnants of the ancient Yuan Dynasty were about to move, and the descendants of the sky demon also appeared again.

There is also a lot of grievances between the Buddhism, the monster race and the Buddhism. The Buddhism has surrendered many big monsters and named these big monsters as demon gods for them to drive.

Back then, after an incarnation of the ancient Buddha entered the heaven, it disappeared and disappeared.

However, the Buddhism in the West Desert of the Celestial Realm has re-entered the world in recent hundreds of years after being hidden from the world. The ancient temples that disappeared, and the Buddha realm reappeared.

Everyone knows that the Buddhism in West Desert is not easy to provoke.

It was when the great figures of the Ancestral Realm swept across the heavens, they also encountered hard stubble in West Desert, and even the strongest of the Ancestral Realm fell to the West Desert.

Someone saw the great monk Fatian appear in Ximo, and the young monk Fanxiu also appeared in the ancient Xilin temple, as if looking for something.

Even the incarnation of the ancient Buddha who had disappeared for a long time also appeared, walking on the land of West Desert, and wherever he passed, countless Buddhist masters surrendered.

Laogui and Fanxiu's little monk are deadly rivals. When Laogui learned that Fanxiu's little monk had appeared in West Desert, he left the demon clan ancestral land and went to West Desert.

Gu Fei also followed. He was still very interested in the area of ​​West Desert. The most interesting things were those Buddhist artifacts of the eternal Buddha.

Throughout the ages, the Lord Buddha has practiced many Jidao Buddhist artifacts throughout his life. He is the rare one who possesses so many self-cultivating Jidao Buddhist artifacts throughout the ages.

Back then, the incarnation of the ancient Buddha master took away the three great Buddhist artifacts from Gu Fei's hands.

Today, he will meet the incarnation of the ancient Buddha for a while again.

"This is the ancient Xilin Temple?"

Laogui and Gu Fei came to the west desert of the heaven at the same time, and appeared in front of the ancient Xilin Temple.

I saw that this ancient temple gave people a feeling of incomparably longevity and vicissitudes, just as Henggu had already existed, and the ruthless years could not obliterate this ancient temple.

Just when the old turtle was about to rush in, the closed door of the Xilin Temple suddenly opened, and a little monk with white teeth and red lips came out.

The little monk came to Laogui, and then handed a piece of jade slip to Laogui.

"what the hell?"

The old turtle took the jade slip, and the next moment his face turned red with anger.

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