Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4497: Peerless evil

The West Desert of the Heaven Realm has attracted the attention of countless experts.

The sealing power of Wanfo Mountain, the sacred mountain of Ximo Buddhism, was weakened to the extreme by some force, and cracks appeared. Through the cracks on Wanfo Mountain, people outside could even see the contiguous palaces inside.

The palace of the ancient Buddha is naturally extraordinary, and there are other things inside Wanfoshan.

Almost all the powerhouses in the heavens are eyeing Wanfoshan.


In the depths of the western purgatory, a demon city that exudes endless evil aura rose directly from the ground, and the huge demon city shook the world and rushed directly out of the purgatory.

At the same time, in other places in the extreme west purgatory, there are also magic cities rising into the sky, with endless killing intent, to kill the Buddha city outside the purgatory.

Endless black energy swept out from purgatory, covering the sky and the earth.

Amidst the black air, the sound of ghost crying and howling came. This is the sound of demons. If a mortal hears it, it will be frightened. Even a cultivator will die.


The Buddha city outside the purgatory shook suddenly, and Buddha lines suddenly appeared on the city body, and the Buddha lines intertwined into Buddha seals and rushed out of the city body.

Numerous Buddha seals formed a super large net, blocking the black air that swept out of purgatory.

The big net made up of golden Buddha seals not only blocked the monstrous black energy, but also blocked the exit of the extreme west purgatory, blocking countless purgatory creatures who wanted to rush out of purgatory.


Amidst the black air, huge figures are looming, and the terrifying and hideous purgatory creatures roar.


With a loud noise, I saw a huge claw directly stretched out from the black air and slapped it on the big golden net, but the next moment, the Buddha's power on the big golden net broke out and directly shook the big claw back.


There was another muffled noise, and a hill-like purgatory creature actually hit the golden legal net with one head.

However, the result was the same. The Buddha's magic drop net flew away directly, rolling and crashing into the black energy.

"What to do, those real masters of purgatory are coming out soon."

On the wall of the Buddha City, a group of Buddhist soldiers appeared. The leader was a monk wearing a white robe and a gold ring hanging around his neck.

"Immediately send a letter to the holy mountain."

The middle-aged monk stared at the golden light Buddha net ahead and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, big brother!"

A young monk beside the middle-aged monk quickly took the order and turned away.

Soon, a letter of fire rushed out of the Buddha City and disappeared at the end of the sky.

However, just as the Buddha City sent a letter of fire for help, a huge black shadow appeared in the golden light Buddha net, and the endless black energy immediately gathered towards the black shadow like crazy.

The black energy gradually became thinner, and a magic city that was much larger than the mountains appeared between the heaven and the earth, and the magic city exudes endless fierce aura.

"Drive me!"

A powerful wave of divine thoughts spread from the Demon City of Purgatory, and the next moment, the entire Demon City of Purgatory directly hit the Golden Light Buddha Net.


The Demon City of Purgatory directly hit the Golden Light Buddha Net.

The huge golden light Buddha light immediately shook violently, countless magic patterns bloomed with dazzling Buddha light, and the Buddha net actually blocked the collision of the Purgatory Demon City.

Moreover, the Buddha's light on the Golden Light Buddha network was gathering, and a huge Buddha phantom appeared in the world. I saw this Buddha phantom directly stretched out his right hand to shoot toward the purgatory city.


As if the entire world was shrouded in the palm of a Buddha, the Devil City of Purgatory, which was bigger than a mountain, was as weak as an ant under the palm of a Buddha.


With a loud noise, the Demon City of Purgatory was slapped and flew away by the palm of the Buddha.

While shooting the Purgatory Demon City, the huge phantom of the Buddha immediately dissipated in the void, turned into a little Buddha light, and returned to the Golden Light Buddha Net.

"Haha, Xuchen, are you shriveled?"

At this moment, there was a loud laughter, and another Devil City of Purgatory appeared nearby, and a huge magical shadow appeared above the Devil City, looking up to the sky and laughing, as if very happy.

"Wu Shang, you have the ability to do it, so don't talk cold words here."

At this moment, the Demon City of Purgatory that was blasted off by the Buddha's palm rushed back from a distance. The blow of the Buddha's palm seemed extremely powerful, but in fact it did not cause any damage to the City.

"Haha, okay, the purgatory master will tell you today to see what the purgatory master is capable of." The purgatory master named Wushang laughed and shot.

Nine drops of red liquid rushed out of Wushang Purgatory City. The next moment, those nine drops of **** liquid exploded at the same time, turning into a monstrous wave of blood and swept toward the golden light Buddha net.

A strong smell of blood permeated.

"Purgatory blood sea?"

The shadow of Xuchen Purgatory Master appeared on the head of the city, and when he saw the nine drops of blood transform into a sea of ​​blood, he was a little moved.

"You guy actually refined the blood sea of ​​purgatory? How could it be possible!"

Xuchen Purgatory Master said in surprise.


The Lord of Wushang Purgatory just laughed twice and didn't say anything.

At this time, I saw the sea of ​​blood melted by the nine drops of blood directly pounced on the Golden Light Buddha Net, and the next moment, the Buddha seal on the Golden Light Buddha Net became dim.


When the Xuchen Purgatory saw this, he was taken aback again. It seems that this purgatory blood sea can deal with the Golden Light Buddha Net of Buddhism!

Because of the existence of the Golden Light Buddha Net, it is impossible for the purgatory creatures of Jixi Purgatory to go out. If this waits for the Jixi Purgatory to be sealed.

Ximo Buddhism used his own power to seal the Western Purgatory, but it was also quite remarkable.

You know, in the extreme west purgatory, there are seven great purgatory masters, and each purgatory master can compete with the quasi-supreme outside.

Soon, a big hole was corroded by the blood of Purgatory on the Golden Light Buddha Internet.


On the head of the Buddha City outside the Buddha Net, all the Buddhist disciples who saw this scene changed their faces.

All the Buddhism disciples in the Buddha City are very clear that once the purgatory creatures in the purgatory rush out of the purgatory, the countless creatures in West Desert will suffer.

"Haha...Xuchen, I'm going one step ahead."

The Wushang Purgatory Lord laughed and drove the Demon City of Purgatory and rushed out of the big hole on the Golden Light Buddha Net.

As soon as the Purgatory Demon City came out of Purgatory, the endless black evil spirit instantly shrouded the entire western desert region in darkness as if 100,000 volcanoes erupted at the same time.

"That is……"

The endless evil aura came from the west, Gu Fei and Laogui near Wanfo Mountain couldn't help frowning.

"It's not a pure demon, but it's also a peerless fierce, fierce and evil." Gu Fei said intently, looking towards the west.


Old Turtle seemed to have thought of something, his face changed.

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