Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4498: The golden Buddha fights the fierce

Heaven, West Desert, is a unique place. It was originally a barren land with thin aura, but after Buddhism's transformation, it turned into a Buddhist land.

However, the extreme west is extremely dangerous, and the West Desert Buddha Land has just suppressed those evils in the extreme west.

To the west of West Desert is the extreme west. Wherever it is shrouded in darkness all the year round, even the sun from the sky cannot enter it. There is purgatory, a terrible purgatory.

When the great powers of the Ancestral Realm fought the Quartet, they stopped at West Desert.

Those guys in the Ancestral Realm obviously saw the power of it. West Desert is not simple, and the Purgatory of the West is even more difficult. It is a peerless and fierce land.

"Could it be that those guys in Jixi Purgatory came out?"

At this time, the old tortoise looked towards the west with a look of shock.

He is the co-master of the demon race in the heavens, and he naturally knows what is in the extreme west, that is the purgatory that has existed for endless years, the horrible purgatory.

Purgatory creatures are extremely powerful, and sometimes these purgatory creatures are even more terrifying than demons.

"Extreme West Purgatory?"

Gu Fei was also a little moved when he heard the words, purgatory, that is a place even more terrifying than hell, where the creatures are extremely ferocious and bloodthirsty.

If the big culprit inside runs out, it will definitely be the master of the whole heavenly realm. When that happens, the whole heavenly realm will have no peace forever, and the souls will be wiped out.

"Buddhism used its own power to control the Western Purgatory, and it has to be admirable!"

The old turtle, who has always been rebellious, also sighed.


At this time, Wanfo Mountain was still shaking, and the mountain was still cracking and cracking, and the entire sacred mountain seemed to be broken at any time.

However, no one dared to step forward wherever the golden Buddha was guarding.

The light of the Buddha erupted from the top of Wanfo Mountain became more and more shining. In the void, the sound of chanting faintly sounded, as if there is a supreme Buddha preaching.

When the Sanskrit Buddha sang, the aura of peace between heaven and earth instantly doubled, and the entire West Desert Buddha Land seemed to have turned into a real Buddha country.

Under the shroud of Buddha's light, all Buddhist disciples felt that their cultivation level seemed to be constantly improving.



A loud noise was accompanied by a frantic laughter, and a black air came from the extreme west, but in a blink of an eye the black air enveloped half of the sky.

"this is……"

Everyone felt the terrifying and fierce aura that came out of the black air, and the peerless fierceness had arrived.

"How is it possible that this evil spirit can break through the Golden Light Buddha Net?"

The golden Buddha standing in front of Wanfoshan was very surprised.

"Hey, is very good?"

An extremely proud voice came from the black air.

"The devil is crazy!"

The golden body Dao Zun said, he directly formed the Buddha seal with his hands and blasted towards the black energy, and saw that where the Buddha seal passed, the fierce and evil auras disappeared invisible.


There was a disdainful sneer from the black air.

Then, the endless evil spirit was mighty, turned into a huge black hand and greeted the printed Buddha seal.


With a loud noise, the two forces collided together in an instant, and the two forces turned into a powerful storm of destruction, rushing out in all directions.

The void oscillated, and ripples visible to the naked eye spread out, like water waves.

The black energy was partially dissipated by the blow of the golden Buddha, and a huge magic city appeared in front of everyone, revealing a monstrous ferocious aura.

"Sure enough, the big murderers in the extreme west have really come out."

Seeing this scene, Laogui said in surprise.

"Let's just watch the play by the side."

Gu Fei shrugged and said disapprovingly.

The old turtle was speechless when he heard this.

"Golden Buddha?"

In the magic city, a powerful wave of divine consciousness came out, and a figure appeared in the sky above the magic city. The vague figure gave out a terrifying aura.

"Wushang, you are the Lord of Wushang Purgatory?"

The golden Buddha stared at the figure with an extremely solemn expression.

"Haha, I didn't expect anyone in this world to know of my existence." The shadow said with a big smile.

At this moment, there was another loud noise in the direction of the Extreme West, and another black air rushed out from the Extreme West and immediately enveloped most of the sky.

"Xuchen, you are too useless, are you coming out now?"

The Lord of Wushang Purgatory said loudly.

"Wu Shang, you bastard!"

The Xuchen Purgatory Master directly yelled at the Wushang Purgatory Master. After breaking through the Golden Light Buddha's net with the blood of Purgatory, this guy strayed directly.

But he was directly stopped by the Buddhist monks in the Buddha City and fought a battle. Although he killed those guys, he also lost several purgatory powerhouses.

"Haha, looking at your annoyed and depraved look, are you crippled?"

The Lord of Wushang Purgatory was happy.

"Damn it!"

The Xuchen Purgatory Lord is almost crazy, but at this time, it is not the time to find the Wushang Purgatory Lord to settle accounts.

"You two go together!"

The golden Buddha statue put his hands together and said calmly, only to see Buddha lines appearing on his body.

At this time, the golden Buddha seemed to be integrated with the entire Ten Thousand Buddha Mountain. With every gesture, it can shatter the void of heaven and earth, with supreme power.

"Don't be ashamed!"

The Lord of Wushang Purgatory sneered, rushed out of the magic city directly, and blasted towards the golden Buddha with a punch.

The fierce power that was violent to the extreme erupted directly from the fist of the Wushang Purgatory Master, and the surrounding void immediately burst into cracks.

"One punch moves the world, this great murderer in the Western Purgatory seems to have some ability!"

Gu Fei couldn't help nodding when he saw this scene.

"It's not just that simple?"

Old Turtle glanced at Gu Fei and said.

"Buddha moves the universe!"

The body of the golden Buddha suddenly exploded with endless Buddha light. In the Buddha light, a golden Buddha hand directly slapped towards the Wushang Purgatory Lord who had attacked and killed.


With another loud noise, the Buddha's hand of the golden Buddha and the magic fist of the Wushang Purgatory instantly collided, and the two figures flew out upside down.

However, the two powerhouses immediately rushed together and moved quickly in the void, fighting endless battles.

The terrifying and fierce aura erupted from the Wushang Purgatory Master's body, which actually dispelled the surrounding Buddha's light, which surprised everyone.

"Where did these guys come out?"

In the ancestor world, Ye Beichen, the supreme king of the Ye family, appeared above the sky. He held his hands and watched all this with cold eyes.

He is the supreme king, even in the heavens, he cannot use the power of the supreme power, but he still has a supreme king-level Tao body that is extremely powerful.

Moreover, the Ye Family's methods are unimaginable.

However, the powerhouse of the heavens was shocked to the extreme at this time, and the Western Purgatory was no stranger to the powerhouses of the heavens.

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