Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4500: Do it yourself

The Hong Family of the Ancestral Realm, in the Ancestral Realm, is actually not a top-notch power, even if it is compared with the Mu clan that was destroyed by Gu Fei, the Li clan who was beaten by Gu Fei to lose their temper is still a lot worse.

However, the Hong Family's physical training technique is unique in the ancestor realm, and it can become supreme in the flesh and invincible by practicing to the peak realm.

However, there will never be more than three people in the entire Hong Family who can practice the Hong Family's physical exercises to the extreme.

And this Hong Tiantu was the most hopeful existence in the Hong family.

This Hong Tiantu was so strong that he moved a sledgehammer and directly exploded into the void, blasting away the golden eagle Buddha, one of the three Buddhist masters in the West Desert.


The other powerhouses of the West Desert Buddhist School were shocked and inexplicable when they saw this scene. You know, that is the Golden Eagle Buddha Lord, a generation of Buddha Lord, representing the strongest combat power of the West Desert Buddhist School.

At this time, the peerless great Wushang Wushang and the golden Buddha slammed into the depths of the starry sky, and the Wushang purgatory master and the devil city were united, and the fighting power was so powerful that they faintly suppressed the golden Buddha.

"Hey, if the golden Buddha statue is defeated, Ximo Buddhism will be over."

Some are gloating.

The seal of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace is still weakening, the mountains of Ten Thousand Buddhas Mountain are constantly cracking, and countless Buddha patterns gradually become dim and then disappear.

There is a powerful force in the mountain that is constantly awakening.

Obviously, the interior of Wanfoshan is definitely more than simply sealing a Wanfo Palace.

Many strong people watching nearby are all staring at Wanfo Mountain, and the power of the seal is weakening. If the legendary undead golden Buddha tree rushes out, they will immediately take action.

The undead golden Buddha tree had the ability to fly to the sky and escape the earth. This kind of undead tree had so-so abilities, but the ability to escape for life was unmatched.

The undead golden Buddha tree, even if it is the supreme Supreme, will be jealous, let alone the supreme supreme?

Moreover, among the people who came, in addition to Quasi-Supreme, there are real Extreme-Dao Supremacy, as long as they hide well and self-seal the power of Extreme-Dao-level, heavenly punishment will not come.

Of course, it is also dangerous for the true Supreme Dao Supreme to appear in the heavens. If it is accidentally killed by a quasi Supreme-level powerhouse, it is really unlucky to the extreme.


At this time, that Hong Tiantu roared and danced the sledgehammer in his hand, smashing it madly towards the Golden Eagle Buddha.

Hong Tiantu's power is infinite, because he has practiced the Hong Family Body Refining Technique, his strength and physique are in the quasi-supreme realm, and few people can match it.

The Golden Eagle Buddha did not confront Hong Tiantu at all, because he knew very well that he was far behind this big man in comparison with his strength, and confronted him head-on, which was no different from looking for death.


The golden eagle Buddha's wings shook, and immediately turned into a golden light and avoided it.


Hong Tiantu's hammer blasted into the void, directly exploding the void there, and a huge black hole appeared between the sky and the earth.


At the same time, the golden eagle Buddha's wings vibrated, and golden lights rushed directly out of his wings, clanging loudly.

Those golden Buddha lights directly turned into terrifying sword lights, and every sword light cut through the void of heaven and earth, and went directly to Hongtiantu Cave.

"Haha! Do you only have this ability?"

Hong Tiantu didn't take any action to block the sword light that penetrated through the hole, and let the sword light hit himself. The next moment, the sword light broke directly.


The Golden Eagle Buddha saw this scene and couldn't help being shocked. Every sword light he shot was enough to cut down the stars in the sky and break through the incomparably stable void of the heavens.

However, such a powerful sword light could not break Hong Tiantu's defense, even his skin could not be cut.

"What a strong Dao body, how does it compare to you?"

Laogui asked Gu Fei.

"Cut, it's not comparable to me."

Gu Fei said disapprovingly.

The Hong Family's physical training technique, even if it was cultivated to the extreme, was to cultivate to the extreme Dao body, but his Dao body surpassed the extreme Dao.

"Hehe, just pretend, or you go and compete with that guy?"

The old turtle glanced at Gu Fei and said, he actually didn't know that Gu Fei had surpassed the extreme path in the Ancestral Realm and became the eternal supreme.

If it hadn't been for a battle with the first demon of the ancestor, and being beaten into reincarnation with his life by that guy, and cut off his cultivation base, Gu Fei would have long been the eternal supreme of freedom.

"Do you want me to shoot?"

Looking at the old turtle, Gu Fei suddenly showed a wicked smile.

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

The old turtle was taken aback, and instantly retreated thousands of miles away.

"You guy, you slipped very fast."

Gu Fei shook his head.


At this moment, a loud noise came from the sky.

Gu Fei looked up and saw a golden figure directly falling from the starry sky, like a golden star, descending from the sky and rushing down towards the West Desert.


A magic city followed the golden figure and killed it, wherever it passed, the void was directly shattered and annihilated, terrifying to the extreme.

The monstrous ferocious aura swept across ten directions, the surrounding stars continued to explode, and the magic city showed the terrifying power of destroying the world.


Those powerhouses who were watching the battle were a little surprised. The Lord of Purgatory in the Extreme West was really powerful, and he could defeat the golden Buddha of Ximo Buddhism?

The golden Buddha is definitely the most powerful existence in Ximo Buddhism, and can compete with the quasi-supreme.

"The Dharma is boundless!"

At this moment, an old voice suddenly came from the top of Wanfo Mountain. The next moment, a blade of light shot up from the top of Wanfo Mountain and slashed towards the suppressed magic city in the sky.

I saw the blade of light rushing for thousands of miles, as if it had cut the entire world in half with a single knife.

"this is……"

Gu Fei sensed a familiar breath.

"Buddha sword?"

Gu Fei frowned. The three Jidao Buddhist artifacts that were taken away in the past seemed to be in Wanfoshan. Now the Buddha sword has appeared. This is a Jidao Buddhist artifact, peerlessly powerful.

Of course, in the heavens, it is impossible to have extreme Dao-level power, but this sword's power can not be borne by anyone.

"Haha, even if it's an eternal Buddha master, I'm not afraid, let alone an incarnation?"

From the magic city that was killed from the sky town, there was a loud laughter of incomparable purgatory advocates, and the entire magic city was an infinite Taoist tool.

Back then, it was the eternal Buddha Lord who personally took the initiative to seal the seven evil spirits that have troubled the heavens into the Western Purgatory, endless years have passed, these seven evil spirits have become the current Seven Great Purgatory Lords of the Western World.

Amidst everyone's shocked eyes, the Buddha's sword shot up into the sky and slashed fiercely on the devil city that was down.

The ancient magic city, I don’t know how many years it has existed. Each of them is a supreme Taoist weapon, and is the greatest support of the purgatory master. Only when the purgatory master and the magic city are united can the greatest combat power erupt.


With a loud noise, the demon city that was descending from the killing was blocked, and the fierce aura that descended from the demon city was directly broken by the light of the sword and dissipated into the void.

The Buddha's light dissipated, and a huge Buddha sword appeared above the magic city.

The fierce power is too strong, I saw that the Wushang Purgatory master actually grabbed the huge Buddha sword with one hand.

"Human city is one, the world is invincible, break it to me!"

Wushang roared, and the whole magic city gathered the power of endless years and was directly attracted by him, and then gathered towards his hand holding the Buddha sword.


The Buddha sword that was horizontal in the sky shattered directly.

"Grab the Buddha knife?"

Gu Fei was a little moved, this extremely western purgatory master really has some abilities, and the unity of human and city can burst out such a powerful combat power.

These guys are not afraid of incurring punishment?

Just when Gu Fei thought of this, thunderous sounds were heard from the depths of the sky, and a terrifying force of destruction fell from the depths of the sky.

Under this destructive aura, the whole world was panicked.

Even those quasi-supreme, powerful people from the ancestor world felt a panic, and the destructive power that fell from above the sky could threaten them.

Especially the quasi-supreme who crossed the boundary from the ancestor realm, and even those that have sealed the cultivation of the utmost dao, all felt a great threat.

"This world has the power to kill the Supreme Dao, and it really is true."

Only then did the powerful people who came across from the ancestor realm really see this world's power that can destroy the Supreme Dao.

"I thought that kind of power didn't exist, but I didn't expect it..."

Ye Beichen of the ancestor realm Ye Family looked up to the sky, his expression changed a little bit complicated, he was the Supreme King, but at this time, he discovered that this world actually has such power.

Ye Beichen believed that even if he unlocked the seal and showed his strongest combat power, he would not survive under this power.

At this moment, a big hand suddenly stretched out from the top of Wanfo Mountain, and saw this big hand grabbing in the void, and countless Buddha lights gathered from all directions and turned into a Buddha sword.


Everyone was a little dumbfounded, the Buddha sword that was originally grabbed to pieces by the Wushang Purgatory Lord was reorganized, and it was intact.

"That is the supreme Buddha artifact refined by the ancient Buddha, how can it be destroyed so easily?"

Gu Fei muttered to himself that even if he wanted to destroy the Dao Dao artifacts, he would have to restore the cultivation base to the Dao Dao. However, the current power of the Wushang Purgatory seemed to have exceeded the red line allowed by Heaven's Punishment.


At this time, a wave of Destroying Lights fell from the depths of the sky, and the Destroying Lights directly bombarded the Demon City.

"Haha... come on, I want to see what kind of punishment can do to me." Wushang Purgatory laughed wildly, he didn't put the power of the punishment in his eyes.

However, the next moment, he couldn't laugh.

I saw the destruction of electric lights blasting on the magic city, and they directly hit large holes. The immortal magic city that has existed for endless years can't stop these electric lights.

"how is this possible……"

The face of Wushang Purgatory Lord changed wildly.

"Do it yourself!"

Gu Fei looked up at the magic city in the sky, and shook his head helplessly.

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