Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4501: Blast this Wanfoshan

The Lord of Wushang Purgatory actually dared to challenge Heaven's Punishment. This shocked everyone to the extreme. Everyone couldn't believe it. You know, Heavenly Punishment, what does it mean for the supreme beings in the heaven and earth world? It means death!

No one dared to challenge Heaven's Punishment, except Laogui, but that time, Laogui didn't challenge Heaven's Punishment by relying on his own power.

And the price of challenging Heaven Punishment is too great. If Laogui had a chance to choose once, he would probably not challenge Heaven Punishment.


The earth-shaking loud noise overwhelmed all the sounds, and the destruction electric light falling from the depths of the sky directly blasted into the magic city in the sky.

Every electric light hit the magic city, leaving a huge hole in the wall.

Even if the magic city had gathered the power of endless years, at this time, it seemed that it could not withstand a single blow. Soon, the whole magic city was battered by Heaven's Punishment Lightning.


I saw an electric light fall, and a bone dragon rushing out of the magic city turned into fly ash. This evil spirit is very strong, and it has almost the supreme cultivation base.

However, under the light of heaven's punishment and thunder, he couldn't hold up even a breath, and was directly blasted into an ashes.


The Lord of Wushang Purgatory roared, and saw that he desperately aroused the power of the magic city, wanting to fight against the punishment.

However, all this was in vain. He could only watch his subordinates be destroyed by the power of heaven's punishment, but he was powerless.

"How could it be so strong!"

The Lord of Wushang Purgatory was dishevelled, and he looked like crazy. At this time, his intestines were full of regrets, and he should not be so arrogant that he could contend with the punishment of God!

However, there is no regret in this world.


An electric light suddenly fell from the sky and directly hit the Wushang Purgatory Master. The Wushang Purgatory Master fell directly from the sky to the city and hit the City Lord's Mansion.


The huge City Lord's Mansion was directly exploded, and it was actually destroyed by Wushang Purgatory Lord.

The countless evil spirits in the city lord's mansion were also killed and injured in an instant. Some evil spirits rushed out by chance, but in the next moment, they were directly bombarded and killed by the heavenly punishment thunder light from the sky.


The Lord of Wushang Purgatory soared into the sky, and saw that his left body had disappeared, his wound was blackened, and he was still smoking.

Everyone was shocked to the extreme when they saw this scene, especially the Xuchen Purgatory Lord, no one knew the power and horror of Wushang Purgatory better than him.

The Wushang Purgatory Lord is among the seven great Purgatory Lords in the Western Purgatory, and it is definitely the first three. The first three, even the Xuchen Purgatory Lord asks himself that he is not his opponent.

However, under the punishment of heaven, such a powerful Purgatory Master of Wushang did not even have the ability to fight back, and was abused by the punishment of heaven as a dog.

"Do it yourself!"

Gu Fei shook his head and said, he didn't dare to contend with the power of Heaven's Punishment. This purgatory master was so arrogant that he ignored Heaven's Punishment, and he was really overpowered.

"This guy is not saved."

Old tortoise came to Gu Fei's side and said gleefully that the purgatory masters in the Western Purgatory were all peerless big culprits. Although they were not as big as the big culprits of the past, they were not much different.

Moreover, there are seven great purgatory masters in the extreme west purgatory, and if seven of them go together, even the eternally fierce Xuanhuang will escape.

The seven major evils of Purgatory are all existences that can compete with the Supreme Dao Supreme, and the unity of the human city can burst out the supreme combat power of the Extreme Dao level.

That ancient Buddha master was able to seal the seven great evil spirits in the extreme west purgatory with his own power, which is really remarkable.

Because it is absolutely impossible for the general Extreme Supreme to do it, even the Supreme King can't do it, Ye Beichen of the Ye Family of the ancestor realm is nearby.

He asked himself to face the current Wushang Purgatory Lord, I am afraid it will only be a tie. If you want to tell the victory, then you have to live and die, and it is hard to say who lives and die.

"Unexpectedly, there are guys of this level in this world."

Ye Beichen muttered, since he came across the boundary and entered this world, he has vaguely felt the difference between this world and the world.

In his eyes, the resources of this upper-class world are considerable. With the strength of the Ye Family's family, it is impossible to eat all of them. It is not like those wild worlds.

The creatures here know how to cultivate, and they have given birth to a lot of supreme sages.

Moreover, leading Ye Beichen was surprised that there seemed to be a lot of secrets in this world, and in some places, it could even swallow the strongest of the Ancestral Realm.

There is also a force that envelopes the entire world, which is called "Heaven's Punishment" by the people of this world. The power of Heaven's Punishment can kill the Supreme.

Ye Beichen originally didn't believe it, thinking that people in this world were exaggerating, but now it seems that the power of punishment on this day is really terrifying, and people in this world are not exaggerating.

The power displayed by the power of Heaven's Punishment shocked Ye Beichen. This was a powerful force that even he himself couldn't compete with.

"This power, according to my estimation, I am afraid that only our ancestors can contend with it! Perhaps the existence of the extreme secret realm can also contend, but the extreme secret realm, even in the ancestor realm, is rare. Exist, and those guys don't have time to take care of other things, they are all eager to take that step."

Ye Beichen said to himself.

He is the Supreme King and a genius cultivated by the Ye Family. He naturally knows a lot of the secrets of the Ancestral Realm.

Ye Qingtian, the ancestor of the Ye family, also liked his younger generation very much.

Ye Qingtian has embarked on an alternative path to eternity. Ye Beichen knew about the existence of the eternal realm. He also knew very well that the supreme existence of the extreme secret realm wanted to achieve eternity.

It is impossible for this supreme existence to come across borders and enter this world.

Therefore, in the eyes of Ye Beichen, the power of Heaven's Punishment in this world is invincible. Of course, he doesn't think that this world has the existence of the extreme secret realm level.


At this time, the Lord of Wushang Purgatory was already riding a tiger. He could only fight the power of Heaven's Punishment, but he had already guessed the result of fighting the Heaven's Punishment.


The magic city shook, and countless murderous power burst out from the magic city, sweeping through the sky, and the destruction light from the sky was actually blocked.

The Taoist body of Wushang Purgatory has also been completely restored.

"This guy……"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and inexplicable. The combat power of this extremely western purgatory master was too terrifying. If it weren't for the existence of the power of Heaven's Punishment, this guy would probably be able to sweep the entire heaven with his own power.

At this time, many strong people came.

A dragon roar resounding throughout the world came, and saw a dragon shadow that was larger than a mountain rushing through the clouds from the distance, and stopped in the sky thousands of miles away from the violent mountain.

The dragon shadow dissipated, and a figure appeared in the void.

"It's him?"

Gu Fei couldn't help but his eyes brightened when he saw someone. This guy was exactly one of his opponents back then, the blue dragon of the Qinglong clan, one of the four great saints in the Southern Wilderness of the world.

The Azure Dragon back then could compete with Gu Fei, and his cultivation base would naturally not be weakened there.

But today, Gu Fei could see at a glance that this Azure Dragon had also been cultivated into Quasi-Supreme, this guy was also remarkable, but compared to himself, it was far behind.

You know, if you hadn't been beaten into reincarnation by the madman, the first demon of the ancestor, you would have been truly invincible eternal supreme.

Even if he re-cultivation, starting from scratch, he has already cultivated to the quasi-supreme state.

"Gu Fei?"

When Qinglong saw Gu Fei, he couldn't help being startled. The next moment, his eyes were shining brighter than the stars in the sky.

"This guy……"

Gu Fei couldn't help but shook his head secretly. As soon as he saw him, Qinglong burst into battle. Does this guy want to fight with himself?

At this moment, another figure appeared in Yuankong. It was an extremely powerful figure. The aura from its body made the void around it constantly vibrated, continuously cracking into space cracks.

"Gold Winged Little Peng Emperor?"

Gu Fei saw another acquaintance.

Like Qinglong, the moment the Golden Winged Xiaopeng Emperor saw Gu Fei, his boundless fighting spirit broke out.

"Hey, I said brother, you seem to have a lot of enemies!"

The old turtle touched Gu Fei and said.

"Not an enemy!"

Gu Fei shook his head and said, whether it was the Golden Winged Xiaopeng Emperor or Qinglong, he did not regard them as enemies. These two people were just opponents he encountered on the road of cultivation.

Of course, Gu Fei asked himself whether his enemies were in the heavenly realm or the human realm.

Ancient remnants, descendants of the sky demon, and the demons, etc., these are Gu Fei's enemies. When the enemies meet, it is necessary to meet life and death, but when the opponents meet, it is not necessarily a life and death duel.

At this time, the top of Wanfoshan suddenly changed, the endless Buddha light from the top of the mountain suddenly disappeared, and two figures appeared on the top of the mountain.

I saw that one of the two was the golden Buddha who was bombarded from the stars by the Wushang Purgatory Lord, and the other was the incarnation of the ancient Buddha.

The two seemed to be in formation, and under their feet was an ancient altar.

"They want to restore the power of the seal!"

Someone exclaimed.

"The seal cannot be restored by them."

Everyone is in a hurry. Once the seal of Wanfoshan is restored, Wanfogong Palace will be sealed again into Wanfoshan, and the undead golden Buddha tree that is said to have been obtained by the ancient Buddha will also be sealed inside.

"Let's go together and break this Wan Foshan."

I don't know who screamed.

In the next moment, a big seal soared into the sky and bombarded directly towards Wanfo Mountain from afar, and a powerful quasi-extreme power fluctuation erupted from this Taoist implement.

"Yes, blast this Wan Foshan."

Someone immediately roared, and then another quasi-sovereign Taoist weapon blasted towards Wanfo Mountain. It was a divine bead, blooming endless divine light like a divine sun, illuminating the whole world.

"Then boom!"

Suddenly, the powerhouses who had been waiting and watching all shot one after another, and the quasi-superior level Taoist weapons blasted away from all directions towards Wanfo Mountain, and the terrifying power fluctuations directly shook the universe.

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