Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4523: Who are the ants?

The Celestial God Race of the Ancestral Realm can be said to be extremely powerful. This time, among the seven Lords of the Celestial Realm, there is a Lord of the Celestial God Race.

This great god, Chi Xiao, is called the Great Chi Xiao.

The Seven Great Lords surrounded the ancestral land of the Demon Race in the heavens, blocking Gu Fei, Laogui and others inside.

This time, they will kill Gu Fei, because everyone knows that Gu Fei is a super evildoer, who has been built into the Eternal Avenue, invincible in the Ancestral Realm, and the heads of the Ancestral Realm are rolling.

If he is allowed to grow up, let him kill the ancestor realm again, and then more people will die.

In fact, the great clans in the Ancestral Realm, no matter whether they have enemies with Gu Fei or not, do not want this peerless fierce to return to the Ancestral Realm again.

However, the major forces in the Ancestral Realm are also very clear that if Gu Fei can't be killed, there will be endless troubles.

That Gu Fei is a peerless murderer, and the Supreme Dao Supreme that died in his hands doesn't know how many there are. If Gu Fei can't be killed this time, the big figures in the Ancestral Realm will not be able to sleep.

Chi Xiao, the lord of the ancestor realm of the Celestial Clan, had just sent two quasi-supreme descendants to rush into the ancestral land of the demon tribe, and the Shanhe Ding suddenly descended from the sky, covering the entire demon tribe’s ancestral land.



The seven great masters were all taken aback. Gu Fei and the others, who they regarded as ants, even had this hand.

"Haha, isn't it just a Dao Dao implement? Want to live with a Dao Dao implement? Just kidding."

Li Huo said with disdain.


The Great Dark Fire directly punched Shanheding.


With a muffled sound, the Shanhe Ding shook violently, and the Dao pattern on the Shanhe Ding was rippling like water waves, dissolving the Great Venerable Underfire.


Great Lord Underfire and the other Lords are a little moved, this extremely Dao device seems a bit unusual!

"Netherfire, haven't you eaten? Can't even an extreme Dao weapon break?"

An imposing purple lord laughed.

"Zi Yuan, what do you mean, you can do it!"

Great Lord Underfire was upset.

This Grand Master Ziyuan had some grudges with him.

"Huh! I'll do it if I come!"

The Great Master Ziyuan walked forward as he said, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed it directly towards Shanheding.


He wanted to mention the big tripod that enveloped the entire Yaozu ancestral land.

"Get me up!"

Grand Master Ziyuan shouted, and the big hand holding Shanhe Ding violently raised it, but Shanhe Ding did not move, and countless Dao patterns appeared on the whole body of the Ding.

The void around Shanheding continued to crumble, and the chaotic energy rushed out.


Grand Master Ziyuan had to be moved, but he couldn't even lift a Dao Dao weapon?

"Haha, Ziyuan, you are so embarrassed to laugh at me, you are not as good as me!" Great Master Minghuo laughed and smiled very happily. It was an incomparable thing for him to watch Great Master Ziyuan collapse. Happy things.


Grand Master Ziyuan was shocked and angry, he desperately urged his divine power, but still couldn't shake the mountain and river tripod.

This mountain and river tripod is extremely mysterious. I don't know who made it by sacrifice, but it has existed for endless years. Legends about it have been spread widely in every age.

However, no one knows whether these legends are true, but many people think that these legends are groundless.

But now, Shanhe Ding showed unimaginable power, and directly controlled this area.


Chi Xiao, the Great Lord of the Celestial Clan, suddenly changed his face.

At this time, the two great celestial gods in the ancestral land of the demon tribe, the quasi-sovereign, were still arrogantly pointing to those big demons in the ancestral land, and did not pay attention to the group of big demon in the ancestral land of the demon tribe.

"Tauren, roll over and die!"

The quasi-superior Chi Lin of the Celestial Clan pointed to the big demon of the Niu Devil clan and said.

"what did you say?"

The big demon of the Bull Demon clan was immediately angry, these two guys are simply owed!

"Hey, you have a good pair of horns, I want it."

Another quasi-supreme Chihu of the Celestial Clan said.

"You two stinky rascals dare to be presumptuous in front of your grandfather Niu. This is the lamp in the latrine, looking for death!"

The big demon of the Cow Demon clan gritted his teeth and said, he stared at the two quasi-supreme of the Celestial God clan, his nostrils were constantly spraying heat.

"What are you doing with so much nonsense with this guy? Just kill it, the ancestor is still outside waiting for us to return to life." Chihu said impatiently.

"Well, let's kill these so-called monsters!"

As Chi Lin spoke, he directly spit out a sword light, strangling towards the big demon of the Niu Demon clan on the opposite side. The powerful sword energy fluctuated violently, and the temperature around the impact was rapidly dropping.

These quasi-supreme from the ancestor realm simply didn't pay attention to the big monster in the ancestral land of the demon clan.

Gu Fei and Laogui had been watching from the sidelines, but didn't make a move.


The big demon of the Bull Demon clan directly slammed forward with a punch.

"Haha, is this guy stupid? He used his fist as my flying sword and wanted to commit suicide?"

Chi Lin laughed.


At this moment, the fist of the big demon of the Bull Demon clan hit the strangling flying sword instantly, and then Chi Lin's smile directly solidified.

The big demon of the Niu Mo clan hit Chi Lin's flying sword with a punch.

It was the other quasi-sovereign red tiger of the Celestial Clan who was surprised to see this scene.

"how is this possible……"

Chihu was stunned. Chi Lin was his senior and his elder brother. No one knew better than him how powerful his brother's flying sword was.

This is a Quasi-Supreme-level Dao implement, and it is a top-level Dao implement. The general Quasi-Supreme Dao implement can't stop this flying sword's sword at all.

Could it be that the fist of this Minotaur is stronger than the top quasi-extreme Dao weapon? How could this low-level world have such a powerful existence?

The flesh is comparable to the top quasi-extreme Taoist implement!

Gu Fei and Laogui smiled when they saw this scene and didn't say anything.

"Haha, this is the strong man from the ancestor world? It seems to be stronger than the ant, and it is nothing great." A white turtle stood up, glancing at the two guys in front with his eyes.

"Hey, it's stupid enough to dare to come to our monster holy land to go wild with this ability."

A middle-aged big demon with a pair of wings on his back sneered.

"This is a **** food delivered to the door. We haven't eaten the gods of the Ancestral Realm yet."

A black golden tiger demon grinned and said, staring at the two quasi-supreme members of the Celestial Clan, his saliva dripped to the ground.

"These guys..."

The two quasi-supreme ancestors of the ancestor realm heaven and **** race were shocked and angry. This was a little different from their imagination. The monster race in this realm seemed not simple.

But, what about this, the ancestor realm is the source of the heavens and all realms, and the ancestors and creatures innately suppressed the creatures of the world.

This is talent.

It is undeniable that this kind of talent is not possessed by the creatures of the heavens and all realms. The creatures of the ancestor realm are qualified and have the confidence to laugh at the creatures of other worlds.

However, this is not absolute.

A piece of sand can turn into heaven and earth, and a blade of grass can turn into a god. The creatures of the lower world may not be better than the creatures of the ancestor world.


Chi Lin roared, his sword glowing like electricity, and strangling towards the big demon of the Niu Devil clan again.

"Kill you!"

The big demon Niu Hui of the Niu Mo clan punched again.


The endless fist strength directly condensed into an ancient barbarian bull rushing forward, the violent power shook the world, shattered the void, and the flying sword that strangled it was directly shattered into the void.

"Hey, vulnerable!"

Niu Hui sneered: "Take me another punch!"

Another ancient savage bull rushed forward, destroying everything it passed, unstoppable.

Chi Lin screamed, and was directly hit by this ancient barbarian bull, and was instantly torn apart, his body shattered, and a soul rushed out.

Seeing that Niu Hui opened his mouth and inhaled, Chi Lin's soul was directly swallowed by him.


The Scarlet Tiger, who was still pointing the country just now, despising all the big monsters, and said that he would kill all the big monsters, was immediately frightened by this scene.

"How is it possible...How could there be such a powerful monster in this backward world?"

Chihu's voice was trembling, it was really hard for him to accept all this.

You know, the ancestor realm, high above, is the source of the heavens and all realms, and the creatures of the ancestor realm are born as gods and evildoers.

In this backward world, how could there be creatures stronger than them? Under the same realm, they are invincible!

However, on this day, Chihu’s cognition was subverted. His elder brother, Chi Lin, who had a stronger cultivation base than him, and Chi Lin, who was quasi-supreme pinnacle, was defeated. He was bombarded with a fist and even the soul. They were all swallowed by the other party.

This is the destruction of form and spirit, and the dead cannot die again.


Just when Niu Hui, the great demon of the Niu Mo clan, was refining Chilin's primordial spirit, outside the demon clan's ancestral land, the ancestor of the ancestor Tianshen clan Chi Xiao roared to the sky, and the whole person was almost crazy.

His most outstanding successor, Chi Lin, died unexpectedly, and even the soul was destroyed. Even if he was a supreme being at the master level, it was impossible to save Chi Lin.

This is his most proud descendant, and the most promising descendant of the ancestor Celestial Clan.

He originally wanted to take this opportunity to sharpen Chi Lin, to make Chi Lin go one step further and become the supreme Supreme, but who would think that the monster race in this backward world would kill Chi Lin.


Chi Xiao frantically attacked Shanhe Cauldron, and the hit Shanhe Cauldron shook violently, and the surrounding void was directly destroyed, and the entire world seemed to be destroyed by him.

"Is this guy crazy?"

The other Lords were all surprised, and hurriedly retreated.

The majesty of the Lord has swept across for nine days, and hundreds of millions of lives have been panicked to the extreme.

"Ants from a foreign land, what do you want to do?"

Standing on the horizon, the three native gods roared.

The terrifying coercion erupted directly from the body of the three great masters, blasting the heaven and the earth, even the earth was sinking, and the might of destroying the heaven and the earth erupted.

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