Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4524: Bullish


The seven Lords standing between the heavens and the earth were angry at the same time. The ants in this backward world dare to say that they are ants. Damn it!

"I don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick."

"Reptiles dare to be mad in front of the dragon."

"This world doesn't need to exist anymore. Take this opportunity to destroy this world!"

"Yes, get rid of these ants at once."

The seven great masters of the Ancestral Realm's tone of contempt and disdain did not put those three indigenous masters and the whole heaven in their eyes.

Except for the Ancestral Realm, in the eyes of their Lords, they are all worlds that can be conquered and destroyed. The heavens and all realms are originally hunting grounds for the great tribes of the Ancestral Realm.

The powers that have the Lord are in charge, occupying much more hunting grounds than ordinary powers.

The Ye Clan, because of the existence of the ancestor of the Ye family, controls hundreds of hunting grounds in heaven and earth. Every once in a while, they will clean these hunting grounds.

These worlds controlled by the great clans of the Ancestral Realm, there will be no too powerful existences to emerge, because once they emerge, they will be ruthlessly killed.

With more than a hundred heaven and earth resources to support the entire Ye family, the Ye family will be able to come forth in large numbers, standing among the strongest families in the ancestor realm.

The seven great masters who came today, behind each of them have a super power, this is the super power of the Ancestral Realm, and every power is not necessarily weaker than the Celestial Clan of the Ancestral Realm.

The Lords of the Seven Great Ancestral Realms shot at the same time, just to kill Gu Fei, not to give Gu Fei any hope of survival.

"Cut, these guys really think they can dominate everything."

On the horizon, an old man leaning on a cane with his hair and teeth almost lost said disapprovingly.

"It's ridiculous, ridiculous!"

Another middle-aged man wearing a battle armor and holding a war spear was still dripping blood. It was the blood of an extremely real creature, which would never dry up and be indelible, as if there was still aliveness.

That's the extreme blood, a drop can destroy the world, and a drop of it will be a catastrophe.

This middle-aged warrior absolutely slaughtered Jidao Supreme.

The third person on the horizon didn't speak, but the murderous aura from him was getting stronger and stronger, and the whole world was shaking, terrifying.

"Since you ants want to die, then I will fulfill you."

The Great Senior Li Huo said with a gloomy face.

"Hey, the lord who is behind the world can't be called the lord at all. Lihuo, these three ants will be handed over to you."

Chi Xiao, the great deity of the Ancestor Realm Heavenly God Clan, said contemptuously.

"Well, kill these three ants first, then step on the ancestral land of the Demon Race and kill Gu Fei."

Li Huo said proudly.


The other lord looked at the three figures on the horizon contemptuously. In their eyes, these three guys were already dead.


Just when the Great Venerable Lihuo was about to take action, a loud noise came from the Demon Race's ancestral land under the cover of the mountain and river tripod, and then a figure flew out from the Demon Race's ancestral land.

"That is……"

The seven Lords were all taken aback.

In the next moment, the guy who flew out screamed, and directly exploded into a cloud of blood in the void, disappearing directly.


The seven great masters were all shocked and inexplicable. They could see clearly that the guy who was bombed from the ancestral land of the demon tribe and directly exploded into a cloud of blood mist was one of the descendants of the great deity of the heavenly tribe, Scarlet Tiger.

Chihu was also dead, which made the heavenly **** Chi Xiao both startled and angry.

"Huh! The guy from the Ancestral Realm is too weak to withstand a single blow!"

A voice full of disdain came from the ancestral land of the monster race.


Heavenly God Great Venerable Chi Xiao is almost crazy. Whether it is Chi Lin or Chi Hu, he is the most fancy genius in the clan. That is the opportunity to achieve the existence of Extreme Dao Supreme, with unlimited potential.

But now, such a genius actually died, in the hands of a bunch of ants in the backward world? This made him unacceptable.

They are the great ancestors!

"Who else would dare to come in, enter one to kill one, enter two to kill one pair, enter a group, destroy a group." An extremely arrogant voice came from the ancestral land of the demon race.

At this time, the Tianji Jian of the Tianji Divine Mansion, under the blessing of the big man, turned into operation again, sending the image of the demon clan's ancestry to all parts of the heaven.

"That is……"

When the great powers of the heavenly realm saw the seven huge figures standing outside the ancestral land of the Demon Race, they were all shocked.

"They are much taller than the ancient giants!"

Someone stared at the light curtain transformed by the heavenly secret rune and exclaimed.

"Holy Lord!"

There is an old antique who has lived for endless years and said with a trembling voice, even if they are separated from the light curtain, they still feel the terrifying aura of the master class.

The aura of the Seven Great Lords is too strong and can interfere with the operation of the Tianji Jian of the Tianji Divine Mansion, but now, with a big shot, the Tianji Jian is running again.

Among these ants, the humble creatures behind the world were so arrogant, which made the seven great masters furious.

The Lihuo Great Venerable of the Lihuo clan waved his sleeves, a divine light flashed, and a dozen powerful figures appeared in front of him immediately.

These people are enveloped with a powerful Lihuo aura, each of them is Quasi Supreme.

"how can that be……"

The appearance of Quasi-Supreme shocked countless people who paid attention to the ancestral land of the Demon Race with Heavenly Mystery Runes. That was a group of Quasi-Supreme!

This Lihuo Great Lord unexpectedly released a group of Quasi-Supreme, how can people live?

There were more than a dozen Quasi-Supreme, among them there were two Quasi-Supreme peaks, and the aura from one of them was much stronger than Chilin and Chihu.

There is no doubt that this is an existence with more than one foot entering the realm of the extreme realm, and almost two feet have entered the realm of the extreme realm.

"Go in and kill all these natives."

Li Huo Dazun directly ordered.

"Yes, ancestor!"

The leader of the most powerful existence hurriedly took his orders, and then turned and led a group of subordinates to stride towards the Demon Race Ancestral Land.

The demon clan's ancestral land guardian formation that was broken open by the heavenly god's Great Sovereign Chi Xiao easily has not been repaired.

"Haha, are you here to give the heads again? No welcome!"

In the ancestral land of the Demon Race, a blond young man, carrying a golden stick, grinned.

He is a descendant of the demon clan's arm sacred ape, and his name is Hou Dian. Yes, he is crazy. When this guy has a seizure, his combat power will double.

Hou Dian is very strong, also in the quasi-supreme realm, and is also one of the best in the ancestral land of the demon race.

You know, this line of the arm-passing **** ape, but the Supreme Dao, Hou Dian obtained the true transmission of the arm-passing **** ape line, and is also one of the quasi supreme among the ancestors of the demon race.

Each of the big monsters in the ancestral land of the monster clan has a big background. Niu Hui from the bull clan and the Tiger Lord from the Xuanhu clan are all inherited from the extreme path, and they have cultivated extremely powerful techniques.

"Give me a head?"

Li Huo Ming's body was trembling after hearing the words, these guys are really damned!

He was not from Huo Ming Chi Lin and Chi Hu, these two wastes, even a group of natives could not clean up.


Li Huo Ming directly attacked Hou Dian, who was in the line of the arm-crossing **** ape. The quasi-supreme of the Lihuo clan behind him were all making a move, trying to destroy the demon clan's ancestral land with the power of a family.


Hou Dian blocked the long sword that Li Huo Ming had hacked, and then, the golden rod in his hand seemed to have eyes, and when the golden light flashed, the golden rod in his hand swept towards Li Huo Ming's head fiercely.

"Thinking of life and death!"

Li Huo Ming was angry, and saw his sword glow blooming all over his body. This is the Lihuo Sword Dao. Every sword glow penetrated the void, densely piercing towards Hou Dian.

At such a close distance, Hou Dian couldn't avoid these fire sword lights at all.

At the same time, the divine sword in Li Huo Ming's hand collided with the golden rod in Hou Dian's hand again, bursting out a little spark.


Hou Dian roared fiercely, and with a sound, a group of divine light suddenly emerged from his body, which directly turned into a big golden bell and enveloped him.





The countless Lihuo Sword Lights that rushed out of Li Huo Ming's body all slammed into the golden bell outside Hou Dian. The golden bell shook, and it actually rang out.

The ripples visible to the naked eye spread from the golden bell.


"Kill them all!"

The other quasi-sages of the Lihuo clan roared towards the ancestral land of the demon clan.

"Who can you kill with rubbish? Take your uncle Niu a few punches first!"

Niu Hui directly used the Niu Demon Fist, and with each punch, an ancient barbaric bull rushed out of his fist, and it was unstoppable.

The quasi-sovereign of the Lihuo clan who rushed in front flew straight out, coughing up blood in his mouth, cracks appeared on his body, and Niu Hui almost broke his body with a punch.


At this moment, the big seal of Yifang smashed directly at Niu Hui, and on the big seal, a dense pattern of Lihuo Dao appeared, releasing the true power of Lihuo.

This is the seal of Lihuo, refined with the iron sacrifice of the **** of Lihuo, and the void burned by the power of Lihuo that erupted above the seal was silently annihilated.


Niu Hui quickly avoided.


With a loud noise, the place where Niu Hui had stood before was actually blasted out of a big hole by the Lihuo seal.

The big monsters in the ancestral land of the demon clan were all taken aback. You know, this is the ancestral land of the demon clan. Every plant and tree here is blessed by the power of the great avenue and is not so easy to damage.

However, this Lihuo Yin's blow can actually blast a big hole, which is really amazing.

At this time, the dozen or so quasi-sovereigns all sacrificed their debut tools and headed towards the big monster in the ancestral land of the demon clan, and the entire ancestral land of the demon clan shook.


The old tortoise who had been watching sneered and rushed out directly. He opened his mouth to spit out a Taoist picture and enveloped all the quasi-superior of the Lihuo clan.

That Dao map instantly became bigger, enveloped the entire world, the chaos was mighty, and the void below the Dao map seemed to be frozen.

Everyone's movements became slow motion.

"This guy……"

On the top of the mountain, Gu Fei couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this scene. As soon as the old turtle made his move, he wanted to destroy all the quasi-supreme who had attacked. He was even more bullish than Niu Hui!

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