Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4525: Crazy

Among the demon races in the heavens, there are indeed a few existences against the sky, and they have been cultivated to the quasi-supreme, and some of the monster race's powerful cultivation bases are even stuck in the quasi-supreme peak endless years.

Before that, Niu Hui from the genius Chilin who killed the arrogant ancestor of the Celestial Clan and the Niu Demon Clan was a super antiquities.

With this kind of existence, although the cultivation base has not been able to break through and achieve supremacy, the power of the monster race accumulated over the endless years is huge to the extreme.

Niu Hui's demon clan's vitality is extremely strong, far from being comparable to those of Ancestor Realm Chilin.

The same is the quasi-sovereign peak realm, but Niu Hui can easily kill Chi Lin, this is the gap.

At this time, the Lihuo Great Venerable sent out the elites of the Lihuo clan. There were 13 quasi-supreme members. These quasi-sovereigns of the Lihuo clan were led by the wild mountain at the peak of the quasi-supreme and opened up along the gods. Passage directly into the ancestral land of the demon race.


I saw an endless sacred fire from the big seal, directly blasting towards a group of big monsters in the ancestral land of the demon clan, and the terrifying divine power fluctuations erupted from the big seal, shaking the sky and the earth.

This is the treasure of the Lihuo clan in the Ancestral Realm, Lihuo Seal.

The Lihuo seal of the Lihuo clan is a quasi-sovereign Taoist tool made by Lihuo Great Venerable when he was in the quasi-sovereign realm. This quasi-sovereign Taoist device is definitely the strongest quasi-sovereign Taoist device. One of the supreme Taoist implements.

Even a guy like Niu Hui who pretended to be tender also avoided.


The Great Demon Xuanhu roared, and directly spit out a divine light that rushed towards the Lihuo Seal that was blasted and killed. In the divine light, a knife was looming.

An extremely fierce sword aura burst out from above the sword light, and the surrounding temperature was dropping rapidly.

"this is……"

The eyes of all the big monsters in the ancestral land of the monster tribe lit up.


The big demon Niu Hui was talking to himself.

This Xuanhu is also a demon ancestor-level existence who has lived for a long time among the demon clan, and his cultivation has also broken through to the quasi-supreme peak state.

The blade Xuanhu spit out was the famous Heavenly Tiger Blade among the Monster Race. He once used this Heavenly Tiger Blade to kill a powerful person of the same rank.


The Tianhu blade that Xuanhu spit out directly slashed on the blasting Lihuo seal.

In the next moment, the two quasi-supreme peak powers burst out and turned into a terrible energy storm sweeping out in all directions.


A sneer sounded, and then, a figure rushed out from the top of a mountain in the ancestral land of the demon clan, and saw that he opened his mouth and spit out a picture.


Dao Tu instantly became bigger, and it actually shrouded all the quasi-supreme of the Lihuo clan who had smashed into the Yao Clan's ancestor land under the Dao Tu, and endless chaotic energy emerged from the Dao Tu.

The void shrouded by Dao Tu was directly as if solidified, and the energy storm that erupted from the collision between the Lihuo Yin and the Tianhu Blade was also blocked.

"this is……"

The Manshan of the Lihuo clan was taken aback.

"Chaos Sealing the Sky?"

Man Shan recognized this Taoist picture and couldn't help being shocked.

This chaotic sky-sealing map was once the treasure of the ancestor realm Wood Clan. The Wood Clan was destroyed by Gu Fei, and this treasure fell into Gu Fei's hands.

But now, this treasure appears again.

The mighty power of chaos descended violently from the map of Chaos Sealing the Sky, and immediately three powerful men of the Lihuo clan shrouded by the Tao map turned into blood mist.

Even the Taoist artifacts that these people carried were directly shattered and turned into scrap copper and rotten iron.


Seeing this scene, the other strong people of the Lihuo clan all took a breath of air-conditioning. Under the chaotic road map, they were as weak as ants.


Man Shan was really angry. Their ability to enter the world opened by the Great Lord Lihuo to cultivate is enough to show that they are the most powerful and enchanting existence among the Lihuo clan.

Because only the most enchanting existence in the clan is qualified to receive personal guidance and teaching from the Great Lord Lihuo.

This time, the Great Lord Lihuo asked them to attack the ancestral land of the demon race, which was behind the world. It was the first time they went abroad to practice, but just at the beginning, they died of three companions.

The thirteen quasi-sovereigns of the Lihuo clan are the most promising existence in the clan. They are the elites cultivated with all the strength of the clan. They are destined to rise and take the lead in the clan.

The loss of three quasi-extreme-level geniuses all at once, even if he had a profound background from the fire clan, it would be painful.

"Haha, treat us as ants. In my opinion, these guys are not as good as ants!"

The old turtle laughed. At the same time, the Chaos Fengtiantu killed from the sky town, and two more elites from the Lihuo clan burst into a cloud of blood.

"These guys are weak!"

Niu Hui who stepped aside contemptuously looked at the so-called geniuses from the Ancestral Realm under the chaotic Heaven Sealing Map.


Manshan was furious. He desperately recalled the Lihuo Seal. At the same time, a piece of Dao Paper rushed out of his body, and the Dao Paper radiated endless sacred fire, covering the Manshan and the remaining Lihuo elites. stand up.

They were originally the elves in the fire, bathing in the fire, their combat power would be improved, and most importantly, the power of the fire bursting out of the paper blocked the chaotic map of heaven.

"Hey, I didn't think you still have this hand!"

Old Turtle was a little surprised. This guy carried a sovereign-level decrement of supreme existence on his body. This decrement could explode a blow of the sovereign-level power.

The Chaos Conferred Heaven Map is very strong. Once urged by the ancestors of the Mu clan and dozens of Extreme Dao Supremes, this Dao map can counteract the punishment of the heavens.

This is enough to illustrate the power and extraordinary of this road map.

If there is enough power to urge this Dao map, perhaps even the existence of the Lord level can kill it.

"Huh! It's just a decree!"

The old tortoise sat cross-legged in the void as he spoke, blending into the entire Demon Race's Ancestral Land with spirit, and then mobilized the Demon Race's Ancestral Land to condense the enormous power of endless years.

The endless heaven and earth essence immediately gathered towards the chaotic map of heaven and earth like crazy.


Chaos Dao patterns gradually appeared on the map of chaos sealing the sky, these Dao patterns transform the gathered heaven and earth essence into the power of chaos.


On the decree suspended above the heads of Manshan and the others, cracks appeared in the nine Dao patterns, and they were to be wiped out by the power of Chaos.


Manshan's surprise was really extraordinary.

Once the nine Dao patterns on the decree were obliterated, they would have finished playing directly. This was the rhythm of the destruction of the entire army, and even the Lihuo clan could not bear such a loss.


At this moment, the entire Demon Race's ancestral land suddenly shook violently, and a powerful wave of power at the master level spread in from outside.

"Is there a war?"

On a mountain in the depths of the ancestral land of the demon clan, Gu Fei looked up and looked out of the ancestral land of the demon clan. Through the mountain and river tripod, he saw two huge figures fighting outside, the big void shattered, and the stars in the sky were falling. .

This is the majesty of the Lord, the Lord is angry and destroys the world.

"An ant is an ant. It dares to be presumptuous in front of the dragon. It's too overwhelming."

Great Master Lihuo punched out, endless Lihuo burst out from his fist, and countless stars exploded in the fire, terrifying to the extreme.

Opposite him was the native Lord of Heaven, the gray-haired old man.

Facing this shocking punch, the old man waved the wooden staff in his hand and slapped it lightly.


No divine light emerged, it looked like an ordinary blow, but it directly tore the strong punch of Lihuo Great Venerable, and the wooden staff hit the fist of Lihuo Great Venerable.


The sound of broken bones sounded, and the Great Lord Li Huo roared, and the endless divine fire erupted from his body, burning the sky and boiling the sea, driving back the old heat.

"how is this possible……"

The Great Lord Li Huo was shocked and angry. He couldn't accept that he was injured by this backward native. This is absolutely a shame!

Standing high, the Great Venerable Lihuo, who overlooked the heavens and the world, was actually injured.

The other Lords were also shocked.

They are the noble masters in the ancestor realm, much stronger than the noble masters in the heavens and thousands of realms, and they can almost sweep the noble masters in the heavens and thousands of realms.

But now, their cognition has been subverted.

The natives in this backward world actually hurt the Lord of the Ancestral Realm.

"But so, I thought how strong the guy from the Ancestral Realm would be, disappointed!"

The old man shook his head.


The Great Senior Li Huo was almost mad, and he was actually despised by the natives in a backward world.

"Seven of you go together!"

The old man glanced at the others and said calmly.


Grand Master Lihuo, when they heard the old man's words, they were stunned. This guy was going to challenge seven of them at the same time? Just kidding, is this looking for death?

"Old man, do you want to eat alone? It won't work!"

The middle-aged warrior with a **** spear in his hand said uncomfortably.

"Yes, it would be too much to swallow it alone."

Another being who has not spoken said that his whole person is vague, no one can see his appearance, he seems to merge with the surrounding void, very mysterious.

"What are these guys talking about?"

Heavenly God Great Sovereign Chi Xiao really doubted his ears, these guys actually despised them so much.


The Lords from the Seven Great Ancestral Realms were all very angry.

Even in the Ancestral Realm, no one has ever dared to despise them so much. Never, even if the Ye Family's lord, meets them, it's just like the same people, and they are polite.

However, today, they were actually despised by a few natives in a backward world, which made them shocked and angry.

At this moment, the Great Venerable Lihuo suddenly changed his face, and he sensed that his decree was gradually being wiped out. This was the means he gave to Manshan to protect his life.

"Damn it!"

The Great Venerable Li Huo shook his body, quickly became smaller, and then rushed into the demon clan ancestral land.

However, at this moment, the figure in front of Great Venerable Huo flickered, and an old man stood in front of him.

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