Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4528: Reflecting on heaven, imprinting forever

Slashing the six great masters with one sword, this scene stunned everyone in the entire heaven who had witnessed this scene.

"How... how could it..."

"That's the ancestor of my clan, just like that?"

"This is not true..."

Among the many powerhouses in the Ancestral Realm that descended on the heavens, there are the descendants of these six great masters. These people are unbelievable. They are the six great masters, even in the Ancestral Realm, they can walk sideways.

It was originally intended to kill Gu Fei, but now he was counter-killed by Gu Fei.

The news traveled back to the Ancestral Realm at the fastest speed. This news was like a super storm that swept the Ancestral Realm. The long-lost name Gu Fei reappeared and shook the Ancestral Realm again, causing the sky in the Ancestral Realm. The big storm.

"How could he be so powerful."

"Isn't he only the quasi-sovereign cultivation base?"

"Unreasonable, is this guy pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger again?"

The Ancestral Realm was boiling again because of Gu Fei, especially the Li Family, the Celestial Clan, and the Chu Clan. The people of these three tribes wished that Gu Fei would be killed by the Seven Great Lords.

But now, the news came that the Li family, the heavenly clan, and the Chu clan had all run away directly.

Don't run, waiting for Gu Fei to come back to find them afterwards?

Gu Fei killed even the six great masters with a single sword. If this guy returns to the Ancestral Realm, who can compete with it? In the entire Ancestral Realm, there is no second Ancestral Demon.

At this moment, on a short mountain in the ancestral land of the Demon Race, the ancient flying disc was sitting on a large rock, and a sword light lingered around him.

This sword light didn't seem to have any special place, but when it flashed through the void, it left a series of small space cracks as small as hair.

"The punishment is not complete, so I will make up the punishment."

Gu Fei suddenly raised his head and looked into the depths of the sky as the last strength of the Nine Heavens Stars Sword was about to retreat, where there were Taoisms that seemed to have existed in Henggu.

The ancient Supreme Masters are playing a game of chess, using heaven and earth as the game. However, this game still has some loopholes and some shortcomings.

Gu Fei began to evolve the Supreme Seal.

That was the way he had practiced to the extreme, and at the same time the eternal true bones were bright, and on the top of the mountain, it was like a round of Shenyang appeared.

"What is he doing?"

At this time, the horrible figure above the ancestral land of the Demon Race had disappeared, and the old turtle stood in the void, looking in the direction where Gu Fei was.

He felt an unprecedented atmosphere.

"This kind of do I feel stronger than Jidao Dadao?"

The old turtle was talking to himself.


At this moment, the divine light in the depths of Yaozu's ancestral land exploded, and the endless eternal light shone on the world.

"Reflecting on the way of heaven, imprinting forever!"

Gu Fei yelled, his hands were sealed, and the eternal power of Dao Dao burst out from the eternal bones on his chest, turned into Dao patterns, and concentrated on his handprints.

"go with!"

Gu Fei directly made this handprint.

I saw an eternal and immortal divine light soaring into the sky, rushing out from the ancestral land of the demon race, directly into the depths of the sky, and imprinted on the heavenly path.


The heaven and the earth resonated, and a vague figure appeared in the depths of the sky, standing with those figures that seemed to have existed since ancient times.


In the end, all the figures radiated endless divine light, and the power of the Extreme Dao burst out one after another, and finally interweaved into an endless huge network of the Extreme Dao.

This big net formed by the convergence of extreme powers enveloped the entire heaven.

At this moment, the power of Heaven's Punishment seemed to have revived, and it was completely different.

Heaven's Punishment is lacking, and there is no god. At this time, Gu Fei printed his Dao Seal, which was imprinted on the Heavenly Dao, successfully activating the entire power of Heaven's Punishment.


Endless coercion fell from the sky, and the next moment, the three native celestial masters who were still outside the ancestral land of the demon tribe quickly named themselves as cultivation bases.

Some of the supreme beings in the fierce earth and Jedi in the heavens were originally about to move, but now they all acted as tortoises, and they all retracted.

However, not everyone is as alert as these guys in the heavens.

Because those guys in the heaven know some secrets, unlike outsiders who don't know anything.

Those truly near-invincible existences in the heavens were lurking, and they all chose to proclaim themselves. However, some hapless guys were not so lucky.


Suddenly a figure rushed out of a high sky hundreds of thousands of miles away from the ancestral land of the Demon Race, and the powerful power of the Lord-level shook out.

This should have been a peerless and powerful existence, enough to walk sideways in the heaven realm, even the ancestor realm.

However, at this time, this person was panicked to the extreme, and wanted to shatter the void and escape, but his whole body was enveloped by a fire.

Just a few breaths of time, this extremely powerful existence was burned to ashes by the Dao fire that fell from the sky, and it was directly destroyed.


"how is this possible……"

Everyone who witnessed this scene couldn't believe it, but the Lord has fallen like this? Doesn’t it mean that the power of Heaven’s Punishment cannot punish the Supreme and Lord at the pinnacle of the extreme path?

"Gu Fei...what did he do?"

The countless big monsters in the ancestral land of the monster clan were shocked to the extreme.


An old man suddenly appeared in the demon clan's ancestral land and looked towards Gu Fei.

"Uncle, you are finally back."

When the old turtle saw the old man, his face suddenly became a little weird. His old uncle was extremely unreliable. When the war started, his old man ran faster than anyone else.

Now that the war is over, his old man is back without realizing it.

"I'll come back and try to avoid the turmoil, otherwise, you bastards, you will be served in a pot."

The old demon and old **** said.

"I'm ashamed to say, you always seem to be the first to bugger!"

The old turtle whispered.

"Asshole, what are you talking about!"

The old demon appeared directly next to the old turtle, and banged directly on his head.

"Oh my goodness!"

Laogui's painful tears came out.

"My demon ancestor is not a slip, my demon ancestor is like a person who doesn't care about loyalty, ah, no, it's a demon, is my demon ancestor such a demon who doesn't care about loyalty and is greedy for life and fear of death?"

The old monster said in a loud voice.

"You always are!"

The old turtle whispered.

"I'm moving to rescue soldiers, do you think the three big guys outside are so easy to get out of the mountain? Only the demon ancestor can invite them." The old demon said triumphantly.


Laogui has nothing to say, the three great masters of the heavens outside were actually invited by his old uncle? Is not it!

"Hey, old friend, it's been a long time since I saw you!"

At this time, three figures walked in from outside the Yaozu ancestral land.

The old demon greeted him directly.

But the three of them didn't pay attention to him at all, and walked past him directly, and they walked directly to the top of the mountain where Gu Fei was.

"Old uncle, you have such a thick skin!"

The old turtle teased that at this time, he finally saw his old uncle's bragging skills.

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