Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4529: Priesthood

Gu Fei reflected the Heavenly Dao, imprinted eternally, and directly imprinted his own mark on the Heavenly Dao, successfully activating the true power of Heaven's Punishment.

In fact, the natural punishment is lacking, and he is making up for it.

The punishment at this time can definitely kill the lord. In the heavens, there are still some lords from the ancestor realm. These lords did not take action, but they did not have good intentions.


The power of Heaven's Punishment was lowered and turned into a fire, directly destroying the form and spirit of a lord from the Ancestral Realm.

"Do not……"

Another lord rushed out from the dark, trying to extinguish the fire of Heaven's Punishment on his body, but this kind of fire is so powerful, as long as you are burned up, you are almost invincible, and you will die.

At this time, the Tianji Jian of the Tianji Shenfu did not stop, and it was still broadcasting live to countless people who bought the Tianji runes.

"what's going on?"

"Even if the Lord has fallen one after another, has the punishment changed so terrifying this day?"

Some celestial antiques jumped out, and when they reached their level of cultivation, they directly sensed that the whole world had changed differently.

At this time, all the powerhouses from the Ancestral Realm were all dumbfounded, because those who fell were all the Lords of the Ancestral Realm. Is this targeted?

Thinking of this, those in the Ancestral Realm had sweated on their foreheads, and quickly passed the news back to the Ancestral Realm.

Some big people who were going to cross the realm from the ancestor realm were immediately scared. Some people had already stepped on the passage leading to the heavens with one foot. After receiving the news, they were scared in a cold sweat and hurried back.

"How could such a powerful force appear in that backward world?"

All the major forces in the ancestor world can’t understand. In their eyes, the heavens are nothing but a backward world. Although there are indispensable great avenues, among the heavens and all realms, there is more than the heavenly world. .

Some worlds are more suitable for cultivation than the celestial realm, and the laws of the Great Dao are stronger than the celestial realm.

However, there has never been a power that can destroy the Lord in that world. That is the Lord, even in the Ancestral Realm, it is a bull who walks sideways.

At this time, the great figures in the Ancestral Realm realized that the world of Heaven is no longer a backward world that they can descend at will.

"Use the ancestor weapon to explode the world and destroy the arrogant guy."

Someone in the ancestor world clamored.

However, no one did that. You must know that the so-called ancestors do not mean that they are used when they are used. Moreover, even the ancestors of the most powerful races are mostly the ancestors of the master class.

Even the Ye Family's ancestor tool of the ancestor world is half an eternal ancestor tool, even the Nine Sky Star Sword on Gu Fei's body can't match.

The ancestors Ye Family and Gu Fei did not have any enmity, unless their seniors were kicked in the head by a donkey, otherwise they would never do such crazy things.

Of course, in the entire Ancestral Realm, it is definitely not only the Ye Family who possesses half-step eternal ancestors.

However, it is impossible for these forces to go to war for the sake of Gu Fei and destroy a world with no shortage of avenues.

From this day on, the heavens became a forbidden place for all major forces in the Ancestral Realm. To be precise, it was the forbidden place of the Supreme Realm of the Ancestral Realm.

"Do you want to kill me? Come on! It's up to you who dare!"

Gu Fei's voice spread throughout the heavens.


Those quasi-supreme from the ancestor world, or the self-proclaimed supreme daoist, were shocked and inexplicable, this Gu Fei was still so arrogant and so domineering.

At this time, the ancient flying disc was sitting on the short mountain in the ancestral land of the demon clan, and opened his mouth to swallow the nine-day star sword that had become a sword pill into his body.

When the borrowed supreme power ran out, the Nine Sky Star Sword turned into a sword pill, and the gods inside the divine sword began to fall asleep and would not easily recover.

However, he succeeded in making Heaven Punishment exert the strongest power. Even the Lord of the Ancestral Realm would not dare to appear in the Heaven Realm, and at the same price, he was invincible.

Therefore, he is not afraid of anyone at all.

"Gu Dao friends!"

At this time, the three great masters proclaimed their cultivation bases, walked directly into the ancestral land of the Demon Race, and ascended the mountain where Gu Fei was.

Gu Fei nodded to the three noble masters, these three people stood up at a critical juncture, which made Gu Fei feel good about these three lives.

The three great masters of the heavenly realm have already proclaimed themselves a world-shaking master-level cultivation base, they dare not presumptuous at all in front of Gu Fei, they are all respectful.

You know, this guy is a ruthless man who slashes the six great masters with one sword.

At this time, the three great masters were a little unbelievable, because after they went up the mountain, they discovered that Gu Fei was just a quasi-superior monk.

Quasi-Supreme, in their eyes, they are nothing but ants.

However, at this time, the existence of the three masters did not dare to underestimate Gu Fei.

At this time, Gu Fei waved his hand and directly retracted Shanhe Ding.

The old man and the middle-aged warrior looked at the Shanhe Ding in Gu Fei's hand, and couldn't help but feel a little moved, because this is the legendary, the supreme Taoist tool in Yiding Zhen Shanhe, which can withstand the attacks of the Lord-level existence.

This kind of Taoism makes anyone jealous.

However, not everyone dared to grab it.

"Gu Daoist friend, God's punishment has changed, what is going on?"

The old man said cautiously, the aura of the great grandeur that Gu Fei showed before was amazing, and even their hearts palpitated.

"It just inspired the real power of Heaven's Punishment."

Gu Fei said calmly.

"The true power of God's Punishment?"

The three great masters were surprised when they heard this.

Heaven Punishment is not a secret to them, but Heaven Punishment is a collection of the most amazing power of Jidao Supreme.

However, the power of punishment on this day can kill the Extreme Dao Supreme, and it is powerful, but it has not threatened the existence of the Lord-level.

However, it is different now. With the current Heavenly Punishment, even the Lord can be killed.

In this way, even the old people like the native gods in the heavens would not dare to unlock the seal on their bodies.

"Is that why you came to see me?"

Gu Fei looked at the three great masters in front of him and said.

"This one……"

The old man stopped talking.

"We actually want to ask the ancient Taoist fellows about cultivation."

The middle-aged warrior said sincerely that he had just seen Gu Fei's Evolution Avenue, and felt that Gu Fei's Avenue had already surpassed the category of Extreme Dao.

This made him trapped in the realm of the Lord for endless years, thinking that without the existence of Lu, he saw hope and the hope of a breakthrough in his cultivation.

"Do not pass lightly!"

Gu Fei shook his head and said, he didn't worry about talking to these three guys, so he refused.

"Gu Dao friends, this..."

The old man said quickly.

"Needless to say."

Gu Fei shook his head.

"Friend Gu Dao, just give us pointers, but that's not okay?"

The middle-aged warrior does not give up.

"It's not bad!"

Gu Fei pondered.


The three great masters were surprised and delighted at once, there is a turning point! But Gu Fei's next sentence made them directly confused.

"Unless you worship me as a teacher."

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