Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4535: Be despised

The West Desert of the Celestial Realm, after experiencing the battle of Xuanhuang, the entire West Desert has become uneven.

Xuanhuang, the great evil of the ages, is one of the seven purgatory masters of the Western Purgatory. After Xuanhuang was captured by Gu Fei, in the battle with Buddhism, the purgatory master also fell.

In the current Jixi Purgatory, there are only three major purgatory masters.

Xuchen Purgatory Master is one of the three major purgatory giants.

With the fall of other Purgatory Lords, Xuchen Purgatory Lord finally came out, and he and the other two great Purgatory Lords partitioned the territory of other Purgatory Lords.

These three giants of purgatory and Ximo Buddhism are immortal, but this Ximo Buddhism suffered heavy losses in the battle when the peerless evil demon was born.

However, the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace is still there, and the young monk Fan Xiu is also there. There are quite a few masters under this young monk Fan Xiu, Buddha Lord Moro, Buddha Lord Xilin, burning sorrow for the Buddha.

The golden eagle Buddha was a bit unlucky. When the eternal evil Xuan Huang ravaged the Buddha soil, he was slapped into meat sauce by the eternal evil Xuan Huang slap.

Even the Golden Buddha Mountain and the ancient Xilin Temple were destroyed by Xuanhuang, leaving only ten thousand Buddhas.

In the battle with Jixi Purgatory, Ximo Buddhism had the upper hand, because Buddhism had a big killer, and unexpectedly, even the purgatory owners were killed.

Xuchen and other purgatory masters were naturally frightened, and directly returned to the extreme west purgatory.

The large-scale conflict between Jixi Purgatory and West Desert Buddhism will not happen in the near future, but whether a small fight will happen, especially the three giants of Jixi Purgatory are unscrupulous in dealing with the West Desert Buddhism.

This time, Xu Chen's people secretly sneaked into the Buddhist land of West Desert and destroyed them. They were discovered by the black and white double saints, so they chased the black and white double saints thousands of miles away.

This black and white double saint was also unlucky. When these purgatory fanatics were attacking, they happened to run into each other, they were wounded as soon as they fought and had to flee.

Just when the black and white double sage saw that these purgatory fanatics were about to be divided into corpses, a sword light flew, and the sword light flashed, and the purgatory fanatics were killed instantly except for the black-clothed leader headed by them.

"This sword..."

The black and white double sages sensed the kendo power erupting above the sword light, and couldn't help being surprised. The kendo cultivation of the incoming person is definitely far above them.

The sword light disappeared, and a masked woman appeared in front of the black and white Shuangsheng.

This is an unremarkable woman, wearing a coarse cloth, carrying a seemingly rusty iron sword, and the whole person, giving people a feeling of being in the dust.

The black and white double saints are a little unbelievable, did this guy really save them just now?

This black and white double sage came from a great teacher. The reason why they appeared in West Desert was just walking in the world and practicing. They are brothers and sisters.

"Did you save us just now?"

The woman in white said with lingering fears, they were almost killed just now.


The masked woman nodded.

"Are you also a sword repairer?"

The man in black glanced at the iron sword behind the masked woman and said.

The masked woman did not speak.

"Aren't you nonsense?"

The white-clothed woman gave the black-clothed man an uncomfortable look.

"Haha, too!"

The black-clothed man came to his senses. Just now, this woman killed more than a dozen fanatics in the Western Purgatory with a single sword.

"You bastards, when I am a purgatory god, is it transparent?"

The black-clothed leader saw these three guys just talking, and there was no one to talk about him. This feeling of complete ignorance made him extremely unhappy, and the consequences were serious.

The Purgatory Mad God is a member of the warlord of the Xuchen Purgatory Lord, far from comparable to those who were just killed by the masked woman.


Seeing this purgatory mad god's body shook, a violent force burst out of him immediately, and the monstrous black air instantly enveloped half of the sky.

It was as if a peerless evil demon was born, and the whole world became gloomy.

"this is……"

"Great Sage, he is actually the Great Sage."

The white-clothed woman exclaimed, they are only the Saint King, not even the Saint King, this guy turned out to be the Great Saint, thinking about it, my scalp feels numb.

That's the blame for this guy who injured them as soon as he shot it. This guy was playing a game of cat and mouse. Fortunately, he met this woman in commoner clothes. Otherwise, they would be dead today.

"Two little guys, I don't know how high the sky is, and die for me."

The Purgatory Madness smiled grinningly and stretched out his right hand, and directly grabbed the black and white double sage. The power of the Great Sage level came out of his hand, and instantly enveloped a void.

The black and white double sages frightened their souls to dissipate, and saw that layers of divine light continued to emerge from their bodies, that is, their body protectors were activated.

However, under the cover of the big hand, the layers of divine light covering the black and white double sages directly shattered, and the body guards they carried were directly broken.

Seeing that the black and white double sage was about to be grabbed by the purgatory mad god, at this moment, a sword sounded, and the next moment, a sword light directly rushed out of the clothed woman's body, instantly splitting the big hand in half.


The sword light flashed again, and then the monstrous black energy disappeared.

The purgatory mad **** stared at a pair of dead fish eyes, staring at the woman in commoner in disbelief. The violent and ferocious aura disappeared. What he wanted to say, he grunted a few times in his throat, and finally said nothing.

At this time, the black and white sage saw that a vertical mark appeared on the eyebrows of the purgatory mad god, and that vertical mark was bleeding.


The black and white sacred eyes almost fell off, and then the purgatory mad **** fell directly, and the guy who had just regained his prestige died like this.

"Slaying the Great Sage with a single sword?"

The black and white two-color saint was shocked and inexplicable, they never thought that this humble woman was so powerful.

"Haha, my sister is too good, I don't know who I learned from?"

The attitude of the woman in white to the woman in commoner has completely changed. Such a powerful person is probably not an unknown person in the heavens, and his teacher may have a great background.

"A casual repair, no school and no school!"

The woman in commoner said.


The black and white double sage immediately gave birth to the idea of ​​wooing, of course, the words of the woman in commoner could not be fully believed.

"Ding Qiang, Fu Xue, why are you still here? The fairy house in the chaotic crack is about to open. Why don't you try your luck?"

At this time, three figures rushed from a distance and fell to the ground, and three strong men appeared.

"Uncle Qi? Uncle Mu, big brother?"

Ding Qiang and Fu Xue were overjoyed when they saw these three.

"Follow us quickly."

The Master Qi said that he turned into a divine light and rose into the sky, and the other two hurriedly drove the light to chase after him.

"Sister, what's your name?"

The woman in white Fu Xue looked at the woman in commoner.


The commoner woman cherishes words like gold.

"Sister Gu, my sect found a fairy palace in the chaos crack, are you interested in visiting it?"

Fu Xue invited Gu Ling.

"it is good!"

Gu Ling also happened to go to the chaos crack to experience, so he agreed to go with him.

"Brother Ding, what are you in a daze?"

Fu Xue touched Ding Qiang.


Only then did Ding Qiang come to his senses. He just felt that the name Gu Ling had been heard somewhere, but for a while, he couldn't remember it.

The three of them then rose into the sky, rushing towards the chaotic crack in the horizon.

Chaos cracks are very long, even in West Desert, there are entrances, and in other places in the heavens, there are also many scattered cracks.

Through the scattered chaotic cracks, you can also enter the area in the cracks.

The appearance of chaotic cracks is caused by the forces of the two heavens and the earth colliding with each other and wiping out each other. There is no chaotic energy in the area shrouded in chaotic air.

Because of the appearance of chaotic cracks, these areas will be shrouded in chaotic air.

In this place where the two realms meet, the primitive aura is mighty, and various creatures contaminated with chaotic aura have become chaotic creatures, and some creatures even bred out of chaotic aura.

In the place where these two realms converge, all creatures evolve very quickly.

To some extent, this is already an opportunity.

In the periphery of the Chaos Crack, in addition to the chaotic creatures, there are also various elixir and magical medicine, and even some fairy mansions in the opposite world are born.

This is a great opportunity.

Gu Ling came to West Desert to help his father collect debts.

When Gulin came to Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, Little Monk Fanxiu came out to welcome him in person.

When the jade bottle containing twenty drops of Immortal Liquid was handed over to Gu Ling, Little Monk Fanxiu's heart was dripping blood, that was 20 drops of Immortal Liquid!

"The poor monk is still very trustworthy."

Little Monk Fanxiu said this when he sent Gu Ling away.

Gu Ling directly turned and raised his **** at him.

"Eldest niece, what are you..."

Little Monk Fanxiu twitched.


At the periphery of the chaotic crack, there are chaotic creatures haunting, but somewhere in the chaotic crack, it rushed out of the nine-color fairy light, and a fairy mansion was looming in the depths of the mountains.

There are powerful figures haunting the Xianfu.

When Gulin and the others arrived, the people of the Zhao family, Zhou family, and Li family had already arrived. There were saints in these houses. In addition to these ancient forces, there were other holy places with strong people.

These Ding Qiang and Fu Xue came from the Taiqing Holy Realm.

Taiqing Sacred Realm is a great religion in the heavens. The masters in the holy realm are like clouds, and there are quasi-sages in the holy realm, not weaker than the ancient forces.

"Uncle Qi, big brother!"

Ding Qiang and Fu Xue took Gu Ling to the place where everyone was in the Taiqing Holy Realm.

"The Lord?"

The person headed by the Taiqing Holy Realm turned out to be a Holy Venerable, this is the Holy Venerable leading the team!

"Meet Master Mu!"

When Ding Qiang and Fu Xue saw the gray-haired old man, they couldn't help being surprised. They didn't expect that even Master Mu had come, and this Master Mu hadn't been out for many years.

Gu Ling stood aside, not paying attention to anyone.

"Where did the little guy come from, no matter how big or small, when you saw me teach seniors, why don't you roll over and pay a visit?"

At this moment, someone suddenly looked at Gu Ling and said coldly.

In the next moment, everyone in the Taiqing Saint Realm focused their eyes on Gu Ling.

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