Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4536: She is gulin

A fairy mansion in the chaotic crack was about to be born, and the news spread, immediately alarming all parties, countless strong people rushed to the chaotic crack in unison.

Everyone wants the so-called great opportunity.

That is an opportunity to reach the sky in one step, and no one wants to miss it.

At this time, the fairy palace was still looming, and there was no real manifestation, but countless powerful people had gathered around the fairy palace, and everyone was watching.

The entire fairy palace is shrouded in a layer of chaos, and from time to time, chaotic lightning can be seen showing around the fairy palace, like the light of destruction.

Even if it is more than tens of thousands of miles away, one can still feel the aura of destruction.

"Little guy, don't you roll over to visit my ancestor?"

At this time, in the camp of the Taiqing Holy Realm, a personable young man in white clothes looked at Gu Ling contemptuously. Next to the young man in white clothes was a gray-haired old man.

The old man was surrounded by the crowd like stars holding the moon, and he looked proud.

This is a powerful saint, only one step away can become the existence of the quasi-supreme, and in the Taiqing Holy Realm, it is also a pivotal existence.

"Brother Bai, Fellow Gu Dao is my lifesaver and Brother Ding."

Fu Xue stared at the white-clothed youth and said coldly.

"Junior Brother Bai Chen, what do you mean?"

Ding Qiang's face changed a little ugly.

The relationship between them and Bai Chen was a bit complicated. At this time, the other disciples of the Holy Realm of Taiqing didn't speak, they were all looking at them.

Bai Chen is a direct descendant of the Bai Family of the Taiqing Holy Realm. The Bai Family is one of the three powers of the Taiqing Holy Realm. The other two powers are the Fu Family and the Mu Family.

The Mu Family in the Taiqing Holy Realm has nothing to do with the Ancestor Realm Wood Clan. The Ancestral Realm Wood Clan that was destroyed by Gu Fei that year was not a human race, but the Taiqing Mu Clan was a human race.

The Bai family wanted to join forces with the Fu family, but Fu Xue was with Ding Qiang. This Ding Qiang was not a member of the three big families.

The Holy Land of the Taiqing, the contemporary Holy Lord, is not from the three major families. In the Holy Land of the Taiqing, it can be said to be an anomaly. You know, the position of the Holy Lord has always been the seat of the three major families. .

However, the contemporary Holy Lord of Taiqing was born when the three major families were fighting for the position of the Lord, and he directly defeated the competitors of the three major families and became the Lord.

This Ding Qiang is the descendant of the line of Taiqing Holy Master.

Fu Xue and Ding Qiang of the Fu family were walking together. The other two families knew what the Fu family had planned.

However, this Fu Xue is the most beloved granddaughter of the ancestors of the Fu family. The other disciples of the Taiqing Saint Realm are scrupulous and dare not say anything, but Bai Chen is fearless.

Bai Chen is the most outstanding descendant of the Bai family today. Although young, his cultivation has reached the realm of the holy king, and he may break into the realm of the holy emperor at any time.

"It's nothing, the younger generation pays respects to the senior, isn't it right?"

Bai Chen shrugged and said nonchalantly.


Fu Xue'an stared at Bai Chen. Why didn't she know what Bai Chen was doing? This guy wanted to provoke the Fu family and the Mu family, and then the fisherman would profit.

The ancestor of the Mu family still sat in the void with a smile on his face, watching this scene indifferently, as if these things had nothing to do with him.

"Junior Sister Fu, isn't it that as Master Mu, is she still not qualified to bear the respect of your life-saver?"

The corner of Bai Chen's mouth raised, and sneered.

"Yes, what kind of status is Master Mu? It should be accepted by the juniors."

Someone agreed.

"What a big shelf."

"Sister Fu, your savior is so awesome, even Master Mu directly ignores it."

"It's not big or small, regardless of respect and inferiority, it's too uneducated."

Many disciples of the Taiqing Holy Realm sneered.

However, Gu Ling still stood there quietly, even if he was ridiculed and indifferent. In her eyes, these people were nothing but ants.

At this time, even Fu Xue's face was a little unbearable. After all, Master Mu was a senior, even if she saw it, she had to be polite and dare not neglect.

Gu Ling is as transparent as Master Mu, which is too rude!

Bai Chen smiled. He was a handsome young man, but this smile directly attracted the attention of those female disciples of the Holy Realm of Taiqing, among them there were many idiots.

"Brother Bai Chen is so handsome."

"Brother Bai Chen, I want to give you a monkey."

"Brother Bai Chen..."

The female disciples of the Taiqing Holy Realm all had their eyes light.

At this time, even the other disciples of the Holy Realm of Taiqing felt that Gu Ling was too rude.

"Huh! It's just a sissy, handsome ass!"

Fu Xue said disapprovingly.

"I don't know who the little Taoist friends are given their last names and who they have learned from."

At this time, Master Mu spoke, the Lord, and the Supreme Lord, is very likely to become the quasi-sovereign, who is proud of the world. Who dares to despise such a person?

"My master asks you something, don't you answer quickly?"

A young young man standing beside Master Mu looked at Gu Ling contemptuously and said, he did not put Gu Ling in his eyes at all.

Master Mu was also very upset. He could see at a glance that Gu Ling's cultivation base was only in the realm of a saint, and his cultivation base did not have his great-great-grandson Gao, so he dared to be presumptuous in front of him.


Gu Ling didn't say anything, he didn't bird these guys at all.

"Gulin, you..."

Fu Xue looked at Gu Ling.


When the ancestors of the Mu family heard this name, they almost fell from the sky in fright.

"You just came to visit my ancestor?"

"Dare to despise my ancestors and want to die?"

The disciples beside Master Mu shouted.

"You shut up."

Master Mu yelled at the disciples beside him, his forehead was sweating, is this humble female Jian Xiu really that person's daughter?

"Master... Master..."

"It's just a little saint, Master Mu, why are you..."

Bai Chen wanted to say more, but before he could finish his sentence, he was slapped away by Master Mu, and several **** teeth flew out of his mouth.

"Master Mu..."

Bai Chen was immediately stunned.

"Presumptuous, I am here, where can you talk." Master Mu roared.


Everyone was dumbfounded, even Fu Xue and Ding Qiang were dumbfounded, staring at Master Mu in a daze.

"Friend Gu Dao, I don't know what the relationship between Senior Gu Fei and Fellow Gu Dao is?"

Master Mu turned around, and immediately changed his face, sincerely in fear, and cautiously said to Gu Ling that all the arrogance just now disappeared.

"You are not qualified to know."

Gu Ling said calmly.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Master Mu didn't even dare to put one fart at this time. You know, there are not many people surnamed ancient in the heavens and the world, and there is only one female cultivator called Gu Ling.

"The last name is Gu, Gu Ling, she is..."

At this moment, Bai Chen suddenly remembered something, and his clothes were instantly drenched with cold sweat.

"Haha..., sister, I'm late."

At this moment, a loud laugh came, and a purple figure appeared in the sky and then turned into a purple divine rainbow, quickly approaching the place where everyone in the Taiqing Holy Realm was.

The powerful Quasi-Supreme aura came in mighty, and all the disciples of the Taiqing Holy Realm had their legs trembling, frightening their souls to disperse, and even Master Mu, his face changed greatly and he got up quickly.

The visitor quickly reduced the quasi-superior aura on his body, and then fell beside Gu Ling.

"The emperor... the emperor Qin Yao?"

Bai Chen looked at the purple-clothed woman beside Gu Ling, her voice trembling.

"Meet Her Royal Highness!"

Master Mu hurriedly saluted the purple-clothed woman, not daring to neglect. This is the emperor, the Qin clan, much stronger than the entire Taiqing Holy Realm.

The emperor Qin Yao, that is one of the most invincible existences in the world, she's almost invincible.

The faces of Master Mu and Bai Chen turned pale. At this time, they no longer doubted the identity of Gu Ling. How could it be simple for someone who could befriend the emperor Qin Yao.

Moreover, the emperor Qin Yao has already worshipped Gu Fei's wife Yan'er as her teacher.

"We are all here early, and Xianfu has not opened yet."

Gu Ling turned around and said to Qin Yao.

"Haha, isn't it? It's okay early, I'd like to see what good things are in this so-called fairy mansion." Qin Yao smiled.

They are not interested in Xianfu, but to enter the world opposite the Chaos Crack, they have to make some preparations.

This fairy mansion was actually left by the monks of that world.

Both Gu Ling and Qin Yao treated these fellows in the Taiqing Saint Realm as transparent and ignored them.

"Our savior turned out to be Gu Ling, Gu Fei's daughter Gu Ling..."

"I said the name Gu Ling is a bit familiar, I can't think of..."

When Ding Qiang and Fu Xue knew Gu Ling's identity, they were directly shocked. That was Gu Ling. Let alone Gu Ling's father, Gu Fei, it was Gu Ling himself and a peerless powerhouse.

With Gu Ling's own cultivation base, he can talk with the holy masters of the Taiqing Holy Realm.

Even if the Holy Lord of Taiqing sees Gu Ling, he must be polite.

"Gu Daoyou, Your Royal Highness..."

Master Mu hesitated and said, his forehead was constantly sweating.

"Why are you still here and don't you disappear for me?"

The emperor Qin Yao glanced at Mu Shizu and the others impatiently.

"Yes, yes..., we will disappear immediately."

Master Mu said quickly, and then left with a group of disciples.

Ding Qiang and Fu Xue glanced at Gu Ling and wanted to say something, but in the end they didn't say anything, and they left. Their intestines were all regretful, and they should have supported Gu Ling's death of Master Mu just now!

If you can befriend Gu Ling, Master Mu is a fart.

However, there is no regret about taking medicine in this world.


At this moment, the vague fairy mansion in front suddenly shook, and endless chaotic light rushed out of the fairy mansion, piercing the void.

"Huh? Do you want to turn it on?"

Both Gu Ling and Qin Yao moved in their hearts, especially Qin Yao, their eyes lit up.

At this time, the powerhouses in the nearby area were all excited like chicken blood.

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