Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4537: One bridge crosses the sky and crosses the other shore

"Is it the world beyond the heavens?"

The ancestral land of the demon race, Gu Fei refining ten super magic stars, the spirit of this magic star is too strong, fortunately Gu Fei has cultivated the sky swallowing art, otherwise, it is really difficult to practice Transform the devilish energy of the Ten Demon Stars.

The appearance of chaotic cracks naturally aroused his attention.

However, after discussing with Laogui, he decided to take a look first.

Because he was on the wheels of the heavens and ten thousand worlds, he couldn't find the mark of heaven and earth corresponding to the aura of heaven and earth revealed in the chaotic cracks.

This means that the world opposite the Chaos Crack may not be within the worlds of the heavens.

In fact, the heavens and myriad worlds are just a general statement, and no one knows how many whole or incomplete worlds were born from the source of the ancestor world, the world.

The ancestor world is like a big tree, and the heavens and the world are the leaves growing on this big tree, one leaf and one world.

However, in this world, there may be another big tree or even a forest. At this time, no one can guess and imagine things, because throughout the ages, there is no record of this in the ancestor world.

In other words, no one has ever jumped out of the big tree of ancestors.

Gu Fei had cultivated to the realm of eternity. He vaguely felt that the Ancestral Realm might not be the end, and he might be able to transcend the Ancestral Realm.

However, when his cultivation base had just broken through to the realm of eternity, he fought a battle with the first demon of the ancestor. Although he had defeated the first demon of the ancestor, he was also beaten into reincarnation by this demon, cutting off the eternal cultivation base.

He has no time to find a way or way to transcend the ancestor world, eternity, let him see hope.

Thinking about it now, in this world, there may really be another ancestor realm, another big tree, the eternal realm, which is to jump out of the ancestor realm and become the same existence as the "world tree".

Perhaps it has turned into a "world tree" and another ancestor world.

"What do you want to do now? Taking advantage of the fact that the Supreme Dao Supreme cannot descend to the heavens for the time being, I have to cultivate my realm to the extreme."

Gu Fei said to himself, at this moment, a devilish energy hung above the fist-sized demon star suspended above his head, and those devilish energy were directly submerged in his body and refined by him.

"This kid is so strong, and he is still devouring devil energy. Does he want to break through to the extreme realm?"

In the distance, I saw the devilish energy soaring in front of him, just like the scene where a peerless demon appeared, but the old turtle was a little palpitating, that kind of devilish energy could not be refined by him.

In his eyes, Gu Fei is simply a freak.

"I've said before that this little Taoist friend is not simple, he is a dragon and a phoenix among people, and he is indeed an ancestor. I have foresight!" Laogui's old uncle rubbed his beard beside him.

"Uncle, when did you say this? Why don't I know?"

The old turtle looked suspiciously at his old uncle.

"Cut, I said when you were away, no!" The old uncle glanced at the old turtle and said.

The old tortoise stared at the words: "This is also OK?"


The old uncle stopped talking.


At this time, around the chaotic crack, the chaotic air was vigorous, and a fairy mansion unexpectedly broke out of the ground, billions of chaotic lights bloomed, and there seemed to be countless fairy beasts and birds around.

The fairy mansion that was originally exposed on the ground was only a small part of it. Now, the earth shook, cracking into bottomless cracks.

Large areas of the ground were arched, the plots were upturned, and the dust skyrocketed.

Everyone who witnessed this scene was shocked to the extreme.

Someone broadcasted this scene live using the Tianji Jian of the Tianji Divine Mansion, and the world was shocked. The countless strong men who received the news all rushed towards the chaotic crack.

Such a huge fairy palace, at first glance, it is known that it is not a mortal thing. This fairy palace is many times larger than the mountains and mountains. The buildings exposed on the ground are already ten thousand feet high, and they are still rising, without reaching an end.

As the fairy house slowly rose from the underground, everyone felt extremely depressed.

"Huh? Interesting!"

Gu Ling, who was standing with Qin Yao, couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw this scene. This Immortal Palace is not simple, it is too big, and it is not something ordinary powerful people can do to build such a huge Immortal Palace.

"Could it be that the immortal palace left by Ji Dao Zhizun failed?"

Qin Yao came from an imperial family, even if it was a mansion built by her father, it was nothing more than that.

"Is it the Supreme Immortal Palace? I will know soon."

Gu Ling stared at the immortal palace that was still rising, and said calmly.

She has the strongest inheritance, and her father is the eternal supreme once, this eternal supreme, but a stronger existence than the Jidao supreme, even if this fairy house is left by the Jidao supreme, it will not attract her much force.

"Well, if there is a supreme heritage, it would be nice to refer to it."

Qin Yao said that the Qin clan is an emperor and has a complete inheritance of the ultimate path. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Qin clan to emerge in large numbers and stand firm.

However, no supreme inheritance can make them become the supreme supreme of the realm, they can only become the supreme of the realm only by practicing their "Tao" to the extreme.

In other words, other supreme inheritances can only be used as reference for them in the quasi supreme realm, and they are not of much use. At this time, they can only rely on themselves to achieve the ultimate Dao fruit.

Even if it is as powerful as Extreme Dao Supreme, it can open up the world with a wave of hands, divide Yin and Yang, and recreate the world, with all kinds of incredible supernatural powers, it is impossible to raise a Quasi-Supreme cultivation base to the Extreme Dao realm.

If you want to become the Supreme Supreme, you can only rely on yourself.

Drawing lessons is a good way.

"This too!"

Gu Ling nodded, and when his cultivation reached their level, only by walking out of his own way can he become the supreme supreme of the realm and learn from the experience of others.


At this time, the earth shook, and a terrifying collapse occurred in the chaotic crack. The entire fairy palace finally rose from the ground to the air. The entire fairy palace was huge, comparable to a piece of land.

Moreover, the entire fairy mansion was enveloped with a lot of chaotic energy, and in that chaotic energy, there were chaotic electric lights from time to time, and the electric light directly tore the void.

Seeing this scene, many powerful people immediately changed their expressions. This chaotic electric light is not ordinary lightning, it is the chaotic divine thunder, if it is bombed, even the Lord will be bombarded into scum.

This fairy palace is definitely not simple. There is a chaotic divine thunder on the periphery. This chaotic divine thunder definitely did not appear for no reason. Someone must have laid a formation.

"One bridge crosses the sky and crosses the other shore!"

Someone directly sacrificed the Taoist instrument, and a divine light immediately rushed out directly through the chaotic energy outside the Xianfu, and fell outside the gate of the Xianfu. Then, the divine light turned into a long bridge surrounded by divine light.

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