Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4538: Senfu advancement

Chaos cracks, Xianfu was born, and the strong gathered.

Countless powerhouses want to enter the fairy palace, want to get the great opportunity hidden in the fairy palace, but there is a chaotic atmosphere outside this fairy palace.

In the chaotic energy, from time to time, the chaotic divine thunder raged silently.

This kind of chaotic **** thunder is extremely powerful, even the holy lord dare not be bombarded by this kind of thunder, because even the holy lord can't hold it, and will be directly bombarded and killed.

However, even if they knew that the Chaos God Thunder was so powerful, there were still people who shot it.


I saw a divine light flying from far away, directly breaking through the chaotic energy outside the fairy mansion, and falling in front of the gate of the fairy mansion. Then, the divine light turned into a long wooden bridge, which was built on the immortal mansion. Outside the gate of the house.


"Is it the bridge of Buddhism?"

Upon seeing this, someone exclaimed.

Sure enough, everyone saw a white-clothed monk walking on the wooden bridge and walked directly into the chaos, only to see the chaos divine thunder exploding beside him.

However, the monk in white faced the chaotic divine thunder that appeared around him, as if it were transparent, he walked straight forward and landed outside the gate of the fairy house.

However, when the white-clothed monk wanted to take back the Tongtian Bridge, he saw a few chaotic electric lights falling from the sky, directly blasting on the wooden bridge.

This wooden bridge is also extraordinary. A layer of divine light emerged on the wooden bridge immediately, and it was not immediately smashed by the chaos divine thunder. However, the divine light on the wooden bridge was quickly bombarded by the chaos divine thunder. The bottom dimmed.


With a loud noise, the next moment, the wooden bridge was directly smashed by the Chaos God Thunder.


The white-clothed monk was shocked and angry, and lost the Tongtian Bridge, and could not get out with his cultivation.

"Haha, I didn't even dare to break into the Immortal Mansion if I didn't have enough cultivation."

"It deserves it, it's just a holy emperor-level cultivation base, and I dare to play the idea of ​​Xianfu."

"Be quiet, that's the doorman of Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace."

The people near the fairy mansion were all pointing and pointing, and there was a lot of cynicism, but there were also people who saw the origin of the monks in white clothes, West Desert, Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, at this time the first Buddhist power in West Desert.

After hearing that the white-clothed monk came from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, the voice of discussion immediately became much less.

After the current West Desert Buddhist Monk was integrated by Fanxiu Young Monk, he took the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace as his respect, and Fanxiu Young Buddhist Monk has become the real master of the West Desert Buddhist Gate of the heaven.

Since Gu Fei used his great supernatural powers to complete the Heaven Punishment and stimulated the true power of Heaven Punishment, those extreme secret realms, even the existence of the Lord-level, dare not appear.

Extremely invincible, Quasi-Supreme is invincible, and now no one dares to provoke those sects or great sects or cultivating families who have Quasi-Supreme.

At this time, everyone was staring at the monk in white clothes in front of the gate of Xianfu.

The gate of the fairy mansion is higher than the mountain. The monk in white clothes is in front of the gate, like an ant, basically negligible. The closed gate reveals a breath of incomparable age.

"Could it be possible that the master of this fairy house is a giant but not?"

"Drive me!"

The monk in white clothes has no retreat, so he can only try to enter the fairy house to see if he can get a big chance.

However, no matter how the white-clothed monk urged the Buddha's power in his body, the gate of the fairy mansion remained motionless, just like an worm shaking a tree.

"how is this possible!"

The white-clothed monk is the holy emperor, the emperor among the saints. Such a cultivation base can be regarded as a powerful person in the heavens, but now, the dignified holy emperor can't open the door of the fairy house.

Everyone was surprised.


At this moment, with a loud noise, a big cauldron directly slammed into the chaotic air outside the fairy house. The chaotic air violently surged and rolled, and chaotic lights suddenly appeared, slamming on the big cauldron fiercely.

The great cauldron just blocked a few chaotic divine thunders, and it became dim, and cracks appeared on the great cauldron that were hit by the chaotic divine thunder.

When the great cauldron passed through the Chaos Qi and landed outside the gate of Xianfu, the great cauldron was almost half-worn. The Dao patterns on the cauldron were blasted away by the Chaos God Thunder, and cracks were everywhere.

"so close!"

A figure rushed out of the cauldron, and saw that this man was an ordinary-looking young man in a blue shirt. Although this young man seemed harmless to humans and animals, his cultivation was actually better than that of the white monk. Much stronger.

"Holy Emperor Peak..."

Someone saw the young man's cultivation.

"Hey, little bald head, uncle, let me help you!"

The man said that he strode forward and went straight to push the stone gate of the Xian Mansion, but in the next moment, this guy changed his face and his face went flush.


The man tried his best to exert his strength, but even if he even used the strength to feed him, he still couldn't push the closed stone door.

The two sages can't push the Shimen of Xianfu?

Everyone was a little dumbfounded.

The countless powerhouses who saw this scene through the live broadcast were also shocked, but it was just a fairy palace, and even the existence of the series of the holy emperor could not even enter the fairy palace gate.

"Hey! It looks like the old ancestor is going to do it."

The young man stopped and muttered to himself.

At this time, the monk in white directly crushed the talisman in his hand.

"Sister, shall we try?"

Qin Yao said to Gu Ling beside her suddenly.

"Not urgent!"

Gu Ling shook his head, and then directly sat down in the void.


Qin Yao was a little surprised, Gu Ling was too calm, this kind of tolerance is better than that of some Quasi-Supreme who has lived for endless years!

This kind of concentration is not available to everyone.

Soon there were more than a dozen powerful players one after another. However, some of them were directly blasted by the Chaos God Thunder outside the Immortal Mansion. Although some of them had passed the Chaos God Thunder Array by relying on Taoism tools, they also pushed Do not open the gate of Xianfu.

The Quasi-Supreme-level existence did not make a move, and was still waiting and watching.

However, it didn't take long for someone to sit still.


A black flood rushed from far away, and the terrifying coercion swept across all directions. Everyone felt a great pressure. People with weaker cultivation bases had already retreated hastily.

"It's Hei Jiao Zhunzun."

Someone exclaimed that this black dragon is extremely powerful, not a local powerhouse in the heavens, but a river-crossing dragon from the Ancestral Realm, very powerful.


This black dragon quasi-sovereign directly slammed into the layer of chaos outside the fairy house.

In the next moment, countless chaotic electric lights appeared, all blasting on the black dragon quasi-zun's body, and there were some scars on the black quasi-zun's body immediately, and blood leaked from these scars.

The quasi-sovereign as strong as the black dragon was injured under the chaos divine thunder, this kind of divine thunder is too strong, if it were a general quasi-supreme, I am afraid that it would have been bombarded and killed.

The black dragon fought hard against the chaotic divine thunder with a physical body, directly rushed through the layer of chaotic energy outside the Xianfu, fell in front of the gate of the Xianfu, and turned into a middle-aged man in black.

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