Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4539: Golden Lion Family

Finally, there is a quasi-extreme-level existence.


The black energy was vast, and a black flood rushed directly from far away, and plunged into the layer of chaotic energy outside the fairy house. The next moment, countless chaotic divine thunders were activated.


A wave of Chaos Divine Thunder that was enough to smash the saints into dross blasted the body of the black flood, and it only caused the black flood to drop some scales.

The physical bodies of the powerful creatures of the quasi-sovereign class are extremely powerful.

I saw that this black dragon directly passed through the layer of chaos outside the Xianfu, and then fell in front of the gate of the Xianfu, turning into a middle-aged man in black.

Hei Jiao Zhunzun is a strong man from the Ancestral Realm, with true dragon blood in his body, and is a distant relative of the Dragon Clan of the Ancestral Realm.

Seeing him coming, the sage-level existences who had gathered outside the gate of Xian Mansion directly retreated far away, afraid to approach.


Hei Jiao Zhunzun grinned, with a vicious expression on his face. This guy is not a kind, he has cultivated a kind of supernatural power that can swallow his opponent in one bite.

Although this guy came from the Ancestral Realm, he also made a big name in the Heaven Realm, especially now that Ji Dao Supreme cannot make it, Quasi Supreme is invincible, this fellow has no fear of anyone at all.

"A bunch of trash!"

Hei Jiao Zhunzun glanced contemptuously at the people who had retreated. It was not Zhuzhuang, they were all ants, and even the Holy Emperor, he could slap to death.

Hearing Hei Jiao Zhunzun's words, the saints near the gate of the fairy mansion dared not speak, and no one would be stupid enough to provoke this guy.

"Well, let me see..."

Hei Jiao Zhunzun stood in front of the gate of the Xian Mansion and looked carefully. This huge stone gate was not known how much larger than the mountain, with some vague lines on it.

"this is……"

Hei Jiao Zhunzun's heart trembled. This is a kind of Dao pattern, a Dao pattern that he has never seen before. Someone has set a forbidden method on Shimen, and the little guys who want those holy steps want to push away this immortal. Door, that is impossible.

I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at Hei Jiao Zhunzun around Xianfu.

I saw this guy standing in front of the closed gate of Xian Mansion for most of the day, which made many people feel a little unusual, and those who knew the details of Hei Jiao Zun Zun were even more shocked.

Couldn't even the Hei Jiao Zhunzun from the ancestor world open the gate of this fairy house?

Both Gu Ling and Qin Yao are paying attention.


The Hei Jiao Zhunzun suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, and the power of the violent Flood Dragon erupted from his body. The next moment, his body shook and turned into a giant.

I saw that the giant's eyes were like stars, swallowing the sun and the moon, and the breath that he exhaled formed a terrifying storm, which was like the arrival of an ancient supreme heavenly being.

"This guy……"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, and the Hei Jiao Zhun Zun was about to go crazy.

The saints near the gate of the fairy mansion had already trembling in fear, and the saints with a weaker cultivation base directly squatted on the ground in terror, shivering.


Hei Jiao Zhunzun's hands, which were much larger than the mountains, slapped fiercely on the gate of the Xian Mansion, and the next moment, the ancient Dao patterns on the entire stone gate lit up.


I don't know how many years of silence, the Shimen of Xianfu finally shook, and was finally shaken.


The black dragon quasi-zun desperately urged the power of the dragon in his body, and his body heard an extremely shocking sound of wind and thunder, which was the sound of the power of the dragon running to the extreme.

Shimen was slowly being pushed open, and above the huge figure, it seemed as if there was a horror of Shenhua burning.

When a crack appeared on the closed stone gate, the crack slowed down. In the end, no matter how hard the Black Jiao Zhunzhi used his strength, it would be difficult to push the stone gate any more.

"It's still a little bit, hey!"

Hei Jiao Zhunzhi shook his head, and he had to stop. Unexpectedly, he could only take the action by himself, so he could only push the stone gate of Xianfu through a crack.

At this time, I saw the ancient Dao patterns looming on the Shimen constantly, and I saw an ancient and mysterious Dao map intertwined.

The Hei Jiao Zhun Supreme was exhausted, and even the huge Law Bodies could no longer continue, and the huge figure disappeared.

Everyone was shocked and incomprehensible, even the mighty Black Jiao Zhunzhi had just pushed open a crack in the gate of Xianfu, which was incredible.

You know, this is the Quasi-Supreme, and it is the Quasi-Supreme from the ancestor realm, even stronger than the average Quasi-Supreme!

"How to do?"

Many people were shocked and inexplicable when they saw this scene, especially those who knew the details of the Black Jiao Quasi Supreme.

For a while, no one made any more moves.

Of course, this is only temporary.

The huge immortal mansion was suspended in the chaotic cracks, endless chaotic energy surging, and chaotic electric lights emitting a destructive atmosphere suddenly appeared in the chaotic energy.

If you want to enter the fairy house, the first thing you have to overcome is these chaotic energy and chaotic divine thunder.

Ordinary saints will be shattered and wiped out when they enter the Chaos Qi, even if the saint is bombarded by the Chaos God's thunder, they will be destroyed.

Only Quasi-Supreme can hold the Chaos God Thunder.

Of course, there are also saints relying on powerful Dao implements to break through the Chaos Qi and enter the area where the Shimen of Xianfu is located.

At this time, outside the Shimen of Xianfu, Zhunzhi Heijiao was almost tired, sitting on the ground, panting heavily, running profound arts to restore the vitality he had consumed.

The silk fairy spirit aura came out from the crack in the stone gate. It was an incomparably pure essence, visible to the naked eye, and in the aura, there seemed to be countless ghosts looming.

Although the spiritual energy in the fairy mansion only overflowed out like threads, the vitality of the black dragon quasi-sovereign was quickly recovering after swallowing these essence.


Outside of the chaotic energy of the Xianfu, Gu Ling couldn't help moving in his heart when seeing this scene. The essence of the Xianfu seemed to be extraordinary in quality. Even the threads of it could quickly restore the vitality of the Black Flood Dragon.

If you enter the fairy palace to practice, can you directly rely on refining the fairy palace aura to attack the extreme realm?

Perhaps this mysterious fairy house really has a great opportunity.


At this moment, another strong man made a move, and saw a big blond man with golden glow all over his body, and he tore the chaotic energy directly, and appeared outside the gate of the fairy mansion in one step.


It was Hei Jiao Zhunzhi who saw this big blond man, he couldn't help being surprised, this guy came to the gate of Xian Mansion so easily, his cultivation base was only higher than himself!

"The Golden Lion Clan?"

Some people exclaimed that this clan is extremely powerful and once followed a supreme existence. Even in the present age, this clan still has quasi-supreme ancestors in the clan, and more than one. https:

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