Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4549: Peerless killing field

Little Monk Fanxiu slapped the Taishi Realm, the invincible warlord of the Pingtian God Dynasty into the ground with a slap, and half of his life was lost.

The most hateful thing is that this guy is still shaking his head and sighing with pity, this is definitely the biggest insult to him in the eyes of the old general.

The old war general Fan Xiu was held in his hand like a chicken, angry and angry, a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

The countless strong people who saw this scene through the Tianji live broadcast platform were all stunned. This little bald head is definitely one of the best in Buddhism!

Since the young monk Fan Xiu entered the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, he seems to have truly reborn, and his combat power has risen to the point where even the old turtle will be moved.

Especially this guy has cultivated some kind of powerful Buddhist supernatural powers, and he can ignore any attacks.

At this time, a faint sound of fighting came from the gate of the Xianfu that opened in the cave. Obviously, the soldiers of the Pingtian God Dynasty had not completely wiped out the God Army of the Wuji Dynasty in the world.

Wu Ji Dynasty, after all, is the first dynasty in the world, the Emperor Huangji is extremely powerful, and in the entire world, the only person who can compete with the Emperor Wu Ji is the Jiang Renhuang of the Jiang family.

It is not an easy task for the soldiers of the Pingtian Divine Dynasty to destroy the Divine Army of the Wuji Dynasty.

"Hey! Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha, and there will be fewer fights and fights in this world. Well, if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell, let me save these guys!"

With an awe-inspiring look, the little monk Fanxiu directly threw the old warlord Pingtian into the inner world, and then strode into the fairy palace.

"This guy's acting skills are so good."

The old tortoise who knew Fanxiu's details had to admire this guy.

The old war general who had just been pretending to be forced was taken care of by the little monk Fan Xiu. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the powerhouses from all sides also showed their magical powers and directly broke through the chaotic energy outside the fairy palace and came to the gate of the fairy palace.

They didn't hesitate, and directly broke into the fairy house.

Suddenly, countless rays of light rushed towards the gate of the fairy mansion from all directions, and even the holy masters, the holy emperor, these powerful holy ranks also used Dao weapons to protect themselves, and broke into the fairy mansion to compete for the big in the fairy mansion. good fortune.

Before and after, there were even tens of thousands of strong men above the holy rank entered the fairy house.

The gate of the Xianfu Cave was like a big mouth that could swallow the creatures of the world, as if there was never a time to eat.

"Well, let's go in too!"

Gu Ling said to Qin Yao beside him.

"it is good!"

Qin Yao nodded quickly. She could not sit still a long time ago. She had already seen the extraordinary of this fairy house. If she hadn't been with Gu Ling, she would have broken in.

Just as they were about to leave, a shocking sound suddenly came from the depths of the chaotic crack.

The next moment, the chaotic energy in the depths of the chaotic crack was surging violently, and one after another huge figures like mountains rushed out of the chaotic energy.

"That is……"

Everyone who saw this scene through the Tianji live broadcast was shocked and inexplicable, no need to ask, another strong from Taishi Realm arrived.


Even Qin Yao was taken aback.

I saw that the huge figures rushing out from the depths of the chaos were all dragons, and they were all powerful beings of the Ancestral Dragon level.

It was nine ancestral dragons, and the nine ancestral dragons appeared at the same time. The pressure erupted from these ancestral dragons was earth-shattering, and some of the powerhouses who had not yet entered the fairy house all directly changed their colors.

What is even more shocking is that the nine ancestor dragons are pulling a chariot behind them.

"Kowloon pulls a cart, it's a big show."

It was Qin Yao who was shocked to see this scene. She is the emperor of the imperial family, her father, but the legendary emperor of Yin and Yang.

Even if the Great Emperor Yin and Yang pushed the Nine Heavens Invincible Hand horizontally, and suppressed countless powerful men bowing their heads, and dominating an era, they never used Zulong to pull a cart!

That is an ancestral dragon, peerlessly powerful, any ancestral dragon born can cause great turmoil.

"Who is it here? Isn't it the ultimate supreme?"

Someone exclaimed.

I saw a figure standing above the chariot. It was an existence that was more devastating than Shenyang. He drove the chariot and came, just like the legendary Emperor of Heaven surveying the sky.

Behind the chariot, the banners fluttered, and it was actually followed by a powerful army of gods, this army of tens of thousands of people, the gathering of killing and killing atmosphere, earth-shaking.

"That is... the holy prince of the Pingtian God Dynasty?"

A strong man from Taishijie exclaimed.

When the holy prince arrived, Jiulong was pulling a cart, peerlessly powerful, everyone who watched was stunned, that is, Gu Ling was moved. The pomp of the holy prince of the heavenly gods was too great.

"Unreasonable, my father pushed Jiutian Invincible back then, and when he traveled, he didn't have such a big show!"

The old tortoise stared at the overwhelming figure on the chariot, his eyes twinkling.

To use the ancestor dragon to pull the cart is definitely a shame to the dragon clan. The old turtle also has dragon blood flowing on his body, because his father Taihuang is the ancestor dragon.

At this time, the holy prince on the chariot scanned all directions, directly ignoring all the strong, and then led his army into the fairy house.

Gu Ling and Qin Yao also immediately entered the fairy house.

The moment they entered the fairy house, a **** smell poured into their noses. There was a cave inside the fairy gate, and there was a desolate area with corpses lying down one after another. The scarlet blood was so. The dazzling.

That is the corpse of the soldiers of the Pingtian Shen Dynasty and the soldiers of the Wuji Dynasty who died here.

Gu Ling and Qin Yao discovered that in front of them, there were still bursts of killing calls, and a near-immortal figure rose into the sky and rushed into a valley.


The nine ancestor dragons looked up to the sky and roared, shaking the universe.

However, a huge beast shadow appeared in the valley, and a huge beast claw was directly grabbed from the valley, grabbing an ancestral dragon in one hand, and grabbing the ancestral dragon into the valley.

The ancestor dragon's desperate roar when he was dying then spread from the valley.

"this is……"

Both Gu Ling and Qin Yao were taken aback. The battle in the valley ahead was extremely terrifying, where it had become a terrifying killing field, where peerless powerful men were fighting each other.

What can make peerless strong men fight desperately is absolutely incredible.

Intuition tells Gu Ling that in the valley ahead, there must be something that makes peerless powerful people crazy, otherwise, the holy prince of the Pingtian God Dynasty would not make it personally.

They also vaguely heard the Buddhist name coming from the valley. Obviously, Little Monk Fanxiu was also in the valley.

"I don't know if Di Jiutian is inside."

Qin Yao stared at the murderous valley ahead and muttered.

The battle in the valley was too fierce. From time to time, the strong were bombarded and killed, turning into a **** mist, and disappeared. Some people retreated, but more people were still fighting.

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