Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4550: Shura Field in the Valley

Gu Ling and Qin Yao finally entered this mysterious fairy house.

The ancient fairy palace, I don't know how many years it has existed, just like Henggu already exists. No one knows who the original owner of this fairy palace is.

However, in the fairy mansion of this level, there is definitely a great opportunity, great fortune, even the supreme will be moved, which can make the quasi supreme crazy.

In fact, those quasi-sages who entered the fairy palace were already crazy.



In a valley in the fairy mansion, dull clashing sounds continued to be heard, and the extremely powerful quasi-senior-level power fluctuations surged out of the valley, and the entire valley was shaking.

If there is no blessing of the power of the formation, I am afraid that the entire valley would have been destroyed.

"Those guys..."

When Gu Ling and Qin Yao came near the valley, they couldn't help being taken aback by the scene before them.

Inside the Xianfu, it was simply another world. They had just entered the world of the Xianfu, and they encountered this kind of battle.


In the valley, blood and energy were vigorous, a huge beast shadow slid in and out in the valley, and the huge beast claw was dripping blood, which was the blood of quasi-sovereign.

Endless murderous aura came out from the beast shadow's body, and the world changed its color.

"this is……"

Qin Yao stared at the giant beast with an extremely solemn expression.

"The Scarlet Dragon?"

Gu Ling was a little surprised to see that beast shadow, but she did not expect to see this ancient savage beast in the fairy house.

The scarlet-blooded wild dragon is an ancient alien species with a dragon in its name. It is a distant relative to the dragon clan, and it is extremely violent and powerful.

Adult red-blooded wild dragons can hunt ancestral dragons and feed on ancestral dragons. Just now, the wild dragon in the valley grabbed an ancestral dragon pulled by the Pingtian god’s pilgrim prince into the valley and ate it directly. Up.

"Naughty animal, die!"

At this moment, a roar came from the valley, and a figure that was as bright as a divine sun rose directly into the sky, and blasted towards the scarlet dragon with a punch.

The man blasted this fist, and the divine light bursting out of his fist directly illuminated the whole world.

Gu Ling vaguely saw a few figures retreating quickly, and those strong men in the valley had no plans to join forces with that person.

The scarlet wild dragon roared wildly, and the beast claws larger than the mountain slapped directly at the person, and the brute force burst out to the extreme, and slammed into the person's fist.


Just as 100,000 sacred mountains exploded, the world collapsed, the universe hangs upside down, and the force of destruction blasted out in all directions, and ancient Dao patterns emerged throughout the valley.

Dao patterns appeared in the void, which fixed the void and protected the valley.

The world inside the fairy mansion is protected by the power of the Great Dao, even if a Quasi-Supreme-level existence makes a full effort, it is difficult to cause too much damage here.

Of course, there is still damage, but it will not be too great, let alone ruin the inner world of this fairy house.

The valley cracked and cracked, but those cracks quickly disappeared, as if they had never appeared before. This world has the ability to repair itself.

That was the holy prince of the Pingtian God Dynasty.

The nine ancestor dragons he was pulling were all eaten by this scarlet wild dragon, and the chariot was also destroyed, which made him furious, wishing to blast this wild beast into scum.

However, the reality is cruel. This scarlet-blooded savage dragon is an adult savage dragon, peerlessly powerful, even in the face of a group of quasi-supreme, it can also fight in and out, even a few quasi-supreme and novice powerful All died under the claws of this wild beast.

The prince Pingtian was shaken back, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

The scarlet-blooded wild dragon also backed away, the ground it was stepping on exploded, huge cracks appeared on the ground, and blood dripped from its sharp claws.

At this time, the other quasi-sages were attacking an ancient temple in the depths of the valley. In the temple, a group of divine light came out.

The heaven and earth's grand spirit, that is the heaven and earth's ancestor's spirit, all the quasi-sovereigns are jealous to the extreme, and they all want to attack into the temple and take away the group of great spirits.

It is the sacred light enshrined in the temple that makes these quasi-sages almost crazy, and they will fight to the death and fight to the death.

However, this temple is not big, but it is guarded by formations. It is nine stone men, and each stone man has the powerful combat power of the quasi-supreme peak.

Under the blessing of the power of the formation, the strength of the nine stone men is even more amazing, perhaps the enemy is supreme.

At this time, there were more than a dozen Quasi-Sovereigns attacking the temple, but still no one could enter the temple, and there were corpses everywhere in the valley.

Basically none of these corpses is complete, they are all saints above the holy rank, and even the quasi-supreme has fallen into it.

The valley has become an abattoir, and the nine stone men are extremely powerful, and the saints and sons of the Taishi Realm can't help these stone men.


Chao Chuanzi shot, punched a stone man, and was directly forced back, with blood dripping from his hands.

"So strong!"

Chaos Zi was shocked, and the shattered wound on his hand was healing quickly.

On the other side, Qi Tianzong's divine son Chi Hao was also making a trial, but, like Chaozhouzi, he was also forced back by a stone man and couldn't ask for any advantage.

There is a vague electric light wandering around on these stone men. It is not an ordinary electric light, but a chaotic electric light, which can hurt the Supreme.

"A war puppet made from the Chaos Thunder Tribulation Stone Festival?"

Chi Hao was shocked. There were nine stone men here, and each of them was made with the chaotic thunder and calamity stone sacrifice. This is definitely a great handwriting.

You must know that even a small piece of Chaos Thunder Tribulation Stone is difficult to find. It is an immortal divine material dedicated to Extreme Dao Supreme, which can be used to sacrifice Extreme Dao Tools.

Each of these nine stone men is the same size as a life-size person. Such a large Chaos Thunder Tribulation Stone is absolutely rare, even if the Supreme Dao Sovereign searches the nine heavens and ten places, they can't find it.

Not to mention the great spirit in the temple, it is these nine stone men who surrender to one one at random, they are all great fortune.

At this time, the other Quasi-Supreme were also constantly making moves, and the powerful Quasi-Supreme-level power broke out, shaking the void, but all the Quasi-Supreme that shot were forced back by the stone men.

"A bunch of trash!"

A sneer came, and a figure strode from a distance, only to see that this man was a white-clothed young man with beautiful eyes, but he was very arrogant.

The yin and yang qi emerges from the body of the white-clothed youth. These yin and yang qi are unique, and follow a mysterious trajectory, which can gather or disperse, and sometimes even turn into nothingness.

"Promise Palace Ji Yao?"

When seeing the young man in white clothes, Chao Zhuanzi and Chi Hao showed a trace of disdain, and they didn't want to see this guy.

The Wuji Palace is a great teacher in the Taishi Realm. The master of teaching is like a cloud. This Ji Yao is the contemporary **** of the Wuji Palace, very strong.

However, this Ji Yao was very mad and arrogant. He didn't put the people like Chao Zhuanzi and Chi Hao in his eyes, thinking that he was the strongest existence among the younger generation.

I saw that Ji Yao directly slammed into the stone man array, but soon, this guy was hit by a stone man with a punch and flew out directly, vomiting blood with a big mouth, embarrassed to the extreme.


Zhuanzi and others laughed.

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