Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4551: Arrogant

Gu Ling and Qin Yao stood high above the sky, watching the battle in the valley ahead.

The holy prince of the Pingtian God Dynasty was so strong that he was fighting endlessly with the scarlet dragon. He was really angry, otherwise he would not fight with this wild dragon instead of attacking the temple.

I have to say that this Pingtian Sage Prince also really has something to do with him. He can even fight the Scarlet Blood Dragon, and it will be impossible to tell the winner for a while.

However, in the depths of the valley, outside the guardian array of the temple, the Quasi-Supreme was constantly injured and even fallen.

The strong men of the holy rank have already retreated, and many corpses of the strong men of the holy rank are left on the ground, and there are also quasi-supreme corpses mixed among the bodies of the strong men of the holy rank.

Quasi-Sovereign, the physical body is extremely powerful, almost immortal, even if he died, leaving the corpse, the powerful aura emanating from the corpse still made the saint's heart tremble.

The breath of those who are alive is even more terrifying.

At this time, he made a strong appearance, ignoring the gods of the Taishi Realm and the goddess of the Promise Palace. Ji Yao was directly blown out by a stone man in the temple guardian formation, like a dead dog. They were lying on the ground, and for a while, they couldn't even stand up.

"Haha, I also said that we are waste, and you are the waste among the waste."

Chaos Zi laughed disdainfully.

"Hey, this guy is too self-righteous, thinking that the world is invincible."

The son of Taishijie Dajia ridiculed.

"This is not your domineering Promise Palace."

Someone said coldly.

"you guys……"

Ji Yao heard the ridicule of the people around him, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

At this time, a man covered in golden light came over.

"The ants of the lower realm dare to appear here?"

"Humble inferior creatures, get away."

When all the gods and saints of the Taishi Realm saw this man, they were very contemptuous, like driving a fly, trying to drive this ant away.


The man sneered, his body shook, and the next moment, a terrifying quasi-supreme realm power wave burst out of him, and the surrounding void was rippling.

"Who do you say is an ant?"

Another figure walked out of the mist.

This is a purple-clothed youth, not handsome, with a purple vertical mark on the center of his eyebrows, like a closed vertical eye.

"Jiang Yichen?"

The young man with the golden light hood saw the purple-clothed youth but was a little surprised.

"Golden Winged Little Peng Emperor..."

The purple-clothed youth also recognized him.

"Huh! Our Taishi Realm is the beginning of the ten thousand realms, high above the top, can you imagine the lower realm ants?" Chaos Zi coldly glanced at the two of them and said, with deep disdain in his eyes.

"Yes, you humble fellows, I can squeeze to death with one finger, and kill a large piece with one slap." A blood-haired young man raised his chin with a look of contempt.

He is from the Taishi Realm, the demon son of the blood **** magic power, the blood goddess.

"These guys are crazy."

Above the sky, Gu Ling couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable seeing this scene. These guys thought they were from the Taishi Realm, so they were superior? Boasting invincible?

"Sister, these guys are blessed and arrogant. That's natural." Qin Yao smiled.

Gu Ling frowned and said, "Although these people are very strong, but my generation is not weaker than others."

"That's natural."

Qin Yao said.

Just as Gu Ling was talking with Qin Yao, deep in the valley, outside the temple guardian formation, Jiang Yichen and other quasi-sages of the heavens or the human world had already confronted the gods and saints of the Taishi world.

At this time, some powerful people in the ancestral world entered the valley.

"Ye Lingtian, are you here too?"

Jiang Yichen looked at a young man in white who came by with an extremely solemn expression.

This white-clothed young man is very strong, with nine divine lights lingering on his body, and each divine light tore the void. He is like the emperor of the nine heavens, Linchen, extraordinary.

Ye Lingtian, the first person among the direct descendants of the Ye Family in the ancestral world, was trained by the Ye Family. If nothing happens, he will be the future ruler of the Ye Family.

Jiang Yichen knew Ye Lingtian because he had fought against Ye Lingtian.

Ye Lingtian came across the boundary. After entering the heaven, he directly ascended to a great sect in the celestial realm and challenged the strongest of the sect. The result was amazing. He defeated the head of this great sect with just one move.

Then, Ye Lingtian swept across the heavens, under the same level, almost invincible.

Not long ago, Ye Lingtian even entered the human world and directly approached the Jiang family, because he knew that there was an emperor in the Jiang family.

The inheritance of this kind of cultivation family is absolutely amazing, and in fact, the Jiang family did not disappoint Ye Lingtian. Jiang Yichen, the little supreme of the Jiang family, came out of the Jiang family.

Ye Lingtian and Jiang Yichen fought for three days and three nights. The two powerhouses almost used their magical powers at the bottom of the box, and they ended in a tie.

This Ye Lingtian challenged the powerhouses in the heavens and the human world with only one purpose, which was to sharpen himself. He and Jiang Yichen did not engage in a killing duel because it was unnecessary.

They just discuss and communicate, regardless of life or death.

This Ye Lingtian wanted to challenge Gu Ling, but he rushed away. When he found the ancestral land of the demon race, Gu Ling had already gone to the west desert of the heavens, and went to find the little monk Fanxiu for the twenty drops. Immortal liquid and three golden Buddha fruits.

"An ant is an ant, no matter how strong it is, it is only a stronger ant."

Chi Hao shook his head contemptuously.

He has the confidence to despise the powers of the heaven and the human world, because he defeated Qinglong with a few strokes outside of the fairy house, and also snatched the great dragon halberd of Qinglong.

"Chi Hao, what are you doing with so much **** nonsense, we should hurry away these ants, and then fight for the good fortune inside."

Chaozhouzi said impatiently.

"Not bad!"

All the **** sons and saints nodded.


The Blood Mingzi roared directly, turned into a **** light, and pounced towards Ye Lingtian and the others, a **** smell immediately permeated.


Ye Lingtian sneered. In the next moment, the nine divine lights circling around him immediately turned into nine divine swords and strangled directly towards the blood.

I saw the nine sword lights flashing past, and the blood light made by Xue Mingzi was instantly cut into more than a dozen segments.

However, even though the blood light was cut into more than a dozen segments, it immediately continued back and continued to pounce on Ye Lingtian.

"Da Ri Shen Fist!"

Ye Lingtian roared, squeezed his right hand, and slammed his fist towards the rushing blood. The dazzling divine light erupted from his fist instantly illuminated the world, as if the same round of Shenyang suddenly appeared The same between heaven and earth.

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