Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4558: Cut through the years

Gu Ling cut the pole with a sword, and directly broke the guardian power of the Taiyue Divine Child, splitting the Taiyue Divine Child in half with a sword, and even the Yuanshen could not escape, and was directly killed by this sword.


Those strong men who watched the battle from a distance were shocked. They didn't even see how Gu Ling shot his sword. The speed of his sword was too fast.

Soon, even the Divine Child Taiyue didn't react, and he died.

"Uncle Master, this..."

Gu Xiaofeng was dumbfounded, he knew very well how strong Taiyue Divine Child's ultimate guardian was, and even the emperor's divine mace could not be broken. However, such a powerful guardian power was broken by Gu Ling.

The power of Gu Ling's sword is really terrifying.

"Junior Sister..."

Qin Yao looked at Gu Ling next to her in shock. She had to move her face. Gu Ling's sword was too shocked, and even she would not be able to escape it.

Of course, as the emperor of the Qin clan, Qin Yao's life-saving means were much stronger than the Taiyue divine son of Taishi Realm, and it was not easy for Gu Ling to defeat her.

At this time, the battle between Jiang Yichen and Zhuanzi had reached its final juncture.


Endless chaotic energy erupted from the body of Zhuanzi, and every chaotic energy was heavier than a mountain and could wipe out everything.

This is the power of Chaos. This **** child of the Palace of Chaos God of War, possesses a body of Chaos, and is innately close to the power of Chaos. When he raises his hands, the electric light of Chaos directly blasts towards Jiang Yichen.

The chaotic electric light directly tore the void of heaven and earth.

With a cold snort, Jiang Yichen directly opened up a world of heaven and earth, blocking all the chaotic light from the bombardment.


At the same time, a divine light rushed directly from the center of Jiang Yichen's eyebrows and pierced towards the opposite Zhuanzi.

The speed of this divine light was reaching the extreme, and it broke through the chaotic energy, and suddenly penetrated the body of Chaoszi, bringing out a cloud of blood mist.

It was chaotic blood, and every drop was filled with chaotic air.


Chaoszi roared wildly and retreated violently.

However, Jiang Yichen was like a shadow, chasing and killing him.

"Send you on the road."

Jiang Yichen put his hands together and slammed down towards Chaos Zi. The bright light of the knife burst out from his hands immediately, as if it had split the world in half.


Chaoszi screamed frantically, and immediately shot, the power of Chaos erupted from his body, and a huge phantom rushed out of him directly, facing the sword light that was slashing down.

However, the blade of light smashed away and rotten, and directly split the figure that rushed out of Chaoszi into two halves, and dissipated into the void.


Chaoszi's surprise was really extraordinary. Does this guy still retain his strength?

Without thinking about it, he just dodged aside.

However, this sword light was almost at its extreme, and it flashed by, and blood suddenly appeared, and it actually cut off the left half of Chaozizi's body.

The power of this sword is very strong, with a terrifying force, the sword aura directly penetrated into Chaos Zi's body, slashing his vitality.

It was just that for an instant, Chaoszi seemed to be several hundred years old, and his whole person seemed extremely frustrated, and the aura on his body was instantly weak.

Jiang Yichen's knife almost cut the Chaos Son from the Quasi-Supreme realm to the Holy Realm.

"What kind of knife is this!"

Chao Zhuanzi's hair turned pale, and looked a little old, with decayed blood and energy, as if it were hanging old.

"This sword is called years."

Jiang Yichen said calmly.

"It's a good time."

Chao Zhuanzi's face was extremely solemn, he never thought that the other party would have such supreme magical powers, cut the years with a single knife, and cut off his own years.

However, the next moment, the blood on Chaoszi's body became vigorous again, his white hair turned black in an instant, and his eyes revealed a bright divine light.

Chaos Zi's whole person became stronger again, the blood in his body was vigorous, and the sound of rolling thunder was heard, and the aura that burst out of him seemed to be stronger than before.


Jiang Yichen was taken aback. What happened to this guy? After all his years have been slashed, can he recover so quickly?

In fact, what Jiang Yichen didn't know was that Chaos Zi had just secretly melted something from Inner Heaven and Earth into his body without knowing it.

Even a guy like Taiyue Divine Child possesses three substitute death talismans, one Extreme Dao guardian talismans, the Chaos War God Palace where Chaos Child is located, but is even more powerful than Taiyue Holy Land.

Chaos Zi also had many hole cards on his body.

These gods and saints of Taishi Realm did not dare to come out and mix without cards! Since he dared to come out, there must be a few ways to save his life.

"Waste my source of chaos, you die ten times is not enough!"

Zhuanzi stared at Jiang Yichen on the opposite side, gritted his teeth and said.

"Unexpectedly, you still have this kind of treasure on your body."

Jiang Yichen smiled faintly, he is the little supreme of the Jiang family. There is also a genuine ancestor in the family. Although Primordial Chaos is a good thing, he has also seen it.


The Chaoszi's combat power, which melted the origin of the chaos into his body, soared, and he took a step forward, directly hitting Jiang Yichen on the opposite side.


With this punch of Chaos Zi, the world shook, and the world was shaken with one punch, and a series of pitch-black space cracks appeared in the void.

"This is more decent."

Jiang Yichen smiled and cut through his right **** with his nail, and a drop of blood flew out.

"I will let you see the real time slashed!"

Jiang Yichen said with a wave of his right hand, the drop of blood immediately burst into endless blood, and the whole world was reflected in blood red.

"Blood and magic knife, cut the years with a single blow."

Jiang Yichen used a drop of real blood to evolve a **** magic sword, and with one single knife he broke through the mighty and terrifying Chaos Fist, and immediately smashed into Chaos Zi's body.


The blood knife entered the body, and Chaozi immediately roared. The next moment, in the horrified eyes of the mysterious strong man watching the battle nearby, his hair became white, his whole body was aging rapidly, his skin became wrinkled, and his teeth were all After falling, the whole person seemed to be more than a hundred thousand years old, and he was about to die of old age.

"how is this possible……"

Chaos Zi's voice also became extremely old.


The void collapsed, Chaos Zi's inner world exploded, countless gods flew out, and he was so weak that he could no longer control his own inner world.

His whole body was also exploded with flesh and blood, and the smaller half of his body disappeared.

Jiang Yichen was honest and not polite, and directly collected all the treasures flying out of Chaos Zi's inner world into his own inner world.

The collection of Zhuanzi is extremely rich, and the general quasi-senior is jealous, but now, no one dares to fight with Jiang Yichen for the things of Zhuanzi.

"Get on the road!"

Jiang Yichen took a step, and instantly came to the sky above Chaos Son, and then stepped down.


Chao Zhuanzi couldn't even make a scream, and was crushed by Jiang Yichen's foot. Even the soul was shaken away, and he died.

Killing Chao Zhuanzi and exploding his inner world, Jiang Yichen has gained too much, but an extremely dao weapon has gone through the air.

There was actually a Dao Dao Qi in the inner world of this Chaos Zi, which surprised Jiang Yichen, but he knew that Dao Dao Qi was not so easy to surrender.

Outside the valley, someone tried to stop this Dao Dao tool, but the next moment, the light of the Dao Dao tool rushed past, directly blasting this person into a cloud of blood, and he died instantly. .

The divine light transformed by the Dao Dao tool directly rushed towards the outside of the Xianfu world, and at the moment when he saw that he was about to rush out of the Xianfu world, a big hand stretched out directly from the Xianfu world and grabbed the pole. Taoist device.

"Who dares to move my Dao Qi."

An old voice suddenly came out from the Ji Dao Qi.


There was a sneer from the depths of the world of Xianfu, and the next moment, the big hand that grasped the Dao Dao weapon with force, directly obliterated the mark in the Dao Dao tool, and grabbed the Dao Dao tool into the world of Xianfu. Place.


Just when the mysterious powerhouse grabbed the Chaos Zi's Dao Dao artifact, Taishi Realm, deep in a chaotic gas-shrouded area, heard a roar.

The entire chaotic region shook under this roar.

"what's going on."

"Why is the elder Cang Miao violent?"

In the Chaos area, countless disciples of the Chaos God of War Palace were shocked, and even some of the older generation of Chaos God of War Palace powerhouses who had closed their doors came out and looked towards the temple.


A terrifying figure rushed out of the temple directly, and instantly disappeared between heaven and earth.

"what happened?"

Just when the Supreme Elder Cang Mie of the Chaos God Palace had left, an old man wearing the Chaos God's clothes walked out from the depths of this chaotic region.

This old man looked in the direction where Cang Mie disappeared, and in his eyes there were sun, moon and stars sinking, an amazing vision.

At this time, in the valley of Xianfu World, Jiang Yichen didn't know that he had killed Chaoszi and caused a terrifying existence.

After killing Chaos Zi, he opened his eyebrows and glanced at the killing formation in front of him. He wanted to find out the broken formation of this killing formation.

"A perfect killing array?"

Jiang Yichen was taken aback. Under his eyes, the entire killing array appeared in his mind, and the countless array patterns that formed the killing array were densely packed, filling the void in front of him.

He couldn't find any flaws. A killing array without flaws is a perfect killing array. Only by practicing the Dao to Dzogchen, that is, the realm of the ultimate realm, can he set up a perfect killing array.

"Is there a perfect formation?"

Gu Ling came over.

"I have seen fellow ancient Daoist."

Jiang Yichen hurriedly bowed his hand to Gu Ling. Gu Ling was Gu Fei's daughter. He didn't dare to neglect. You know, Gu Fei had friendship with the ancestor of his family.

The relationship between Gu Fei and the Jiang family is pretty good, especially with Emperor Jiang, who is also a teacher and friend to Gu Fei.

"There is no unbreakable formation in this world."

Gu Ling looked at the stone man killing array in front, and said calmly.

When Jiang Yichen heard this, he couldn't help but feel like she could break the battle?

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