Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4559: Depressed Chi Hao

Jiang Yichen slashed the years and slaughtered the Chaos Son of the Chaos God of War.

At this time, in the depths of the valley, only Gu Ling, Qin Yao, the little fat man Gu Xiaofeng, and Jiang Yichen were left, and in another place, there were Ye Lingtian and Chi Hao who were fighting fiercely.

Ye Lingtian came from the Ye family of the ancestor world. At this time, the Ye family was definitely one of the top forces in the Taishi world. The ancestor of the Ye family had walked out of an alternative eternal supreme existence.

As the descendant of the Ye Family in the ancestor world, Ye Lingtian possesses the top cultivation resources, and he only took half a step to become the Supreme Supreme.

However, he was stuck in the pinnacle realm of Quasi-Supreme, no matter how difficult it was to take that half step, only then did he decide to walk across the heavens and all realms, looking for an opportunity to break through to the extreme realm.

Otherwise, as one of the Ye Family's heirs, he would never appear in the heavens.

"An ant is an ant. Want to be a dragon? Dream!"

Qi Hao, the **** son of Qi Tianzong, arrogantly lied over the sky, scorned everything, and while waving his hands, the ten divine lights turned into today's Jianhong and slashed towards Ye Lingtian.

Every sword light easily split the void, as if it could kill everything.

"Haha, I am a dragon, I don't need to be a dragon at all, but you, the guy who jumped out from somewhere, dare to go crazy in front of me and look for death."

Ye Lingtian said coldly.

I saw his hands clasped together, the yin and yang energy circulated between his hands, and a Tai Chi yin and yang figure immediately appeared in front of him.


The yin and yang Daotu vibrated, and it actually swallowed all the ten sword lights that had been hacked into the Daotu.

"Yin Yang Avenue?"

Chi Hao was taken aback. He didn't expect this guy to actually cultivate the Yin-Yang Avenue, which was one of the most difficult avenues among the various heaven and earth avenues.

Even in the heavens, there is only one Yin-Yang Great Emperor who can practice Yin-Yang Dao to the extreme.

The Great Emperor Yin and Yang was the ancestor of the Qin nationality.

Qin Yao also cultivates the Yin-Yang Dao. She has the blood of her father Yin-Yang the Great, and she is naturally close to the power of the Yin-Yang Dao, which makes her practice much faster than ordinary people.

However, the supreme bloodline inherited from the Great Emperor Yin and Yang has now become a major obstacle for Qin Yao to become the supreme Supreme Dao.

In fact, these descendants of Extreme Dao Supreme will face the same problem. Whether it is Qin Yao, Laogui, or even Ye Lingtian, it is much more difficult to become Supreme than other quasi-seniors.

However, once they succeed, they must be the king among the supreme, almost invincible among the same rank.

Of course, the problem is that the old tortoises can succeed, and if they don't succeed, they will always be stuck in the quasi-supreme realm. No matter how hard they are, they will even be in danger of death.

"Yin and Yang Dao is nothing great, how can it be compared to my Infinite Dao." Chi Hao said disdainfully, and saw his right hand stretched out, and a divine light immediately emerged from his palm.

Where this group of divine light passed, the void was silently annihilated, obliterating everything, turning everything into nothingness.

"This is the power of the Promise. No matter what you do, it is **** and vulnerable in front of me." Chi Hao said proudly.

"Wuji? Without you."

Ye Lingtian's whole person merged with the yin and yang Dao map in front of him in an instant, and the human and Dao map were united into one, turning into the yin and yang of the Taiyin and directly flew forward.


The Yin-Yang Dao Tu that Ye Lingtian transformed directly broke through Chi Hao's infinite divine light, flashed past his body, bringing out traces of blood mist.

The Yin and Yang Daotu disappeared, and Ye Lingtian's figure appeared in the void.

"how is this possible"

Chi Hao froze there, and a blood stain appeared from the center of his eyebrows, spreading directly downwards, and then the whole body separated in two.

The next moment, Chi Hao's body that had been split in half by the yin and yang Daotu directly exploded and turned into two masses of blood mist.

However, the next moment, those blood fog disappeared instantly, and in another place, a figure suddenly appeared there. This person was Chi Hao.

"Damn it, you let me wasted a death token?"

Chi Hao stared at Ye Lingtian, wishing to tear this guy to pieces.

The value of a substitute death talisman is really too great. A substitute death talisman is not so easy to sacrifice and refine. Even Chi Hao, as the contemporary **** son of Qi Tianzong, does not have many substitute death talisman. Just one less.

This is a life-saving Taoist talisman, and having a life-saving Taoist talisman equals one more life.

"Replacement Dao Talisman? I want to see how many replacement Dao Talisman you have to die for you." Ye Lingtian sneered. This type of Dao Talisman is not particularly rare in the Ancestral Realm.

In the ancestor realm, there are thousands of races, countless strong people, Ji Dao supreme running rampant, and there are not a few Ji Dao supreme who can refine the death talisman.


Ye Lingtian once again turned into a yin and yang Taoist map and slashed directly towards Chi Hao.

The speed of Yin Yang Dao Tu was so fast, as if it surpassed everything, even the contemporary **** son of Qi Tianzong who was stronger than Chi Hao could not hide.

The thought of avoiding him just came into being, and the whole person was directly split in half by the Yin Yang Daotu.

"how is this possible"

Chi Hao was shocked to the extreme. Even if he mastered the Infinite Dao, it was still difficult to defuse Ye Lingtian's blow. The creatures in the lower realm had cultivated such heaven-defying supernatural powers, which was too scary.

Even if this guy is in the Taishi Realm, I am afraid it is almost invincible among the quasi-supreme!

Chi Hao had to admit that Ye Lingtian's cultivation and combat power were no weaker than his own, and the Yin-Yang Dao he cultivated was also sufficient to contend with his own Wuju Dao.

Originally, Qi Tianzong’s Secret Code of Promise was the supreme technique, which can be cultivated to the extreme, and it can become a supreme being comparable to the supreme Dao.

However, this Chi Hao had cultivated the Promise Secret Tome to the extreme at a distance, and it was a little worse, which directly caused him to be suppressed by Ye Lingtian.

Chi Hao once again appeared in the nearby void, he escaped once again with the help of the Death Talisman.


Chi Hao roared wildly, he used another death-replacement talisman, there were not many replacement-death talisman on his body, and once the opponent's supernatural power was broken, he would run away.

It would be a shame for Chi Hao to be forced to escape by a creature in the lower realm.

When Ye Lingtian's yin and yang Taoist figure slashed and slashed again, Chi Hao's body had already seen thirteen layers of divine light.

This is after he escaped the fatal blow with the help of the death talisman, he immediately used the strongest defensive force.

However, under the yin and yang road map, the thirteen layers of defensive light on Chi Hao's body turned out to be like 13 pieces of paper, easily torn apart.

Dao Tu of Yin and Yang slashed directly from Chi Hao again.

Chi Hao was so depressed that he vomited blood.

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