Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4571: Slap to death

A chaotic energy blocked countless celestial arrogances, whether it was the heavenly realm, the human realm, or the ancestor realm, as long as the cultivation level was not enough, and there was no quasi-senior-level Taoist protection body, they would not be able to pass.

Moreover, even with the quasi-sovereign Taoist body protection, it is not necessarily safe.

Even Tianjiao from Taishijie was blocked a lot by the layer of chaos outside the Xianfu.

Countless powerful people from the four worlds are watching near the fairy house, some directly send letters to their ancestors, asking the sect to use the treasure, and some directly invite the quasi-senior-level existence to bring them into the fairy house.

The Eight Immortals crossed the sea to show their magical powers, in order to break through that layer of chaotic energy, enter the world of the fairy mansion, seize great opportunities and great fortunes, and then soar into the sky, becoming a super power, overlooking the common people, and behaved for nine days.

At this time, on a humble flying boat, several young people were listening to the teachings of their old predecessors.

"The **** son of Tianji Shenfu went in."

The girl in white clothes on the flying boat was extremely envious.

At this time, the news that Xianfu is a world has long been spread from people who have come out of Xianfu. If you enter the world of Xianfu, you may be able to get unimaginable great fortune.

This is a fatal temptation for every cultivator. Otherwise, there will not be so many people who know that they can’t do it and have to take a risk, and then they will end up with a tragic end that is completely destroyed. .

"Envy is useless. Today, I'm just taking you little guys to see it." The old man sighed, and with his cultivation base, he also protected these little guys from entering the world of the fairy mansion!

The Heavenly Lan Sect is just a middle-lower sect in the Heavenly Realm, and even the Sect Master of the Heavenly Lan Sect is nothing but the cultivation base of the Sovereign Peak.

Moreover, the Heavenly Lan Sect is attached to the command of the Celestial Demon Race.


The young people on the flying boat were helpless and disappointed.

At this time, several people were rushing into the Chaos Qi outside the Immortal Mansion. However, even though those people were very strong, one of them had even reached the primary level of the Holy Venerable, but they were still torn to pieces by the Chaos Qi. None of the primordial spirits escaped, and both body and spirit were destroyed.


Everyone who saw this scene knew that without a quasi-extreme-level cultivation base, or without a quasi-extreme-level Taoist protective body, it was impossible to break through this layer of chaos.


At this moment, a blade of light split the chaos, directly splitting the layer of chaos in front of it into a crack that was a thousand feet long.

At the same time, a black-clothed young man with a magic knife in his hand strode from a distance, step by step, walked through the chaotic energy along the split channel, and came to the gate of Xianfu.

"Split the Chaos Qi with a knife?"

Seeing this scene, almost everyone's eyeballs almost fell off. This person was too fierce. It was just a stab. It was a chaotic energy that even the Lord could not break through.


The monks near the split channel immediately rushed towards that channel. Soon, dozens of sages above the holy rank rushed through the chaotic energy along the channel and broke into the fairy house. In front of the gate.

Even some of the mighty powers protected by the sacred instruments rushed past.

But, soon, the channel that was split disappeared, and the chaotic energy obliterated the channel, which made the monk who had no time to break through to beat his chest.

"Who is that, the quasi-superior who uses the knife?"

On the flying boat, the old man of the Sky Lanzong frowned. The black-clothed youth's cultivation base was very high, and he could not see the black-clothed youth's cultivation base.

The young man in black walked directly into the fairy gate and entered the world of the fairy mansion.

The group of monks behind him also surged up, all rushing in.

"Hey, it's just hesitating for a while. Great chance, great good fortune, I have no chance." A monk burst into tears, regretting that he was a step slower.

At this moment, a divine light rushed from a distance like a shooting star, wherever it passed, the chaotic energy that filled the chaotic cracks was rushed away.

"Who is that?"

That divine light was so eye-catching, all the strong were shocked.

Under the attention of all the people, the divine light came directly to the Chaos Qi outside the Xian Mansion, and the divine light that enveloped him disappeared as soon as the person stopped.

"That's not the light of the bodyguard, it's the brilliance formed by rubbing his body with the surrounding air?"

The old man on the Sky Lanzong Feizhou was shocked to the extreme.


Hearing the words of the old man, the surrounding strong men were all taken aback. This guy was flying in the chaos crack, without using the divine light to protect him?

This person's body is too strong!

However, the moment some people saw the person's appearance, they almost fell to their knees.

"Why is he here too?"

"What's so special, he is here, who would dare to compete with him for great opportunities and great luck?"

"Hey! There is nothing wrong with us now."

All the strong who recognized that person immediately thought of how far they would hide.

"Gu Fei?"

Above the sky, a majestic old man dressed in brocade clothes stared at the figure, his expression extremely solemn.


Gu Fei fiercely turned and looked in the direction of the old man.

The next moment, his figure disappeared into the void, and when he reappeared, he had already reached a place less than three feet in front of the old man.


The shock of the old man in Jinyi was really serious, and he couldn't help but stepped back a few steps.

"Do you dare to kill me?"

Gu Fei looked at the panicked old man in Jin Yi indifferently.

"You...what do you want to do? I'm from the Celestial Clan of the Ancestor Realm."

The voice of the old man in Jinyi trembled. He just had a hint of killing to Gu Fei just now, and he was even noticed by this Gu Fei. This guy was terrible.


Gu Fei didn't say anything anymore, and slapped the old man in brocade into a cloud of blood mist, and even the soul was scattered in the void.


"That's a quasi-supreme, who was slapped to death?"

"How powerful is this Gu Fei?"

Everyone was shocked to the extreme.

The combat power that Gu Fei showed was too strong, slapped a Quasi-Supreme to death. That was Quasi-Supreme, not an ordinary existence.

"Why, you want to die too?"

Gu Fei looked at a warship in the distance, and on the bow stood several incomparably powerful beings. Those people were from the Celestial Clan of the Ancestor Realm.

Seeing Gu Fei slapped the old man in Jin Yi to death, these people were all startled and angry, staring at Gu Fei angrily, but did not dare to do anything.

"I have seen Master Gu, Elder Tianlong is disrespectful to adults, and we deserve to die. We dare not have any dissatisfaction." On the battleship, the elder named chief said quickly.

The people of the Celestial Clan in the boat had to bow their heads to Gu Fei, because if they didn't bow their heads, they would die.


Gu Fei no longer paid attention to these guys. In his eyes, these guys were nothing more than ants, and there was no point in killing them.

He turned around and took a step forward, and once again came to the Chaos Qi outside the Xianfu.

"Not bad, this is a supreme method."

Gu Fei opened his mouth and inhaled as he spoke, and that layer of Chaos Qi was actually sucked in by him and swallowed continuously into his body.


Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked to the extreme, and their eyes almost fell off.

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