Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4572: Compete for good fortune

Outside the fairy mansion outside the chaotic crack, Gu Fei opened his mouth and swallowed the chaotic energy that enveloped the entire fairy mansion.

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked to the extreme. It was not ordinary Chaos Qi, it was a defensive method laid down by the supreme existence, and Chaos Qi was added with powerful power.

Even ordinary chaotic energy is not easy to refine, let alone this chaotic energy that blesses a certain power.

However, Gu Fei didn’t care about that much, he just opened his mouth and inhaled, swallowing the chaotic energy here, and saw the ancient Dao patterns appearing continuously in the chaotic energy that gathered towards him, and then dissipated invisible.


Everyone was stunned for the first time.

"This Gu Fei is simply a lunatic."

This crazy move of Gu Fei is unbelievable.

However, soon, everyone was surprised again, and the chaotic energy that enveloped the entire Immortal Mansion gradually became thinner and was continuously swallowed by Gu Fei.

"This this this..."

All the monks who were blocked by the Chaos Qi outside the Xianfu were shocked, happy and excited. If Gu Fei broke through the Chaos Qi, wouldn't everyone be able to enter the Xianfu world?

Gu Fei didn't mean to stop, as the chaotic energy was continuously swallowed by him, the ancient Dao patterns continued to collapse.

Soon, the chaotic energy that enveloped the entire fairy mansion was swallowed up by Gu Fei and completely disappeared, which made all the monks who witnessed this scene be shocked.

"How... how could it..."

On the flying boat of Sky Lanzong, the old man with long eyebrows murmured, his voice trembling.


Gu Feidong glanced at the immortal mansion ahead with Eternal True Eyes, but saw an astonishing scene. The entire immortal mansion was densely packed with ancient Dao patterns.

This kind of Dao pattern, I don't know how many years have existed, but it has not been wiped out by the ruthless years, and it is still terrifying.

Gu Fei estimated that even with the existence of the pinnacle of the Lord, I am afraid that this immortal palace cannot be shaken, and it takes at least half a step of the eternal realm to threaten this immortal palace.

Inside the open gate of Xianfu, the breath of heaven and earth diffused out. Inside the Xianmen, there was a heaven and earth.

"Great opportunity, great luck?"

Gu Fei looked at the fairy gate opening in the front, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, showing a slight smile of disdain.

Everyone thought he would enter the world of Xianfu, but in the next moment, a big hand stretched out from the depths of the chaotic crack and grabbed Gu Fei.

This big hand seemed to grab it randomly, but the void around Gu Fei's body was instantly imprisoned, and it actually grabbed Gu Fei's body and the void around Gu Fei's body directly.


Everyone was taken aback, no one thought that there was a big guy lurking in the depths of the chaos crack, even daring to attack Gu Fei.

That's Gu Fei, an existence that is even more maddening than the eternal violent Xuanhuang, who dares to attack him in the heavens and the world?

Naturally, it was not a person from the heavens and the world, or even the ancestors.


The world shook, and under everyone's stunned gaze, Gu Fei was grabbed into the depths of the chaotic crack by the big hand and disappeared.

"how can that be……"

Everyone was dumbfounded, but Gu Fei, who was able to suppress even the eternal violent Xuanhuang, was just like that? No resistance at all?

This is incredible.

"Haha, this Gu Fei also has today."

People who have enemies with Gu Fei are naturally gloating, and hope that someone can clean up Gu Fei.

But the people who have been close to Gu Fei have a solemn expression. This is a major event that will break the sky. If Gu Fei is really killed, the heavens and the human world will probably be in chaos.

Even the Ancestral Realm will also cause an uproar. You must know that Gu Fei's influence in the Ancestral Realm should not be underestimated.

It took a long time for everyone to wake up from the shock.

I don't know who suddenly roared like crazy, awakening everyone, and then the pot was exploded near Xianfu.

"The chaos disappeared?"


"What are you waiting for, rush!"

"Haha, I didn't expect that I could enter the world of Immortal Palace. Great luck, great opportunity, I'm here."

Countless monks all rushed towards the gate of the fairy mansion like crazy. The fairy gate was so big that even if countless monks swarmed up together, it didn't seem crowded.

"Elder, let's go too!"

On the flying boat of Sky Lanzong, several young disciples were all excited to the extreme. Originally, they just came to join in the fun and increase their knowledge.

But who would have thought that Gu Fei suddenly appeared and swallowed the chaotic energy that enveloped the entire fairy house.

"Let's take a look first."

The face of the old man with long eyebrows is extremely solemn, and the danger of the Immortal Mansion World is not a joke. Moreover, so many people enter the Immortal Mansion World, and those who are not strong enough, even if they are good fortune, will only lead to serious disasters.


It's useless for the young people on the flying boat to be anxious.


At this moment, there was a roar from the Xianmen, and then countless people flew out from the Xianmen, and some of them shattered directly into a cloud of blood mist, and ended in a vanishing fate.

An extremely powerful wave of power surged out from within the fairy gate, and a war broke out in the fairy gate.

People were constantly being killed, even the saints were wounded and retreated, not to mention the monks below the saints, there was a chaos in the fairy gate, and a strong smell of blood permeated.


On the flying boat of Sky Lanzong, the young disciples were all stunned by this **** scene. Is this the cruel side of the cultivation world?

Countless people are crazy for the sake of genius treasures, top-level heritage.



The dull sound of impact continued to sound, it was the power fluctuation of the holy rank, powerful creatures of the holy rank fought in the fairy gate, and the monks below the holy rank became cannon fodder.

The battle of the sacred ranks was extremely tragic, and soon there was news that several sages who were made in the world of Xianfu were going to come out of the world of Xianfu, but they were intercepted by people, and a great war broke out.

Then, the people who had just rushed into the fairy gate were unlucky, and were affected by the sudden outbreak of the war, causing countless casualties.

The long eyebrow elder of the Sky Lanzong was extremely thankful, and it was his hesitation that saved the life of the Tian Lanzong disciple on the flying boat!

The battle of the holy ranks continued for several hours. In the end, a holy rank rushed out of the world of Xianfu, but this person was covered with blood and was obviously injured.

"Old Strange Zhou, Lao Li, Zhao Feiyu took down my hatred."

The saint roared and rushed out of the chaos crack, to return to the heaven.


The strong man near the fairy mansion was shocked when he heard Zhao Feiyu's words. Could it be that the saints of the Huanggu Zhou family and the Huanggu Li family joined hands to shame the saints of the Huanggu Zhao family?

The message of the words that the escaped saint said was really amazing.

If this is true, isn't it going to detonate the contradictions between the ancient families? In this way, the heaven and the world will be completely chaotic.

If a war breaks out between the ancient families, it will be absolutely devastated and cause unimaginable destruction.

You know, behind these barren ancient families, there is probably a supreme Supreme Being sitting behind, and they all have extremely deep background.


At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared and punched out. The violent punch was as fierce as Shenyang exploded, directly intercepting Zhao Feiyu.

"Zhao Feiyu, hand over that thing, and I will let you go, otherwise, kill Wuxia."

Two powerful figures rushed out of the fairy gate and forced them towards Zhao Feiyu.

"You all go to die!"

Zhao Feiyu retreated directly, avoiding the blow from the oncoming blow, and at the same time, he crushed the talisman in his hand.

At the moment when Zhao Feiyu smashed the Dao Talisman, the ancient Zhao family uttered a wild roar in the ancestral land of the heavenly realm. The next moment, a powerful figure rushed out of the ancestral land of the celestial Zhao family, and stepped forward directly. Then rushed to the area where the chaotic crack was located.

Afterwards, three more powerful men rushed out of the Zhaojiazu land of the heavens and entered the chaos crack.

The moment Zhao Feiyu smashed the Taoist talisman, the expressions of the three saints who had besieged him changed drastically.

"Quick battle!"

The three saints directly attacked Zhao Feiyu with all their strength.

Zhao Feiyu is the end of the battle, so he can withstand the joint attack of the three saints? He was directly vomiting blood and flew back, and there was a transparent blood hole on his body. If it weren't for the moment of life and death, he had used a substitute for death, and he would have been bombarded by these three shameless guys. .

However, the surrogate charms on his body have been used up, if he is bombarded again, then he will really be dead.

"You despicable villains."

Zhao Feiyu's eyes were red, and they had obtained something from a forbidden area in the Xianfu World in their nine deaths, and they wanted to leave the Xianfu World directly and send that thing back to their ancestral land.

However, it never expected that the news that Zhao Feiyu and the others had obtained good luck was leaked out, causing the sages of the Zhou family and the Li family to jointly ambush them near the immortal gate.

The other two saints of the ancient Zhao family were killed by the ambush saints unexpectedly, leaving only Zhao Tianyu with the highest cultivation base and the strongest combat power to escape.


What responded to Zhao Tianyu was a fist that exploded with terrifying power. This was the Zhou Family's Big Dipper Fist. The violent star power came out of the Zhou Family Saint's fist and shook the world.

Another sage of the Zhou family even sacrificed a quasi-sovereign Taoist implement. It was a blood-colored magic sword, which turned into a **** light and strangled Zhao Tianyu.

The sage of the Li family also used his assassin to release extremely subtle flying needles. This kind of Dao weapon is impossible to guard against. Once he is recruited, it is too late.

"Roar, even if I die, I will pull you on the road together."

Zhao Tianyu roared wildly, and he exploded directly, and the terrifying destructive power instantly drowned the three saints who had attacked and killed.

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