Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4573: War mysterious supreme

Zhao Tianyu of the Zhao family in the heavens was besieged by the three saints of the Zhou family and the Li family. In despair, he blew himself up and wanted to pull these three saints on the road together.

If you fight for one, you will make a profit if you lose two. If you lose all three, you will make a lot of money.

"Zhao Tianyu, you lunatic!"

The sage of the Zhou family only had time to roar, and he was directly shattered under the terrifying destructive power, and his body and spirit were destroyed.

He didn't carry a surrogate talisman on his body, so he had no chance to be reborn.


Another sage of the Zhou family roared wildly and urged the body protector, only to see more than a dozen divine lights emerging from his body, protecting him to death.

However, the dozen or so divine lights couldn't even last for a breath, and they were instantly wiped out by the mighty destructive power.

In the next moment, half of his body was wiped out, bloody.

Seeing that this Zhou family saint was about to fall, a divine light emerged from his body, and the obliterated half of his body suddenly reorganized and recovered directly.

However, the next moment, his physical body shattered again, and his soul was almost wiped out. However, at a critical moment, another divine light flashed, and under the cover of divine light, the Zhou family saint was reborn again.

However, he died in the end. This guy died seven times, and finally died after using up the death talisman.

The other sage of the Li family was also very miserable. He escaped the fastest, but after all he did not escape the range of Zhao Tianyu's self-destruction and was enveloped by the destructive power that broke out.

The next moment, the sage of the Li family was directly shocked into a cloud of blood.

However, in the blood mist, a divine light lit up, and the blood mist quickly condensed under the shining light of the divine light, and the sage of the Li family directly reorganized the body.

He also had a death token on his body, but there was only one.

However, the sage of the Li Family directly used the Quasi-Supreme Dao Device, which was a silver ring with gleaming silver light. As soon as the silver ring appeared, it immediately dispersed the surrounding destructive power.

"Boom Rumble"

The sage of the Li family drove the silver ring and rushed out more than tens of thousands of miles in an instant.

"Damn it! Li Jingtian, you dare to kill my clan saint and steal my clan's treasure, **** it."

At this moment, a roar came from far away, and the next moment an angry middle-aged man rushed over. Horrible power fluctuations erupted from the middle-aged man, and the surrounding void was directly shaken. Up.

"Zhao Yi?"

Li Jingtian, one of the sages of the Li family, was shocked when he saw the visitor. This Zhao Yi, that was the heavenly elder of the Zhao family in the heavens.

However, this Zhao Yi did not come from the Zhao family of the heavens, but from the ancient Zhao family of the human world. The background of this ancient Zhao family is extremely profound.

This Zhao Yi is an unborn strong man in the ancient Zhao family. The quasi-sovereign elementary level of cultivation made him the supreme elder of the Zhao family in the heavens, even the head of the family.

Although the heaven has experienced the invasion of the Profound Extreme Realm, the major forces in the entire heaven have suffered heavy losses, and some of the great religions and the powers of the Heavenly Sect have fallen.

However, the Zhao family did not suffer any loss. The Patriarch is still Zhao Tianxiong, and the two great elders are in charge. These three powerhouses are all quasi-supreme, and they are basically invincible.


The saint of Li's family turned directly and fled.

"Huh! Want to escape?"

Zhao Yi stretched out his big hand and directly grabbed the sage of the Li family, and instantly enveloped the void around the sage of the Li family. At the same time, with his left hand, one thing flew back from a distance. Fell into his hands.


The sage of the Li family desperately urged the silver ring, and the quasi-supreme power erupted from the silver ring blocked Zhao Yi's big hand.

"It's just a small quasi-sovereign Taoist implement, even if it’s a quasi-sovereign relative, it won’t save you."

As soon as Zhao Yi exerted his force, the silver ring broke directly, and the sage of the Li family was immediately caught into a cloud of blood.

At this time, countless powerhouses in the entire celestial realm are using the heavenly secret rune to watch the live broadcast through the heavenly secret platform established by the Tianji Shenfu.

"Zhao Yi, if you dare to kill my sage of the Li family, even if you are the elder of the Zhao family, you will die."

The Li family's Patriarch stared at the light curtain in front of him, gritted his teeth and said.

"Patriarch, I will kill Zhao Yi."

Behind the Li Family Patriarch, a middle-aged quasi-senior in battle armor said angrily.

"Go! Let them know that my Li family is not easy to bully."

Patriarch Li nodded and said.

"Why did the Zhao family hit the bar with the Li family?"

"Hey, don't you guys watch the live broadcast? The sages of the Li family and the Zhou family seem to have set up an ambush in the world of Xianfu. They want to kill the sage Zhao Tianyu of the Zhao family, and finally forced Zhao Tianyu to explode!"

"Wow, isn't it! I just haven't been on the Tianji platform for a long time, what kind of shocking incident happened?"

"Hmph, ignorant!"

Someone said triumphantly.

At this time, outside of the world of Xianfu, after Zhao Yi killed the sage of the Li family, his anger still persisted, and then he shot all the disciples of the Li family nearby and slapped them to death.

Zhao Yi's anger disappeared a lot after eliminating the Li family's clansmen near Xianfu.

"Although Zhao Yi is the Supreme Elder of the Zhao family, but so wanton killing the Li family's children will definitely anger the Li family!"

On the Tianji platform, everyone who saw this scene through the live broadcast was shocked.

The Celestial Li Family is not a weak family. Although the Celestial Zhao Family dominates the Northern Territory of the Celestial Realm, this Li Family is also a behemoth.

You know, the Li family in the wild and ancient world of the human world has the same origin as the Li family in the heavens.

Since the heavenly road between the heaven and the human world was opened up, the desolate ancient family in the human world naturally had to regain control of the forces that remained in the heaven back then.

However, after endless years of development, the power of the desolate ancient family that stayed in the heavens that year has also become stronger, and even the quasi-superior has emerged.

The Li Family of the Celestial Realm also returned to the Li Family of the Human Realm and became a branch of the ancient Li Family. Before endless years, they were originally a branch of the ancient Li Family.

Back then, the human world was in chaos, the heavenly road was cut off, the desolate forces in the celestial world have experienced a long period of darkness, and many forces from the human world have disappeared.

However, the forces that can be passed down are not simple.

"It seems that the heavens are going to be in chaos again."

Someone left a message on the Tianji platform.

"Hey, as long as there is that person in the heavens, there will be no chaos."

Someone said disapprovingly.

"You mean"

Everyone suddenly became silent, afraid to talk any more.

Zhao Yi slaughtered near the Xian Mansion, which completely angered the Li Family of Heaven. Countless people were watching the excitement. If the Zhao Family were to work with the Li Family, it would be wonderful.

When everyone was watching the show, deep in the chaotic crack, leaning on the side of Taishi Realm, two powerful figures were facing each other.

The extremely powerful aura exploded from the two people, dispelling the surrounding chaotic energy.

"Zhudao Supreme?"

A battleship rushed directly into the chaos. Soon, all the powerhouses of the Taishi realm on the battleship were shocked and inexplicable, and the powerful aura from the chaos made the masters on the battleship shocked and inexplicable.


The Extreme Divine Formation on the battleship was directly opened, and a group of divine light enveloped the entire battleship.

The leader directly ordered a detour.

"His Royal Highness, the Extreme War is a rare encounter, why don't we stay and watch the battle?"

On the bow, a young man in Jinyi stood with his hands in his hands, surrounded by divine light, looking at the world. Behind him stood one strong man after another.

A young man in white clothes behind the Saint Child looked in the direction from which the power of the extreme Taoism came.


The son nodded.

The monks on the battleship were overjoyed.

"You dare to attack me Gu Fei, you are tired of life."

Amidst the chaotic energy, a strong wave of power suddenly erupted above a vague figure, and the entire chaotic crack shook.

This person is Gu Fei.

His cultivation has actually broken through to the extreme realm.

"Only you are Jidao?"

The man opposite was very disdainful.


Too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy, Gu Fei hit the guy on the opposite side to kill him.


The fist made the world move, Gu Fei's punch seemed simple, but it made the mysterious life feel inevitable.


The mysterious man was blasted away directly, blasting a low mountain behind him.

"Huh! The Supreme Being of Taishi Realm is so weak, it can't stand a single blow!"

Gu Fei shook his head.

"what did you say?"

The mysterious person was furious when he heard the words, and rushed over from a distance. Nine swords of light rushed out of him and slashed towards Gu Fei like crazy.

The mysterious man once took Gu Fei into the depths of the chaos, but Gu Fei was not a weak person, and he broke free from the mysterious man's control.


Gu Fei stretched out his hands, and the nine sword lights were immediately drawn around him by him, lingering around him.


Mysterious Supreme was shocked when he saw this scene. The sword light he emitted was easily manipulated by the other party. How could this be possible.

"Back to you!"

Gu Fei waved his right hand, and the nine sword lights surrounding him immediately burst into a more powerful sword light, which directly penetrated toward the mysterious supreme opposite.

"Damn it!"

The mysterious supreme retreats directly, no one knows the power of these nine sword lights better than him, if he is cut, even the supreme will be injured.


Nine swords crossed the sky and directly caught up with the mysterious supreme who flew upside down.


Mysterious Supreme looked up to the sky and roared. He shot with all his strength and increased the speed several times. However, the nine sword lights followed like a shadow, continuing to penetrate towards the Mysterious Supreme.

"how is this possible"

The mysterious supreme was shocked and angry, the other party actually reversed his attack perfectly, and the power of this magical power seemed to be a bit stronger than when he used it.

This makes him unbelievable.

It can actually reverse the attack, the opponent's supernatural power is too powerful.

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