Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4579: Invincible

The Taishi Realm, like the Ancestral Realm, is another source of ten thousand worlds. With the Taishi realm as the center, it also derives the heavens and ten thousand realms.

However, unlike the Ancestral Realm, the cultivation physique of the Taishi Realm is mainly based on cultivation, and the Taishi Realm, as the ancestor of cultivation, has the most complete cultivation system.

The Taishi realm, the cultivation realm below the immortal god, can be divided into eight realms: Qi training, foundation building, golden core, primordial infant, **** transformation, anti-virtuality, harmony, and transcendence.

The immortal gods are above the human immortal, the earth immortal, the heavenly immortal, the mysterious immortal, the golden immortal, the immortal king, the immortal emperor, the immortal sovereign, and the ultimate holy immortal.

The gods and sons of the top forces in the Taishi realm are at least immortal-level existences. When placed in the heavens, they are the gods. The cultivation of a few gods even broke through to the realm of the quasi-extreme sage. It is the quasi-superior realm.

After Gu Fei read a divine thought of Chu Shaoyun, a disciple of the Chixiao Clan, he also had a certain understanding of this Taishi Realm.

Now, he has completely sealed his power, only to restore Chu Shaoyun's body's due cultivation and combat power.

"too weak!"

Gu Fei stood in the void, sensing this body, and dividing it according to the Taishi Realm's cultivation system, his cultivation realm is now the first level of God Transformation.

As the seventh disciple of the Chixiao Sect's head, Chu Shaoyun's cultivation level can only be regarded as average.

At this time, an exclamation came from the mountain in front.

Gu Fei was startled. It should be the younger sister of "Chu Shaoyun". This Chu Shaoyun lost her life in vain, but he still failed to let his younger sister successfully escape the pursuit of Heisha Lake.

"This guy seems to have a crush on his little junior sister!"

Gu Fei shook his head. This Chu Shaoyun's obsession was too strong. He actually had an urge to take action. His spirit was completely dissipated, and his body could still respond.

It can only be said that Chu Shaoyun really cares about his little junior sister too much.

Unfortunately, I only borrowed Chu Shaoyun's body now. Chu Shaoyun is no longer the original Chu Shaoyun.

"Since I promised you to save her, I won't break my promise."

Gu Fei directly turned into a sword light and rushed forward.

When he came to the sky above this mountain, he happened to see an old servant in Tsing Yi attacking a girl in white.

"This is Chu Shaoyun, who is now my junior sister?"

Gu Fei had to admit that this girl in white clothes was really beautiful. Although she was young, she had an extraordinary temperament on her body. A more popular term was the goddess of high coldness.

Unexpectedly, this Chu Shaoyun actually liked this type of girl, but it seemed that this girl did not necessarily like Chu Shaoyun as well. This guy was just unrequited love.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for this little junior sister to ask Chu Shaoyun to die, and then run away by herself.

Seeing that Zhao Qianqian, the girl in white clothes, was about to be taken away by the old servant in Tsing Yi, Gu Fei rushed down.

"Haha...little guy, are you a hero to save beauty?"

Black Fiend Lake Elder Youkun said contemptuously.

"This guy won't die when we knocked it off the cliff. It's really dead!"

A master in Heisha Lake stared at Gu Fei, his eyes flickering fiercely.

"It's too overwhelming to survive without fleeing and want to save people."

"This guy is so stupid, since he came to die, let's fulfill him!"

The masters of the Black Fiend Lake sneered.

Gu Fei didn't speak, he looked at the old Tsing Yi servant opposite with an indifferent expression. This old servant turned out to be a cultivator in the realm of anti-emptiness.

The gap between the two realms of anti-emptiness and transforming gods is too big. This is the gap between heaven and earth. In everyone's eyes, this gap is almost insurmountable.

However, according to legend, some of the **** sons and saints cultivated by the top powers are very against the sky, and when they are in the realm of transforming gods, they can challenge the strong against the virtual.

However, this is rare after all.

But now, the old servant in Tsing Yi was staring at Gu Fei, and there was a trace of fear in the depths of his eyes. Just now, was this little guy who shook himself back?

how can that be?

"Chu Shaoyun, this time, I want you to die."

Yukun grinned and waved.

The people in black around immediately forced Gu Fei and Zhao Qianqian up.

"These guys thought I was Chu Shaoyun?" Gu Fei smiled secretly, but in the eyes of others, he was Chu Shaoyun, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Brother Chu, what should I do?"

Zhao Qianqian is in a hurry. She is the daughter of the head and has a great future. She will soon worship the Five Elements Gate. Since then, she has soared into the sky, and she doesn't want to die here.

The Chixiao Gate is just a small sect in the southern region of the Taishi Realm. Above the Chixiao Gate, there is the Five Elements Gate that governs a realm. The Five Elements Gate is one of the Eight Main Schools under the Five Elements Heaven Sect. One.

The Five Elements Celestial Sect is one of the ten strongest Celestial Sects in the Taishi Realm. If you can enter the Five Elements Gate, you will have the opportunity to enter the Five Elements Celestial Sect and become a descendant of the Celestial Sect.

The status of the descendant of the Tianzong is very high. Even a last disciple in the Tianzong can sit on an equal footing with the head of the Chixiao Sect, the Sect Master of the Five Elements Sect.

Zhao Qianqian's heart is higher than the sky, and her goal is to become a disciple of the Five Elements Tianzong.

Gu Fei didn't speak, just smiled, he didn't put these guys in his eyes at all.


A man in black immediately started his hand. With a wave of his right hand, a cold light flew towards Gu Fei immediately, like a spirit snake, about to wrap Gu Fei's neck.

Gu Fei could tell at a glance that this cold light was a whip, a whip full of barbeds, if it was wrapped around his neck and then the person whipped the whip, his head would move.

At this time, Gu Fei opened his mouth and spit out a sword pill the size of a thumb, and saw that the sword pill directly hit the silver whip, which actually knocked the silver whip away.


The man in black was taken aback.

At this moment, the sword pill suddenly stretched out, the sword light flashed, and the head of the black man who shot the shot flew up.

The next moment, the head of the man in black exploded, and a soul rushed out and was about to flee.

However, the sword light flashed again, and the primordial spirit who wanted to escape was split into two and dissipated into the void.


Everyone was stunned by this scene. No one would have thought that Chu Shaoyun in front of him was so powerful. You know, just now, Chu Shaoyun was directly knocked off the cliff by them!

"how is this possible……"

Yu Kun stared at Gu Fei, his pupils shrank suddenly. In his eyes, this Chu Shaoyun seemed to be different from before. The previous Chu Shaoyun didn't have the dignity of the current Chu Shaoyun.

Moreover, this Chu Shaoyun made a clean move, and the use of power has reached the pinnacle level. He even used the first-level cultivation base of the **** of transformation to kill a black evil lake disciple of the same level.

"Chu... Brother Chu..."

Zhao Qianqian was also very frightened, looking at Gu Fei in a daze.

"Outrageous, let's go together and kill him!"

Yukun was angry. His subordinates were all the elites of the Black Fiend Lake. There were not many disciples in the entire Black Fiend Realm, and only the disciples of the transformed God Realm were the core disciples of the Black Fiend Lake.

Thirteen people in black in the realm of transforming gods shot towards Gu Fei.

Thirteen magic weapons of the God Transformation level were headed toward Gu Fei. Among these magic weapons, there were bells, tripods, swords, and spears, and some even sacrificed a black mountain to kill Gu Fei.

The power fluctuations that these thirteen artifacts erupted were very strong, covering an area of ​​several hundred meters in radius. This blow, not to mention Chu Shaoyun, who is the first-level transformation of God, even the existence of the peak of transformation Was bombed into scum.

However, I saw the sword light in the void flashing like cold electricity, and every time it flashed, a god-level magic weapon was split in half, or directly penetrated.

In just a moment, the thirteen magical artifacts of the God Transformation Grade were all shattered by the sword light, their spirituality was lost, and they turned into scrap copper and rotten iron.

Thirteen masters of the God-Transforming level all vomited blood and retreated.

"This this this..."

Yukun’s old face was flushed red, how could this be possible, a little guy with an elementary level of **** transformation, in his own eyes, he was like an ant, and he broke thirteen magic artifacts with one sword, and defeated 13 people with one sword. A cultivator of the **** transformation?

"Impossible. Who are you? You can't be Chu Shaoyun."

Yukun roared at Gu Fei, Heisha Lake and Refining Demon Mountain joined forces to destroy the Chixiao Gate. Naturally, the upper level of the Blacksha Lake and the others must thoroughly understand the Chixiao Gate and thoroughly understand the Chixiao Gate before they dare to do anything.

This Chu Shaoyun was just the seventh disciple of the Scarlet Xiaomen Sect Master, with an average cultivation base and average physique, and his cultivation and combat power were not as good as his junior sister.

However, now, this Chu Shaoyun has defeated thirteen powerful players of the same rank with one sword, which is really incredible.

"I'm not Chu Shaoyun, who is Chu Shaoyun?" Gu Fei looked at You Kun, who was almost crazy on the other side.

He is Gu Fei, and also Chu Shaoyun. Gu Fei's combat experience is so rich, that is the extreme level. He can see through the opponent's virtual reality at a glance, shoot from the weakest part of the opponent, and break those faces directly. The guy's magic weapon.

The magic weapon of the person who transforms into a **** is a natal magic weapon, which is closely related to himself. Once it is broken by someone, he will also be greatly impacted.

"Brother Chu...this..." Zhao Qianqian was also stunned. She thought that this time, she could not escape with her wings and would die here. She didn't expect her Senior Brother Chu to suddenly become so powerful.

Did he break through when he was fighting for life and death?

"Furthermore, what Senior Brother Chu displayed was Chixiaomen's unique skill, Chixiao Sword Technique, which is the core inheritance, but the disciples who did not pass it down did not pass it down. Senior Brother Chu has actually cultivated to the realm of swordsmanship.

Zhao Qianqian's thoughts fluctuate.

She and Chu Shaoyun were in the school. It was because she saw Chu Shaoyun being pushed and bullied by the same family, and she felt sympathy, but now, she couldn't see through this brother Chu.

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