Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4580: Raise a mountain with one hand

Gu Fei entered the body of Chu Shaoyun, the seventh disciple of the Lord Chixiao Sect. Chu Shaoyun is no longer the Chu Shaoyun he used to be.

In Zhao Qianqian's eyes, Chu Shaoyun smashed the magic weapons of thirteen cultivators in the realm of transforming gods with a single sword. Such combat power is absolutely against the sky!

In fact, Gu Fei's use of power has reached the realm of perfection, and at the same level, it is almost invincible.

"Damn you!"

At this time, the elder Yukun of the Black Fiend Lake was almost going crazy, but that was the core disciple of the thirteen gods, who was defeated so fast and so miserably.

It should be known that the magical tools of the cultivator in the realm of transforming gods are closely related to the cultivator's own. If the magical tool is broken, the owner of the magical tool will also be greatly impacted.

"You deserve to die!"

Gu Fei stood with his hand in his hand, and that sword light lingered around him, revealing powerful waves of sword aura. Under the impact of Senhan's sword aura, the surrounding temperature was rapidly dropping.

"Roar, I will cut you a thousand knives, and Shenhun Town will refine the soul in the Nine Nether Fire for thousands of years."

Yukun said with a big hand and grabbed Gu Fei directly.

An ancient Dao pattern appeared in his palm. The next moment, a vortex emerged from his palm and swallowed forward.

"Brother, be careful!"

Zhao Qianqian shouted anxiously.

Before Gu Fei had time to speak, he only felt a force descend from the sky, and then a force enveloped him, and then he could not help but flew towards Yukun.

This Yukun is a powerful person in the realm of anti-emptiness, a realm higher than this Chu Shaoyun. If a strong person in anti-emptiness wants to kill the cultivator of the god, it will be easy.

"Yijian Lingxiao!"

Without any words, Gu Fei directly displayed the Chi Xiaomen's unique trick, Chi Xiao Sword Art. He is now Chu Shaoyun, so naturally he has to use his own ultimate move.

This seemed to be an ordinary sword, but when the sword light flashed and blood light appeared, Yukun's head actually flew.

"how is this possible……"

Everyone felt incredible when they witnessed this scene. You must know that Yukun is a strong man with anti-fiction.

With just one sword, this Chu Shaoyun killed the elder of Youkun Black Fiend Lake on the spot with a single sword. This kind of kendo power is really terrifying.

At this time, the old Tsing Yi servant suddenly turned around and fled.

"Did you go?"

Gu Fei's figure disappeared in an instant. When he appeared again, he was already above the head of the old Tsing Yi servant, stepping down towards the old Tsing Yi servant.


Gu Fei stepped down, and the whole world trembled.


With a muffled sound, the old servant of Tsing Yi was directly kicked from the sky by Gu Fei.


The old servant of Tsing Yi hit the ground directly into a big hole.

"What a mountain of refining magic, it's just a group of ants."

Gu Fei said disdainfully.

"what did you say!"

At this moment, the old servant of Tsing Yi rushed out of the big hole.

However, what awaited him was a fist that came over suddenly.



Gu Fei's punch was right on the nose of the old servant of Tsing Yi, breaking the bridge of the guy's nose. The next moment, the nose bleeds.

The intensive impact sounded, and Gu Fei's fist fell like raindrops on the old servant of Tsing Yi, and the old servant of Tsing Yi had no power to fight back.


Seeing this scene, everyone was directly stunned.

The cultivator in the realm of transforming gods has completely abused the cultivator in the realm of anti-emptiness. Before this, neither Zhao Qianqian nor the people in black had seen such an evil existence.

"Send you on the road!"

Gu Fei no longer kept his hand, he squeezed his right hand with five fingers, and struck out a punch directly. This punch was so ordinary that it couldn't be more ordinary. It was actually a trick for the black tiger to steal the heart.


Gu Fei's fist directly hit the chest of the old Tsing Yi servant. The next moment, there was a sound of broken bones in his body, and then the whole person was shaken into a cloud of blood mist by this fist.

The old servant of Tsing Yi couldn't even escape, and was shaken by Gu Fei's punch into the void.

"Is this man really Brother Chu?"

There was a huge wave in Zhao Qianqian's heart. She never imagined that Chu Shaoyun, who was always bullied by her fellow students, had such a power against the sky.

At this moment, how strange Chu Shaoyun was in her eyes.


The thirteen disciples of the God of Heishahu who were injured by Gu Fei turned around and fled.

This monster even killed Yu Kun and the old servant of Tsing Yi. This was a shock. These people in black had already been so scared that they didn't dare to fight Gu Fei.


Gu Fei did not show any mercy, he directly used the swordsmanship, sword light was like a dragon, and a short space crack appeared in the void wherever he passed.

One after another, the black disciples in the Black Fiend Lake were all beheaded by the sword light that Gu Fei sacrificed, and none of them remained.


At this moment, a long roar suddenly came from the direction of the Chixiao Gate, dozens of miles away. The sound was earth-shaking, and the birds and beasts scattered in the frightened mountains to escape.

"They started?"

Gu Fei was frightened. He knew that Heisha Lake and Lian Demon Mountain had joined forces to attack Chixiao Gate, but he did not expect that these two families would attack so soon.


The Chixiao Gate is just a small school, but the territory of the Chixiao Gate is not small.

In this Chixiao Mountain Range, there are two other forces, one is Heishihu Lake and the other is Refining Demon Mountain. These two forces are plotting to destroy the Chixiao Clan and then divide the Chixiao Clan's territory.

At this time, the guardian formation of the Chi Xiaomen had opened, and all the disciples retreated into the formation.

"Haha..., Zhao Jianyu, the head of your dignified Akasaka Sect, has your head turned into a turtle?"

In the sky, the black energy was mighty, and a magical shadow appeared in the tumbling magical energy, with a terrifying aura for several miles.

On the square in front of the Chixiaomen Hall, there were at least a thousand monks. Among these monks, there were even strong men in the Anti-Void realm.

"A flat-haired animal dare to be presumptuous here?"

In front of the Chixiaomen Hall, a middle-aged man looked up to the sky.

In the devilish energy, that figure gradually became clear.

I saw that it was a woman in brocade clothes, and the body of this woman was constantly emitting a monstrous atmosphere of magic. This kind of atmosphere made people upset.

"what did you say?"

Hearing Zhao Jianyu’s words, the woman in Jinyi in the sky couldn’t help being furious. The next moment, she saw her body shake, and then one after another magic light rushed out of him directly, turning into a fierce sword light. Bounced towards the Chixiaomen Hall below.

The powerful force of the Hedao realm erupted from the body of the woman in Jinyi.

This devilish woman is actually a master in the realm of Hedao.


Zhao Jianyu, the master of the Chixiao Gate, directly spit out a divine sword, only to see that he grasped the divine sword, and then strenuously struck the woman in the sky with a sword.

The countless sword lights that fell from the sky were all blocked by the guardian formation of the Chixiao Gate.

However, the sword that smashed out from the Chixiao Gate did not meet any obstacles, and instantly broke through the devilish energy and slashed in front of the woman.


The woman's surprise was really serious.


The woman retreated directly, but she was still a little slower after all, the sword light slashed past her, and a few strands of hair floated down from the air.

The master of Demon Mountain was injured, and a blood stain appeared on his shoulder.

"Good job Zhao Jianyu."

The woman gritted her teeth and said fiercely.


At this moment, there was an extremely shocking sound from the sky.

When Zhao Jianyu looked up, he couldn't help being shocked, only to see a huge mountain descending from the sky towards Shantou Town where the main hall of the Chixiao Gate was located.

That huge mountain burst out of terrifying magic power.

"The magic weapon of Refining Demon Mountain?"

Zhao Jianyu's voice has changed a little.

The huge magic mountain hadn't really blasted on the guardian formation of the Chixiaomen, the guardian formation of the Chixiaomen had already shaken violently.

"That is……"

On a mountain more than thirty miles away from Chixiao Gate, someone was shocked to the extreme when they saw this scene.

The hole cards of Lian Demon Mountain have been used.


With a loud noise, the huge mountain blasted directly on the guardian formation of the Chixiao Gate. In the void, countless runes flickered, intertwining arrays.

However, this was still unstoppable, and I saw countless runes shattered, and a wave of violent power fluctuations erupted from the huge mountain.

The guardian formation of the Chixiao Gate collapsed, and the magic mountain fell directly toward the top of the mountain.


Zhao Jianyu's surprise was truly extraordinary.


He roared wildly, and his mana was surging, and the divine sword in his hand slashed directly upwards.

However, the moment the divine sword in his hand slashed on the Demon Mountain where the town was killed, the divine sword in his hand was directly broken in two.


Zhao Jianyu was also shocked and flew away, coughing up blood constantly in his mouth. On the square in front of the hall, countless Crimson Sect disciples were panicked to the extreme.

As long as the magic mountain in the sky falls, they will all die.


Seeing that Huitian was weak and unable to withstand the opponent's attack, Zhao Jianyu spewed out a mouthful of old blood under his excitement, and his whole body was pampered.

"Haha..., from now on, there will be no Chixiaomen in the world."

A huge voice came down from the sky, and all the Akasaka Clan disciples were desperate.

"Who said that?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, and then the magic mountain that was killing from the sky town stopped unexpectedly.


Everyone was shocked inexplicably.

Especially those disciples of the Scarlet Clouds Gate in front of the Great Hall of the Scarlet Clouds Gate, they were able to escape from death, but it made them cry of joy.

However, when everyone saw the scene below the Demon Mountain, they were all stunned, and saw a young man holding the Demon Mountain that was descending from the town with one hand.

"how can that be……"

It was Zhao Jianyu, the head of the Scarlet Heaven Sect, who was shocked.

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