Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4582: Tragic battle

In the Taishi Realm, the territory ruled by the Five Elements Tianzong, an inconspicuous little sect Chixiaomen is being attacked by two other little sects.

Both Heisha Lake and Refining Demon Mountain are seated by cultivators who have the realm of Harmony. In the primitive ancestor realm of Taishi Realm, there are actually as many cultivators in the realm of Harmony.

However, if you want to establish a sect, the cultivator of the god-transforming state is not enough, and the cultivator of the anti-virtual state is also a little worse. Only the cultivator of the harmony state and above can create their own sect and pass down the Taoism.

If the cultivation level is too low, he can't hold his gate at all, and it will be destroyed in minutes.

And immortals are naturally more qualified to establish sects. Of course, the sects where immortals sit are only a small sect in Taishi Realm.

The real big sect, Dajiao, must have an immortal king or even an immortal emperor.

But the real top powers must have Xianzun in charge. Without Xianzun, those forces in the Taishi world are embarrassed to call themselves top-level forces.

At this time, in the boundary of the Five Elements Gate under the Five Elements Tianzong, the mountain where the Chixiao Gate was screamed and screamed, and countless auras appeared constantly and collided with each other.

Countless magical instruments are flying all over the sky, and people fall from the sky from time to time, or are bombarded to become scum, and die.

In the sky and on the earth, countless cultivators are fighting desperately, the people below the mountain want to kill, the people on the mountain desperately want to kill, there are dozens of figures moving fast in the sky.

The incomparably violent true essence power spread out, and even the clouds in the sky disperse away.

At this time, the entire Chixiao Gate was full of figures and corpses everywhere, and a strong smell of blood permeated the void.

In the Taishi Realm, only cultivators above the transforming gods can fly in the air. The laws of heaven and earth here are too strong, even the cultivators of Yuanying level cannot fly in the air.

In some inferior worlds, the cultivators of Yuanying level can all be called the ancestors of Yuanying.

"Outrageous, are these guys like Chixiaomen crazy?"

The leader of the Black Fiend Lake roared, facing the crazy counterattack of the Chixiao Gate, the coalition forces of the Black Fiend Lake and Refining Demon Mountain were actually killed and retreated.


I saw a disciple of the Elementary Infant Elementary Realm of the Chixiao Clan, seeing that he couldn't match the mid-level Elementary Infant cultivator of the opponent, and he swooped up directly, holding the intermediate Elementary Infant cultivator and blew himself up.


The Grand Commander of Heisha Lake turned red when he saw this scene, and the middle-level cultivator of Nascent Soul who was defeated by the opponent was a disciple of Heisha Lake.

It is definitely a big profit for the elementary Yuan Ying to spell out an intermediate Yuan Ying.

Moreover, this scene of ending up with the enemy is constantly being staged.

"These lunatics..."

The cultivators in Black Fiend Lake and Refining Mountain were all shivered when they saw this scene. The enemy was not terrible, but anyone who was not afraid of death would be terrified.

"If you want to survive, just give me your best."

The commander of the Black Fiend Lake shouted at the cultivators in the Black Fiend Lake and Refining Mountain.

"Yes, if you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins, fight, what!"

The countless cultivators in the Black Fiend Lake and the Mountain of Refining Demon roared and desperately urged the magic weapon to attack and kill on the mountain, and their momentum rose greatly.

All of a sudden, the Chixiao Gate and the two great evil forces allied to kill it, and the blood mist filled Chixiao Mountain, tragic to the extreme.

But at this time, on the square at the top of Chixiao Mountain, the powerhouses of Chixiaomen were troubled. There were much more monks in the **** transformation realm of Heisha Lake and Refining Demon Mountain than Chixiaomen. And there are more monks in the Anti-Xu realm than in the Chi Xiaomen.

Even the cultivation powerhouses in the Hedao realm, Heisha Lake and Refining Demon Mountain are three more than Chixiaomen.

At this time, on the square at the top of Chixiao Mountain, Gu Fei confronted the giant man.


The giant man covered in devilish energy danced the magic hammer in his hand, and directly smashed the place where Gu Fei had stood.

"What a powerful force!"

Facing such a power-type expert, Gu Fei was a little surprised. You should know that this is a world of cultivation, where the true essence of mana is cultivated.

Few people will practice physical skills.

And this giant man of Refining Demon Mountain is obviously an alternative.

"Lin Feng this guy..."

When Gu Fei saw this giant attacking directly against him, he couldn't help cursing Lin Feng who had slipped away.

If you change to the former Chu Shaoyun, you will definitely be killed by the three senior brothers Lin Feng. Fortunately, it is Gu Fei who is now borrowing this identity.


The giant roared directly, raising the hammer in his hand and smashing his head towards Gu Fei.

Gu Fei stretched out his right hand, and even directly grabbed the hammer that hit him.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

"Grab the giant man's hammer with bare hands, this..."

Someone exclaimed.

At this time, Gu Fei suddenly showed a playful smile, and then, with a strong right hand and a muffled sound, the magic hammer he had caught exploded, and countless fragments shot towards the giant man.

The giant mountain staggered back.

On the spot, three cultivators of the Nascent Soul Realm were pierced by the fragments of the hammer, and they died directly.

The giant man was the first to bear the brunt, but countless fragments of the hammer shot on his body, but the clothes were torn, and the skin under the clothes was crystal clear like a peerless jade.

"Humph! You people are all weak."

Gu Fei said calmly.


The powerhouses in Black Fiend Lake and Refining Demon Mountain were all shocked and angry, this little guy didn't even put the masters of the two forces in his eyes?

At this moment, Gu Fei stepped forward and appeared directly in front of the giant man, and hit the giant man's chest and abdomen with a punch. The next moment, the guy flew out, vomiting blood.


Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief, and this Chu Shaoyun blasted the extremely powerful giant man out with a single punch.


Those brothers of Chu Shaoyun were very excited.

"Fuck me all, or else..."

Gu Fei scanned all directions, a terrifying murderous aura erupted from him.

"How else?"

The contemptuous voice sounded, and the commander of Heisha Lake directly killed Gu Fei, and the power fluctuations of the Anti-Void Realm came out of him.

"Dead!" Gu Fei stared at the middle-aged warrior in battle armor opposite.


The commander of the Black Fiend Lake laughed wantonly, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, and then continued to push towards Gu Fei, his mighty momentum still rising.

"Why do some people always come to die."

Gu Fei shook his head. I will not commit crimes, and people will not commit crimes. If the other party is so indifferent, he does not mind teaching these guys how to behave.

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