Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4583: Hunyuan Life and Death

The Great Commander of the Black Fiend Lake is the entire Black Fiend Lake. Apart from the leader, the most powerful existence, because the army of the Black Fiend Lake is in his hands.

And at this time, the commander of Heisha Lake, who is usually calm and calm, was a little uncomfortable, and he personally shot towards Gu Fei.


I saw two sharp sword lights rushed out of the eyes of the Great Commander of the Black Fiend Lake, and the two sword lights went directly toward Gu Feidong.

"Pupil technique?"

Gu Fei frowned. This kind of magical power is most suitable for plotting against others, because no one would have thought that the commander of the Black Fiend Lake would practice pupil art.

The eyes of the Great Commander of the Black Fiend Lake is a big killer.


Gu Fei just waved his big sleeves, and the two sword lights that had penetrated through the holes immediately dissipated into the void, as if they had never appeared before.

"This guy"

The commander of Heisha Lake was taken aback.


At this moment, Gu Fei stepped on the ground with his right foot, and his whole body rushed towards the leader of the Black Fiend Lake like an arrow, at an extreme speed.

"you wanna die!"

The Great Commander of Heisha Lake divided his hands, and a cloud of black energy immediately appeared between his hands. The next moment, this cloud of black energy instantly enveloped the void in a radius of hundreds of meters.

The black gas carried a stench, and all the vitality was cut off in the place shrouded by the black gas, and the surrounding disciples who were still fighting on both sides quickly retreated.

This kind of black evil poisonous mist, even if it is contaminated by a fairy, is annoying, not to mention the existence of the following fairy gods.

However, Gu Fei completely ignored the black evil poisonous mist in front of him and slammed into it.


In the black mist, blood suddenly appeared, and Gu Fei directly blasted the body of the Great Commander of Heisha Lake. Even the soul couldn't escape, and the body and spirit that was hit was destroyed.


Everyone was stunned by the combat power that Gu Fei showed.



Gu Fei moved fast in the void, and he killed the powerhouses of the Black Fiend Lake and Refining Mountain one after another. Everyone was shocked and inexplicable wherever he went.

At this time, high above the sky, the master of Chixiao Gate, Zhao Jianyu, and the elder of Heisha Lake, Chi Sha fought endlessly. This was a battle in the realm of Hedao.

"Zhao Jianyu, surrender obediently, and I will keep you alive, and I can even ask the master instructor to help you out and make you an elder?"

Chi Sha said loudly, his voice spreading far away.

"Stop your head!"

Zhao Jianyu roared, and saw countless sword lights lingering all over his body, and his whole body was like an unsheathed peerless heavenly sword.

With only one thought, the endless sword light on Zhao Jianyu's body directly rose into the sky, turning into a sword formation, covering the red evil spirit in the sword formation.

The elder of the Heisha Lake was very strong, and I saw that the red evil rushed from the left to the right in Zhao Jianyu's sword formation, but he couldn't break Zhao Jianyu's sword formation.

This Zhao Jianyu can be regarded as desperate, and he fell into a disadvantage during the battle with the red evil, but soon, he almost came back.

"Haha, Chisha, do you want to help?"

The Supreme Elder Mo Hong laughed.


Zhao Jianyu was very excited, and when he was distracted, he was almost pierced by Chi Xiao's sword.

The three elders of the Chixiao Clan were all dead, which made Zhao Jianyu extremely painful. They were all the pillars of the Chixiao Clan, just like that.

And the opposing co-dao powerhouse is still watching around, and hasn't shot yet.

At this time, even if Zhao Jianyu wanted to retain his strength, he had no choice but to make an all-out effort to urge the sword formation to kill the Chi Sha trapped in the formation.

However, there are a lot of good things on this Scarlet Shaman. Whenever he encounters danger, a divine light will appear on his body to cover him, blocking Zhao Jianyu's killing blow.

In Zhao Jianyu's sword formation, the sword aura soared into the sky, and the sword light stretched across the sky and the earth, as if it could kill everything. The terrifying aura spread, and even the Mohong who was watching the battle was a little moved.

This is a kind of kendo magical power that can only be achieved by practicing Chixiao sword technique to the extreme.

"Mohong, when will you wait before you make a move!?"

Chi Sha had to ask Mohong for help, and if this continued, he would definitely be trained by this Zhao Jianyu, and his body and spirit would be destroyed.

"Haha, beg me!"

Mo Hong was very happy, and finally saw that the fellow Chi Sha was devastated.


Chi suffocated another mouthful of old blood.

This battle will not end for a while, but at this time, Gu Fei was on the top of Chixiao Mountain, showing invincible combat power, no matter who it was, as long as he was hit by his fist, he would die.

He also didn't use magical powers, but swept all opponents by relying on his extremely powerful body.

"how is this possible"

"The body is hard to shake the magic weapon?"

"Too bad!"

At this time, the people on the top of the mountain, Heisha Lake and Refining Demon Mountain were all scared by Gu Fei.


A strong man from Black Fiend Lake roared wildly, but was finally caught up by Gu Fei, his foot was torn apart and his life died.

"This guy"

In the square, the people in Heisha Lake and Refining Demon Mountain all gave birth to retreat.

If they don't retreat, they may be killed here by a lunatic Chu Shaoyun.

"This Chu Shaoyun is just the last of the seven disciples of the Scarlet Heaven Sect Master, only the one who transforms into a god, but the physical strength is unimaginable."

There is a strong man from the mountain of refining demon watching.

Everyone can't think of why Chu Shaoyun suddenly becomes so powerful, it's like changing someone.

"Hunyuan Swallow Heaven Skill!"

Gu Fei yelled, and the next moment an unimaginable swallowing force burst out from him, and the aura of the whole world was gathering towards him like crazy.

"Old Seven"

Senior Brother Chixiaomen Luo Yue couldn't help exclaiming when he saw this scene, extremely excited.

"The Seventh Junior Brother actually cultivated the Hunyuan Life and Death Secret Art."

The third senior brother Lin Feng was extremely envious, that was the top cultivation technique. Although it was a fragment, it was much more advanced than the Chixiao Sect's Chixiao Sword Technique.

However, the fragments are fragments in the end, and you should not practice casually, because if you are not careful, you will go crazy, suffer severe injuries from the body, and die.

Therefore, for the entire Chixiao Clan, only a fool like Chu Shaoyun would cultivate some Hunyuan Life and Death Secret Art.

However, God is fair, and it really made Chu Shaoyun cultivate the Hunyuan Life and Death Secret Art, which is something that no one can think of.

Of course, all this was because Gu Fei wanted the people of the Chixiao Clan to think that Chu Shaoyun had cultivated the Hunyuan Life and Death, and only in this way could he explain why he suddenly became so powerful.

This is something he has prepared beforehand, so that he will not be seen through his identity.

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