Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4587: Five Elements Sect Master

In the Taishi Realm, the Five Elements Sect was only a middle school, one of the countless sects and sects under the Five Elements Tianzong.

You know, the giants like the Five Elements Tianzong have countless forces attached to the Tianzong, but the Five Elements Gate is not simple.

The master of the Five Elements Gate is a heavenly immortal, the realm of "immortals" in the Taishi realm. It can be divided into human immortals, earth immortals, heaven immortals, mysterious immortals, golden immortals, immortal kings, immortal emperors, immortals, and ultimate holy immortals. .

In this Taishi realm, the immortal is not uncommon, but the immortal is the existence of the powerhouse who really stepped on the path of immortality, and the immortal and earth immortal are not enough to see.

Heavenly celestial beings, there are as many celestial celestial beings as the ancestor realm of the origin of cultivation in Taishi Realm, but not everyone can become celestial being.

Like the Ten Heavenly Sects, among the top powers of the Supreme God Dynasty, Tianxian is nothing, because with the background of these forces, it is easy to create a Tianxian.

Even Xuanxian, Jinxian, and Immortal King, these top powers can be easily cultivated, because these top powers have this ability.

Legend has it that there is a peerless elixir, and one pill can make an ordinary monk become a human immortal or even an earth immortal.

And the legendary ultimate elixir can even create a fairy.

Of course, this is just a legend.

Legends may not all be true, but holes will not come for no reason.

The sect master of the Five Elements Gate had an unusual identity, which Gu Fei had not expected.

"Friends, don't hide your head and show your tail anymore, show your true form."

Inside the Five Elements Gate, in front of a thatched hut, the young man in white looked at Gu Fei with a smile, and a faint fragrance of tea filled the void.

This kind of tea fragrance, even in Gu Fei's realm, felt refreshed and refreshed.

You know, although Gu Fei's Ji Dao cultivation base has been completely self-proclaimed, his spiritual realm is a real Ji Dao level.

It is not so difficult to influence his spirit, but this enlightenment tea is well-deserved.

Gu Fei smiled and said: "This is the true form, why reappear? Your pattern is too small and your vision is too low. In your life, you may be able to be a fairy, a small sect master."

"what did you say?"

The face of the boy in white became serious.

"In this world, you are not the only wise person. To be precise, you are just a little clever."

Gu Fei took a sip of tea with a calm face.

At this time, the face of the white-clothed boy had completely cooled down.

"It seems that I made you alive, it seems to be a mistake!"

The white-clothed youth suddenly chuckled, some interest was lost, and seemed to have done something that he thought was not boring, but now it seems boring.

"You keep me alive?"

Gu Fei was a little bit disdainful and showed it directly on his face.

"Aren't you very smart? Do you think that Black Fiend Lake and Refining Mountain are so easy to be beaten by you? Don't be naive." The white-clothed boy said coldly.

"Am I naive?"

Gu Fei couldn't help but want to laugh. Since his debut, no one seems to have dared to say that he is innocent in front of him. A little god, dare to say that Lao Tzu is innocent, which is really ridiculous.

"Tell you a secret, the dragon in Black Fiend Lake has successfully broken through the realm of earth fairy."

The boy in white was a little proud.

An earth immortal, in his eyes, is nothing but an ant, but in the eyes of the upper and lower Crimson Xiaomen, it is a giant dragon. If the earth immortal makes a move, he can explode the Crimson Sect with one punch and kill all the disciples of the Crimson Sect. .

"Do you think you can compete with the earth immortals with your current cultivation base? No matter what old monster you turn around, or have any supernatural powers against the heavens in your previous life, you have just taken over your home, and you are still very weak. If you let you practice for a few years , It may be difficult to say, but, no, okay!"

The white-clothed boy looked contemptuous.


Gu Fei finally couldn't help laughing, his voice spread from far away.

"this is……"

The senior five elements cultivating in the Five Elements Immortal Land were all shocked. Even with the formation of isolating the breath and sound, they still couldn't stop the laughter.

"Is it the master?"

"It seems not!"

"Someone dared to laugh wildly here, who is this person?"

The elders and Ke Qing of the Five Elements Sect rushed out and looked suspiciously in the direction of the Five Elements Sect master.

"Well, I underestimated you, your spiritual realm is actually comparable to a god." The white-clothed boy was a little surprised. Could this guy be one of those powerful people?

However, there hasn't been any great power that has fallen recently!

In the mind of the white-clothed boy, his thoughts turned sharply.

Although he maintained the appearance of a young man, he was an old monster.

No matter whether it’s a spiritual realm or a cultivation base, it will not be too high. You must know that the improvement of the cultivation base requires cultivation.

Even if the old monster is reincarnated and rebuilt, it usually has a period of weakness for several years.

However, this guy does not seem to have a period of weakness?

"You don't just underestimate me for being so simple, but I'm very curious, what exactly are you going to do with me." Gu Fei said leisurely.

"What to do with you?"

The white-clothed boy stared at Gu Fei, the other party was too calm, something was abnormal, it was definitely not a good thing, either this guy has something to rely on, he is not afraid of himself at all, or this guy is pretending.

If this guy is really pretending, then he can pretend too much.

Are you pretending or relying on it?

Tangled ah!

Sweat oozes from the forehead of the white-clothed boy, and the wrong choice will have serious consequences.

"Well, you will follow me from now on and run errands." Gu Fei said suddenly.


When the white-clothed boy heard what Gu Fei said, he was dumbfounded. He was a magnificent god, and he was still the master of a sect. He wanted to be his servant?

"What is the Five Elements Celestial Sect, it's better to follow me."

Gu Fei said calmly.


The boy in white was really shocked, this guy even ignored the Five Elements Heaven Sect?

"Haha... arrogant, arrogant, who do you think you are? The ultimate holy immortal? Or the legendary Supreme Master? It's ridiculous!"

The boy in white said excitedly.

His origin is not simple, otherwise he would not know some of the secrets of the Taishi Realm.

"Choose, follow me or die!"

Gu Fei was still drinking tea.


The boy in white was very angry.

"Hey, it's a frog at the bottom of the well, it can't get on the table."

Gu Fei put down the cup and glanced at the boy in white.

This guy is not calm anymore, sweating on his forehead, it seems that he has bluffed this guy, dignified god, he was fooled by himself?

Although Gu Fei seemed calm on the surface, he was happy in his heart.

He has never tried this before. This is a new attempt. This may be the trick of maneuvering, which is a bit new to him.

The white-clothed boy had too much scruples and restrained himself, otherwise he would not dare to make a decision lightly because of Gu Fei's words, because if he chose the wrong one, he would die miserably.

"How about? You know, there are so many powerful people in this world crying and begging to be my slave. I don't even bother to take a look. I'm giving you a chance."

Gu Fei looked at the boy in white with a smile.

"Do you know who I am and want me to betray the Five Elements Heavenly Sect? Wishful thinking."

The young man in white suddenly made up his mind.

"Well, after talking so much, it seems that I am playing the piano to the cow, eh, you want to kill me?" Gu Fei sensed the killing intent on the boy in white.

There was no intent to kill just now, but now it is intent to kill. It seems that the master of the five elements gate really has a murder intent on himself.

"Dare to despise the Five Elements Tianzong, you should have died!"

The white-clothed boy said that he didn't hesitate anymore, he opened his mouth and spit out a colorful sword light and went through the Gu Fei cave opposite the stone table.

A gust of cold sword air immediately appeared between the heavens and the earth, and the temperature of the whole heaven and earth was dropping rapidly.

This was a blow from a sword immortal at the Heavenly Immortal level. This blow, if it were in other worlds, would kill a galaxy with a single sword, and it would be terrifying.

However, this is the Taishi Realm, the beginning of another ten thousand realms at the same level as the Ancestral Realm. The laws of heaven and earth here are perfect and extremely powerful.

Even the cultivators of the Nascent Soul Realm can't fly here, even the Celestial Immortal, with a full blow, can hardly shake this world.

When the sword light rushing from the mouth of the white-clothed boy was about to penetrate Gu Fei's head, Gu Fei disappeared into the void like air.


The shock of the white-clothed boy was truly extraordinary. A big living person disappeared before his eyes, and he didn't even see how the big living person disappeared.

"Isn't he only the cultivation base of the realm of transforming God?"

The white-clothed boy was frightened and angry. This guy really had something to rely on. This would be miserable.

Thinking of this, the face of the boy in white changed drastically.

"One thought of the god!"

At this moment, a voice rang directly in the white-clothed boy's mind. Then, the white-clothed boy shook violently. The next moment, he was horrified to find that his own cultivation was sealed.

Even the divine mind can't leave the body.

Afterwards, Gu Fei's figure walked out in the void.

The powerful celestial aura that erupted from the white-clothed boy was also sealed.

"What magical powers are you?"

The boy in white stared at Gu Fei in horror and said.

"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear what I just said?"

Gu Fei walked over, sat straight at the stone table, and continued to drink tea.

"What the **** did you do to me."

The white-clothed boy was really shocked, his own cultivation base was completely sealed, and it was absolutely impossible to unlock the seal on his own.

"This is how to do?"

The white-clothed boy Wang Chen was anxious, angry and afraid, for fear that this guy would kill him.

No one couldn't believe it. A little guy in the realm of transforming gods actually restrained a god, that was a god, not a small character.

The current master of the Five Elements Gate turned out to be an ordinary person, which made him feel incredible.

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