Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4588: Tenmune Miko

With a single thought, Gu Fei knocked an aloft celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial mortal dust. Such a method really scared Wang Chen, the master of the Five Elements Sect.

He could sense that his own cultivation base really disappeared, how could this be possible.

Could it be that this guy turned out to be the reincarnation of the legendary old monsters?

In this Taishi Realm, even the existence of Extreme Dao Saint Immortal level will be severely injured and have to be taken away. Of course, it is absolutely rare at this time.

Because Jidao Shengxian stood at the pinnacle of the Taishi Realm, watching the Ten Thousand Realms, and such existences rarely had wars.

Even though the law of heaven and earth in the Taishi Realm is very powerful, the destructive power of Jidao Saint Immortal is absolutely amazing.

The last Jidao battle in the Taishi Realm occurred 100,000 years ago. That battle turned hundreds of thousands of miles around the Taishi Realm into dust and destroyed hundreds of millions of lives.

Fortunately, the battle broke out in the wild land. If it broke out in the central heaven of the Taishi Realm, there would be many dead people.

In the Taishi realm, there are thousands of races, and the human race is the main body, but other races also have the existence of the extreme level.

Only the powers with the Extreme Dao-level ancestors can be called top powers, and each top power has a territory of hundreds of millions of miles in the Taishi realm, and rules countless creatures.

Just like the Five Elements Celestial Sect, this is one of the ten great Celestial Sects of the Taishi Realm, and its ruled territory has reached hundreds of millions of li, and compared to this Taishi realm, it is almost like sesame mung bean. Not at all conspicuous.

Taishijie is really too big.

I am afraid that only the existence of the Extreme Dao Saint Immortal level knows how big this Taishi Realm is.

"Is it true that I really got lucky today? I encountered a supreme who was reborn from the house and failed?"

Thinking of this, Wang Chen's forehead burst out with big beads of sweat. This kind of existence possesses all kinds of incredible magical powers. It is said that this kind of existence can open up a big world with a single thought.

"who are you!"

Wang Chen tried to calm down, but his eyes were full of horror.

"You are not qualified to know who I am."

Gu Fei is still tasting tea.

"What the **** do you want?"

Wang Chen gritted his teeth and said, he is a magnificent god, and now he has become a prisoner, he is really aggrieved!

"What do I want to do? Let me think about it."

Gu Fei groaned, he came to the Taishi Realm naturally with a purpose. He proclaimed himself a cultivation base, and a ray of divine thought occupied this Chu Shaoyun's body.

The purpose is to use Chu Shaoyun's body to cultivate the techniques of this world, and to understand the great avenues of heaven and earth through cultivation, and become a peerless power here.

In this way, he can ignore the suppression of the heavens in this world.

The great world like Taishijie, the source of the heavens and the world, the law of heaven and earth is extremely powerful, after entering the Taishijie from other worlds, it will be suppressed by the heaven and earth road of this world.

With a weak cultivation base, this kind of Heavenly Dao suppression is still not obvious, but Gu Fei is the Supreme Dao, and his level of existence enters the Taishi Realm, and the Heavenly Dao suppression he receives is absolutely terrifying.

At the same level, Gu Fei can achieve ten percent of the cultivation base in the heavens and the human world, and even in the ancestor world. However, if he restores the ultimate cultivation base here, he can only perform five. Sixty percent of the cultivation base.

Therefore, compared with the Supreme Master of the Taishi Realm, Gu Fei is weaker in the end. Although he is not afraid, he is still restrained.

Only with the approval of this world can he fully integrate into this world.

To get the recognition of this Fang Tiandi, the method is very simple, that is, practice, and then prove the Dao. If you can successfully prove the Dao and get the recognition of the heavens, Gu Fei will no longer be suppressed by the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

"Well, you can show me the best practice of your Five Elements Sect."

Gu Fei glanced at Wang Chen and said calmly.


Wang Chen was taken aback when he heard this. Was this guy really the legendary people who were reborn after taking their homes? You asked me to see the exercises?

In Wang Chen's view, if Gu Fei really respects students, he will naturally re-practice his own exercises, and it is impossible to find other exercises to practice.

You know, your own kung fu is the most suitable for you!

"Why, refuse?"

Gu Fei glanced at Wang Chen who was stunned.

"No, don't get me wrong, I will get it now."

Wang Chen said quickly, then turned around and walked away.

Although he was sealed by Gu Fei as a cultivation base, he could still come and go freely at his home. Soon, Wang Chen returned with a large bundle of ancient books.

"The Five Elements Swordsmanship, Fire Sun Technique, Ziyang Tongtian Gong, Hun Yuan grabbed it all in one go... it's all rubbish!"

Gu Fei directly threw these classics aside.

"You want to perfuse me with this garbage?"

Gu Fei was a little angry, this guy was sealed off by himself, and now he dares to perfuse himself, this is looking for death!

"This, this...senior, how dare I perfunct you? Our Five Elements Sect is just a small school. These exercises are already the best in our Five Elements Sect."

Wang Chen said aggrievedly.

The Five Elements Gate is not a sacred religion of Tianzong. Where are some good secrets?

"I want the Five Elements Heavenly Power of the Five Elements Heaven Sect."

Gu Fei said.


Hearing that Gu Fei actually wanted the Five Elements Heavenly Kungfu, the Five Elements Sect Master Wang Chen was immediately messed up. That was the Five Elements Heavenly Kungfu. How could my little Five Elements Sect Master get the Five Elements Heavenly Kungfu?

Even the inner core disciples of the Five Elements Tianzong, not many people are qualified to practice this Tiangong.

I'm just an abandoned disciple of the Five Elements Tianzong, not even an inner disciple. Where can I get in touch with the Five Elements Tianzong's Zhenzong technique?

"It seems we have to find another way."

Gu Fei groaned.

He originally wanted to start from a low-level monk and become a strong one step by step, but now it seems that these cultivation techniques are not suitable for his own practice. Only the top-level techniques can make him become a strong one. the road.

In the world of cultivation, what you pay attention to is talent, then physical fitness, and then practice exercises.

But now it seems that he has no talent for his physical talent, and his physique, after his own transformation, has become a Hunyuan Dao body.

People with this kind of defying physique are definitely the targets of the top powers.

Just as Gu Fei was thinking about the matter, an old servant in Tsing Yi suddenly walked outside.


The old servant of Tsing Yi hurriedly saluted Wang Chen, and then glanced at Gu Fei next to him. The master seemed to value this guy very much.

This old servant didn't even know his master, and had long been subdued by Gu Fei.

"What's matter?"

When Wang Chen saw the old servant of Tsing Yi, he couldn't help frowning.

"Go back to the sect master, there is a person outside who claims to be your senior brother to see the sect master." The old servant of Qing Yi said quickly.

"My big brother?"

Wang Chen was startled when he heard the words, his eyes flashed, his big brother, that is a genius, after worshipping the Five Elements Heaven Sect, he became an inner disciple of the Five Elements Heaven Sect in only three years.

That is the inner disciple, also known as the true disciple.

If you can become a true disciple of the Five Elements Tianzong, you will naturally fly into the sky. Wang Chen's big brother is far more than a true disciple.

"Why did big brother come to me?"

Wang Chen was a little shocked, but most suspicious. Five hundred years ago, he and his elder brother were practicing in the Five Elements Tianzong, and the relationship between the two was pretty good.

However, since the big brother entered the inner gate of the Five Elements Heaven Sect, he was swept out by the Five Elements Heaven Sect because of a mistake, and then became the master of the Five Elements Sect.

"The descendant of the Five Elements Tianzong?"

When Gu Fei thought about it, he immediately sensed that there was a purple-clothed teenager standing outside the Five Elements Immortal Land, who looked younger than the Five Elements Sect Master.

And the aura on this purple-clothed boy was a bit startling. Under Gu Fei's induction, the whole person was as dazzling as a purple divine sun.

"What you practice is the most authentic Five Elements Tianzong technique."

Gu Fei's eyes lit up.

"What do you want to do?"

Wang Chen looked at this guy in front of him like a monster. Does he want to move Big Brother?

"I advise you not to hit my senior brother's idea. He is one of the three gods of the Five Elements Heaven Sect. If you move him, the entire Five Elements Heaven Sect will attack you."

"is it?"

Gu Fei smiled non-committal, then waved his right hand.

In the next moment, Wang Chen felt that his cultivation was back again, and he felt the surging power of the Immortal Dao in his body. He was frightened and angry.

"Let's meet your big brother together!"

Gu Fei stood up as he spoke.


Wang Chen hesitated, he didn't dare to cheat his big brother.

However, at this time, things were beyond his control, so he had to bite the bullet and go with Gu Fei to greet his big brother.

"Big brother, don't come here unharmed!"

Wang Chen and Gu Fei came outside the entrance of the Five Elements Immortal, and Wang Chen hurriedly saluted a purple-clothed boy.

"Haha, Junior Brother Wang Chen, we said goodbye back then. It's been five hundred years." The purple-clothed teenager said with a big laugh.

"Well, it's five hundred and eight years." Wang Chen nodded and said.

"Who is this……"

The purple-clothed boy looked at Gu Fei and said.

"Oh, let me introduce, this is our Wuxingmen Keqing, Chu Shaoyun, and this one is my big brother Pan Jianming." Wang Chen introduced.

"It turns out that you are Pan Jianming, Pan Shenzi.

Gu Fei said quickly.

"Haha, Fellow Gu Dao has a pretty face, but I don't know he is a disciple of the He Family and He School?" Pan Jianming looked at Gu Fei and said, Gu Fei's cultivation level was under his watch, and there was no way to hide it.

This person is just a little monk in the realm of transforming gods, he turned out to be a guest of the Five Elements Sect, how could this be possible.

Although Pan Jianming hadn't seen Wang Chen for five hundred years, he knew that Wang Chen was an immortal, and he actually accepted a little fellow in the realm of transforming gods as a guest.

This is abnormal, unless this guy has any special magical powers.

"Brother, please!"

As Wang Chen said, he led the way. Soon, the three of them came to Wang Chen's small hut again and sat down beside the stone table.

"I don't know why the big brother came to find the younger brother?"

Wang Chen asked.

"I'm here for the Sirius Mountains."

Pan Jianming did not hide it.

"What, is that place in the Sirius Mountains born again?"

Wang Chen was shocked.

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