Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4591: Ant you uncle

The Pingtian Divine Dynasty is one of the top forces in the Taishi Realm, ruling hundreds of millions of miles of territory. The Pingtian Emperor gave an order, who would dare not follow?

In the past, this prince Pingtian was suppressed by the holy prince, and he has been forbearing. This guy has endured for thousands of years. It was not until his brother, the holy prince Pingtian, died in the chaos fairy house in the chaos crack. The day in the early days.

The prince Pingtian is too dazzling, talented against the sky, he was taught by the Emperor Pingtian since he was a child, and he is definitely one of the best among the many princes.

The Pingtianren Emperor has lived for too long. There are many heirs of the Pingtianren Emperor. There are dozens of princes alone, and hundreds of grandsons.

And this imperial family of the Pingtian God Dynasty is even more of a huge ethnic group.

But now, the holy prince of Pingtian has fallen, and the emperor of Pingtian is furious, but he can't go to the Chaos Immortal Mansion to avenge his son, so he can only send the strong man of the clan to the Chaos Immortal Mansion to capture the murderer.

At this time, the prince Pingtian, who had just been in his early days, came to the Sirius Mountain Range and wanted to obtain the inheritance of Sirius Supreme.

In fact, he came for something in Sirius Cave.

For the Pingtian prince, although the Sirius Supreme was extremely powerful, it used to be a powerful presence in a region, but the existence of a hero, but the uninheritance of the Pingtian Divine Dynasty is not necessarily inferior to the inheritance of the Sirius Supreme. .

At this moment, on the mountain, Pan Jianming, the **** son of the Five Elements Heaven Sect, and Wang Chen, the master of the Five Elements Gate, were almost astonished by Gu Fei's words.

How dare this guy be so rude to the Pingtian prince?

"I am your uncle!"

The two were directly shocked by Gu Fei's words.


They rushed out directly from Gu Fei's side. Once the Pingtian prince gets angry, it is no small matter.

However, even though the Great Prince Pingtian on the opposite side was taken aback, he was not angry, but looked at the little monk with a solemn expression.


The cultivation base of this little monk was too low for the prince Pingtian, like an ant, it could be pinched to death with just one finger.

However, his city is very deep, and he has waited for thousands of years before he is in his early days. He naturally works step by step and dare not be careless.

His younger brother, the Holy Prince of the Pingtian God Dynasty, was too dazzling and too strong, which would easily offend people and be easily killed.

Where is Chaos Immortal Mansion? That's not the back garden of the Pingtian God Dynasty, you can do whatever you want.

Sure enough, as expected by the Pingtian prince, the too sharp-edged Pingtian **** pilgrimage to the holy prince really had an accident, and this time, the holy prince confessed his life in the Chaos Immortal Mansion.

After all, it was his younger brother, the holy prince died. As an elder brother, he naturally has a trace of sadness, and only a trace of sadness.

The most ruthless emperor's family, the Pingtian prince actually hopes that the holy prince will die soon.

"What's wrong with Huashen?"

Gu Fei looked at the Great Prince Pingtian with great interest. This Pingtian God Dynasty was a behemoth in the Taishi Realm, but even if the Pingtian God Dynasty was powerful, it would definitely not be as powerful as the Heavenly Clan of the Ancestor Realm!

Gu Fei is not even afraid of the Celestial Clan, the Li Family, and the Chu Family in the Ancestral Realm. Where does he care about the Pingtian God Dynasty?

In the eyes of Pan Jianming and Wang Chen, the so-called Ping Tian prince was a big man, but in the eyes of Gu Fei, it was really nothing.

"Sir, your friend is a bit interesting."

The prince Pingtian turned his head and said to Pan Jianming who had already rushed halfway up the mountain.

"Cut, both of you guys are bullshit."

Gu Fei said disdainfully.


Pan Jianming's mouth twitched, his expression embarrassed.

Wang Chen couldn't wait for a crack in the ground so that he could get in.

"His Royal Highness..."

Pan Jianming and Wang Chen both returned to the top of the mountain.

I thought that the Pingtian prince would explode directly, but who thought he was not angry.

At this time, the Sirius Mountain Range was very lively, and from time to time there were some powerful figures haunting the Sirius Mountain Range, all looking for the entrance to the Sirius Cave.

Wang Chen also sent all his subordinates to frantically search for the entrance to the Sky Wolf Cave.

However, the Sirius Mountain Range is so big that even a monk with a strong cultivation level can't find the entrance to the Heavenly Wolf Cave for a while.

"This fellow Taoist, why don't we sit down and have a drink and chat!?"

The prince Pingtian said that he opened the inner world directly, took out the table and chairs, and a jar of old wine, and then invited everyone to take their seats.

Gu Fei was honest, he pulled a chair and sat down.

Then Wang Chen and Pan Jianming also sat down.

At this time, the Pingtian prince took out an animal leg and placed it in his hand. It was an animal leg that had been processed. The skin and flesh were actually golden yellow, just like pouring gold.

A group of golden flames emerged from the hands of the prince Pingtian, enveloped the beast's legs, and slowly grilled.

Soon, a smell of meat filled the top of the mountain.

"This is the leg of the Chijin Dragon Beast?"

Pan Jianming stared at the animal leg in the hands of the Pingtian prince in disbelief, and a powerful wave of vitality spread from the animal leg.

The Pingtian prince is not only grilling meat, but also refining the impurities in the animal's legs and purifying the spiritual matter contained in the animal's legs.

"This... the leg of the Scarlet Golden Dragon Beast?"

Wang Chen was really frightened. This is the Scarlet Golden Dragon Beast. Even a young beast has the strength of an enemy immortal. Adult Scarlet Golden Dragon Beast can even eat the Immortal Emperor.

Because this red gold dragon beast has the blood of the dragon clan in its body, and it is not the blood of those dragons, but the blood of the real ancestor dragon.

The ancestor dragon of the Taishi Realm is peerlessly powerful, and can compete with the quasi-superior-level immortal, and if you take a step further, you can become the supreme.

This kind of supreme bloodline, even if there is only a trace, is enough to make a creature like the Chijin Dragon Beast strong enough to make the "Xian" tremble.

"You will enjoy it!"

Gu Fei looked at the Pingtian prince with a smile but a smile. This guy is definitely a hero-level existence, who can bear what people can't bear. Such a human city is very deep.

"Well, well!"

The Pingtian prince put away the Shenyan, and then put the roasted animal legs on the table.

"Please! You are welcome!"

The prince Pingtian said that he stretched out his hand and pulled a piece of golden beast meat on the beast's leg and ate it directly.

Gu Fei smiled and started to move.

"Quack, not bad! It's really good, your craft is definitely at the cook **** level, it's a shame not to be a chef." Gu Fei said while eating.

"This is just something to pass the time when you are bored."

Pingtian prince smiled.

He endured it for so long before he turned his head. He was naturally happy, and his instinct told him that this little guy in the realm of transforming gods is probably not as simple as it seems on the surface.

A little guy in the realm of transforming gods dare to be presumptuous in front of him. This is very abnormal. If something goes wrong, then there is definitely a problem.

The prince Pingtian has always been used to being cautious, so he still decided to take a look and talk about it. Without full assurance, he would not attack Gu Fei.

Unless he can prove that Gu Fei is just a little guy in the realm of transforming gods, at that time, he will directly kill Gu Fei without hesitation.

Now, let's play with these people first!

Gu Fei didn't care what the Pingtian prince was thinking, and he didn't bother to pay attention to it. In the face of absolutely powerful power, any conspiracy and tricks were useless.

However, Pan Jianming and Wang Chen were accompanied by smiling faces, dealing with them carefully, and even a little to please the Pingtian prince.

The four of them were drinking and eating meat on the top of the mountain.

"Hey, isn't this the eldest brother? There is a leisurely mood to drink and eat meat here?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the sky.

Gu Fei looked up and saw a purple-robed youth wearing a golden crown riding a fierce beast from the sky and landing on the top of the mountain.

"His Royal Highness the Three Princes..."

Behind this person, a large group of people followed, among them, the aura from two old men was amazing, even Gu Fei couldn't help but glance at these two old men more.

"The third child? Are you here to drink two bowls too?"

The Pingtian prince stood up, and compared to the three princes who hugged and shouted, he was very low-key.

Because the great prince, his Royal Highness, deeply knew that only a low-key person would gain a long time, and if he was too sharp, he would only attract enemies and hate.

"Hey, I don't have the leisurely feelings of big brother."

The three princes have a good skin, sword eyebrows and star eyes, but their eyes are a little bad, a little sinister, and give people a cunning feeling.

The holy prince Pingtian fell to the Chaos Immortal Mansion, and the princes who were hiding in the tucked in the sky immediately saw hope. For the position of the holy prince, every prince of them has the opportunity to fight for him!

This Pingtian Third Prince is also a ruthless character. In a short time, countless people have gathered. To be precise, the Pingtian Third Prince had already prepared secretly, and only waited for the holy prince to die, he directly appeared. Show muscles to the princes.

"Hey, there is still an ant here?"

The third prince Pingtian glanced at Gu Fei and said coldly.


Gu Fei smiled, and directly took the bowl of wine in front of him, drank it dry, then tore off a piece of beast meat and ate it.

"His Royal Highness is here, you ants can't come to bow down?"

A middle-aged man beside the third prince shouted at Gu Fei.

Everyone looked at Gu Fei.

The little incarnation of the ant is not qualified to sit on the same level as the prince of the Pingtian Divine Dynasty. A ant sitting here looks very dazzling.

Even the eldest prince looked at Gu Fei without saying anything.

"Uncle Ant!"

Gu Fei didn't want to pay attention to these **** three princes, but this guy was too arrogant, even the doglegs of this guy dared to ask himself to kneel down and worship.

"what did you say?"

The middle-aged man immediately changed his face, and even the three princes of Ping Tian sank, a cold light flashed in Gu Fei's eyes.

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