Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4592: I stand here and let you kill

The three princes of the Pingtian God Dynasty, that is the blood of the real Supreme Emperor, the blood in his body is extremely strong.

However, even though the bloodline of this Extreme Dao level is powerful, it will be very helpful in the early stage of cultivation. Once the bloodline is awakened, the speed of cultivation will be several times that of others, or even ten times.

However, when the cultivation reached the extreme, this kind of Jidao bloodline was the ultimate leap that shackled him, and firmly blocked him from the gate of Jidao.

Some people have no chance to break through the shackles of blood forever, and it is difficult to make the ultimate leap.

However, there is no absolute in the world. Whether it is the Taishi Realm or the Ancestral Realm, the cultivation history of the source of these two primitive worlds is not without miracles.

There are still people who have successfully cut off the blood from their parents and walked out of their own path.

There is no way to change the bloodline. Whether it is the peerless genius Pingtian Sage Prince, the Pingtian Great Prince, or the current Pingtian Third Prince, they have already cultivated to the quasi-sovereign level of the immortal, but want to go further, But it is extremely difficult.

According to legend, there is something in the Heavenly Cave of Heavenly Wolf Supreme, which allows them to successfully cut off their own extreme bloodline and walk out of their own way.

This is also the reason why Pingtian prince and Pingtian three princes appeared in the Sirius Mountains.

That thing is too important to them, if the Pingtian Saint Prince didn't die in the Chaos Immortal Mansion, he would also be here.

However, he had no chance.

At this time, a cold murderous aura violently raged on a hill outside the Sirius Mountain Range.

"Dare to be disrespectful to the three princes, **** it!"

A white-faced, middle-aged waiter pointed to Gu Fei angrily, his voice was sharp, yin and yang weird.

"Cut, it turns out to be an eunuch, you **** prince has no one under him? When is it the turn of a non-male guy to point his fingers in front of people?"

Gu Fei said with a chuckle.

"what did you say?"

The middle-aged waiter seemed to be pinched by the neck, staring, blushing, and the fingers pointing at Gu Fei were trembling angrily.


An old man beside the Pingtian Third Prince said calmly.


A warrior wearing a golden armor stepped forward, and the halberd in his hand directly slashed towards Gu Fei, killing and cutting decisively without any hesitation.


Pan Jianming and Wang Chen slid again, faster than the rabbit.

Only the Pingtian prince was still sitting there, but he did not make a move. He obviously wanted to use his third brother's hand to test Gu Fei's reality.

Although this Pan Jianming is the **** son of the Five Elements Tianzong, he doesn't have the dignity that the **** son should have at all, and the method of seeking good luck and avoiding evil is even better.

Said to seek good luck and avoid evil, in fact it is the ability to escape.

Gu Fei was still smiling when the golden warlord made the move, and didn't put the warlord in his eyes.

"A tiny ant that transforms the economy into a god, even ignoring the attack of the fairy general?"

"Be frightened, he is dead."

The followers of Pingtian Third Prince looked at Gu Fei, and in their eyes, Gu Fei was already a dead person.

In their eyes, the realm of transforming gods is a joke. To be a follower of the three princes, at least the realm of the immortal emperor is necessary. The two elders around the three princes are even immortal-level existences. , That is Quasi-Supreme.

Just when everyone thought that Gu Fei would be smashed in half by the immortal general, the halberd that struck Gu Fei suddenly changed its direction and slammed back toward the immortal general. .

The immortal general was taken aback, he turned aside, and escaped the halberd that was hacked back, scaring him into a cold sweat.

"How... how could it..."

Those followers of the Pingtian Third Prince were dumbfounded, unbelievable, what's going on, with their cultivation base, they didn't even see how Gu Fei reversed the attack of the fairy general.

"What happened just now?"

A follower of the third prince rubbed his eyes vigorously.

"Supernatural power? Secret technique?"

Even the expressions of the two old men beside the third prince Pingtian became serious.


The third prince Pingtian smiled, the fierce beast under his crotch was roaring, and the terrifying fierce aura erupted from the beast, and even the followers of the third prince were shocked.

"Want to kill me? Do you have this ability?"

Gu Fei said disdainfully.


The immortal general was frightened and angry. The next moment, he opened his mouth and spouted a celestial fire toward Gu Fei. As soon as the celestial fire came out, the entire mountain was instantly turned into an oven. The earth and sand melted directly.


The eldest prince sneered, and the next moment, a ray of fairy light instantly enveloped him, blocking the burning fairy fire outside.

He did not protect Gu Fei.


Gu Fei was still proud of it, and had no intention of doing anything.

At this time, everyone stared at Gu Fei without blinking. This time, they had to look carefully and hard to see what magical secrets this ant-like guy had that could block the fairy fire.

However, everyone was stunned again, there was no power fluctuation on this ant's body, and then, the fairy fire that burned at him suddenly burned back towards the fairy general inexplicably.

"Can this be reversed?"

Even the third prince of Pingtian frowned.


"I don't understand!"

The expressions of the two old men beside the Pingtian Third Prince became extremely solemn.


The immortal fire that burned back directly flooded the immortal general. The next moment, the immortal fire was directly taken back by the immortal general, and he was scorched all over. The golden armor was burnt and tattered, and the top of his head was still burning. With black smoke.


The followers of Pingtian Third Prince wanted to laugh, but they did not dare to laugh.

At this time, the immortal general had completely lost his temper, his own immortal fire was a three-flavored real fire that he had cultivated for a lifetime, and he could smelt the **** iron.

That is to say, if I changed to another immortal general, I would have been wiped out by this shamisen real fire.

"What secret technique is this?"

Even the Pingtian prince was very puzzled and shocked, because even he couldn't see how Gu Fei shot, or that he didn't shot at all, but passively defended.

And this defensive method is a bit against the sky. It is not only a defense, but also a counterattack.

"I'm standing here, you rubbish, come and kill if there is a kind."

Gu Fei held his hands and said contemptuously.

"A little ant dare to be presumptuous in front of the three princes..."

The middle-aged **** waiter angered.

"I said that you are not a man or a woman, and you are embarrassed to come out and show your face. If I were you, I would have found a brick and hit it to death. It would be shameful!"

Gu Fei shook his head and sighed, he didn't feel sorry for the dead eunuch, no matter where it was or in any world, there was such an existence.

Not only those immortal dynasties, but also some big clans, there is also a tradition of raising these men and women.

The reason for the emergence of such people is actually very simple. It is to maintain the purity of the blood of the race. This method is the simplest and the most direct.

"Damn you!"

The man screamed and shot directly, and a cloud of black light immediately emerged from his body. The temperature of the entire world was falling rapidly, and the surrounding void seemed to be solidified.

"The power of the yin?"

Gu Fei was a little surprised. This man and woman actually practiced the power of the primordial yin. No wonder he would choose to wield a knife from the palace, enter the Pingtian Dynasty and become a dead eunuch.

Of course, cultivating this kind of power of primordial yin actually does not necessarily have to swing a knife from the palace, perhaps because of the practice, this guy cut himself with a knife.

"Hey, this time I see how you can reverse my attack."

The middle-aged waiter sneered in his heart, this kind of cold power, without a trace, how to resist it?

The fairy fire of the immortal general was still a tangible thing, but the power of the cold and cold was invisible, because it was invisible at all. When the cold air hit the body, it was too late.

However, Gu Fei was still standing there, still smiling, the corners of his mouth raised, with a trace of disdain in the cold.


Seeing this scene, the middle-aged waiter couldn't help but feel a move. Could he even block this kind of attack? how can that be?

However, in the next moment, the middle-aged waiter turned into an ice sculpture directly in front of everyone, and was instantly sealed by ice.


Everyone was dumbfounded.


The old man standing next to the Pingtian Third Prince moved. One of them waved his hand to block the cold air that swept through, while the other pointed at Gu Fei.

An extremely fierce divine light immediately shot out from the old man's fingertips, and instantly hit Gu Fei's eyebrows.

This was a blow from Xianzun, and the emptiness was rippling when the divine light passed.

However, the next moment, the sharp finger light reflected directly towards the old man, but fortunately, the old man had already been prepared and directly avoided the reflected finger light.

However, the unlucky person behind the old man was unlucky. The finger light pierced his fleshly body, and only had time to scream, and instantly turned into fly ash, and even the soul was dissipated in the void.

This is a dead end!


The followers of Pingtian Third Prince immediately dispersed and avoided.

They just followed the third prince of Pingtian, and they didn't want to come to die.

This little guy is too weird. On the face of it, there is an ant in the realm of transforming the gods, as if the immortals can blow out the appearance and spirit of this guy.

However, in fact, this ant actually seems to be invincible, and even the attack of Xianzun can be reversed. Is this going against the sky?

Everyone's eyes on Gu Fei changed.

It is a miracle that a small ant in the realm of transforming gods has made a group of immortal masters helpless. How did he do it?

Everyone was very curious, even the Pingtian prince and the third prince were equally curious.

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