Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4601: Don't persuade me?

There were a lot of people from Taichen Shenchao who crossed over to enter the heavens this time. After that Taichen Shenzi was killed by Gu Zhong, the elite of Taichen Shenchao was finished.

Even if His Highness the Son of God was killed in battle, it was even harder for the other people in Tiandi City to survive.

The Yuan Family of the Heavenly Emperor City was directly breached by angry celestial cultivators, and a great cultivator who had passed on for thousands of years disappeared.

This is the consequence of standing in the wrong team.

Although the main force of Taichen Divine Dynasty entering the heaven was eliminated by Gu Zhong, some forces under Taichen Divine Dynasty still wreaked havoc in the heaven.

Such as the Black Dragon Sect.

This Black Dragon Sect is one of the countless forces under the rule of the Taichen God Dynasty.

The Black Dragon Sect, in the Taishi Realm, and even the Taichen Divine Dynasty, can only be regarded as a middle-lower power, the Black Dragon Sect ancestor, that is, the existence of the peak of the Lord.

The **** son Taichen sits in the Tiandi City, and the countless men he brings have attacked the Quartet. The goal of this Black Dragon Sect is Tianwu City, an ancient city that has also existed for endless years.

"If you capture Tianwu City, His Royal Highness will definitely be rewarded."

Heilongjiao Ancestor's heart is fiery, he doesn't want any rewards, he needs one thing in the hands of God Child Taichen, this thing, perhaps can help him take that step forward.

At this time, the whole Tianwu City was quiet, and the city gate was wide open, but there was a figure standing in front of the city gate, he was the Supreme Patriarch Tie Zhan of the Tie Family of Tianwu City.

"Is there no one in the Tie Family? Some old, weak, sick, and disabled people are expected to play."

The Black Dragon taught Zuo Hufa coldly.

"Cut, you rubbish, you dare to attack my Tianwu City, knowing whether you live or die."

Tie Zhan said disdainfully.

"what did you say?"

Heilongjiao Zuo Hufa was furious upon hearing this.

"Are you deaf?"

Tie Zhan said coldly.

"Roar, you die for me!"

The Black Dragon taught the Left Guardian to be furious, and immediately stretched his right hand towards the opposite Iron War and grabbed it.


A dragon roar sounded, and the black dragon teaches the left guardian law towards the right hand grabbed by Tie Zhan suddenly rushed out a huge wave of power.

Then, a dragon shadow fiercely rushed towards Tie Zhan.

That iron war hit directly.


With a muffled sound, the dragon shadow that pounced on him immediately exploded, and the powerful power fluctuations rushed out to the surroundings, and the sand and rocks outside the city gate suddenly disappeared.

Countless people in the city were panicked to the extreme at this time, especially those monks with cultivation bases, they were even more panic, because the Black Dragon Sect once slaughtered the city in the heavens.

The Black Dragon Cult had captured a small city in the middle of the heavens before, and these guys actually killed all the people in that small city.

Whether it is a monk or an ordinary person, kill them all.

The reputation of the Black Dragon Sect in the Taishi Realm is not so good.


At this time, the black dragon teaches Zuo Fa a roar, and violently rushed towards Tiezhan to culminate.

The two strong men fought outside the city gate.

Heilong teaches many people, but Tianwu City Tiejia is far behind.

At this time, in a training area of ​​the Tie family, Tie Kuang sat cross-legged on the ground. He was pounding the shackles of cultivation. If he succeeded, he would be the only child of the Tie Family of Tianwu City who has reached the quasi-supreme for thousands of years.

The Tie Family of Tianwu City didn't have the quasi-superior seat, but the Tie Family also had a big backer, but this big backer had no time to pay attention to the Tie Family now.

Tie Zhan is the grandfather of Tie Kuang, and Tie Kuang is not afraid to come out to fight, but now it is impossible for him to be cloned.

The Supreme Patriarch of the Tie Family had no choice but to stop the powerhouses of the Black Dragon Cult and buy time for his grandson, so that Tie Kuang could feel at ease to attack the shackles of cultivation.

At this time, the news of the fall of the God Child Taichen had spread, and the major forces under the God of Taichen had retreated as soon as they received the news.

However, the Black Dragon Cult has still not received any news.

Because the person who delivered the message to the Black Dragon Sect had been beaten into meat sauce by Gu Zhong.

A figure appeared on the high sky outside Tianwu City.

This person was just the Gu Zhong who had killed God Child Taichen. He came, but didn't immediately make a move.


Gu Zhong sensed that there was a cryptic and powerful, but very unstable force in Tianwu City. This force was very strong, and only his quasi-supreme could sense the existence of that force.

"The power of martial arts?"

Gu Zhong was a little surprised. When did Master pass down the inheritance of the martial ancestor in the heavens?

Others didn't know, but Gu Zhong knew very well that the power in Tianwu City was definitely the purest martial arts power, which also showed that the person in the city really got the true story.

The so-called true inheritance is the true inheritance.

This kind of inheritance is not passed on by non-core disciples, but in the heavens and the world, the martial arts orthodoxy is the line of Gu Fei, and Gu Zhong has always regarded himself as authentic martial arts.

Who would think that this small Tianwu City had hidden a master of martial arts.

He was curious and then rushed straight down from the sky, without disturbing anyone, and appeared in the iron mad's retreat.

"Well, yes, it's about to break through to the quasi-superior realm."

Gu Zhong sensed the power fluctuations coming out of the retreat, and immediately knew the cultivation base of the person inside.

At this moment, he suddenly sensed a chilly breath appearing outside Tie Kuang's retreat.

"Someone is against the people inside?"

Gu Zhong sensed the mysterious figure like a ghost and couldn't help frowning. This guy obviously took advantage of someone else's retreat to kill the person in the retreat.

"Hmph, iron mad, this time you are dead."

The man saw that there was no one around, he jumped out from the dark, and then urged a divine bead, smashing it madly towards the iron mad retreat.

The power erupting from the **** orb is very strong, absolutely of the holy sovereign level.

The man laughed grinningly, this time, the iron madness was definitely doomed.

However, when the man was dreaming of killing the iron madness, he only felt that his collar was tightened, and the next moment he was pinched by his neck and lifted up.

And the Protoss that he desperately blasted out was directly grabbed by a big hand.


That person's surprise was really extraordinary, and his happiness was extremely sad. Seeing that he was about to kill his opponents who had fought with him for a lifetime, who would have thought that someone would take action and easily capture him. This is really a tragedy!

Gu Zhong directly read this guy's memory.

"That guy is an elder of the Liu Family in Tianwu City?"

Gu Zhong frowned.

Tianwu City has four major families, Tie, Wu, Liu, and Chen. Among the four major families, the Tie Family is the strongest, and the other three are firmly crushed by the Tie Family.

The Patriarch of the Chen family even died at the hands of Tie Kuang.

"who are you!"

The elder of the Liu family said with a trembling voice.


Gu Chong's five fingers tightened, "Kacha!" With a sound, he directly squeezed the Liu family elder's neck.

A divine light rushed out from Gu Zhong's eyebrows, and immediately cut off the elder's soul of the Liu family, wanting to survive in front of Lao Tzu? joke!

Gu Zhong threw the corpse aside, and then sat cross-legged in the void.


At this time, Gu Fei, who was in the Taishi Realm, didn't know that Gu Zhong had made a move, and he slaughtered a **** son of the Taishi Realm. Such a record was truly amazing.

At this time, a fierce battle broke out in the Taishi Realm and the Sirius Mountain Range.

In the depths of the Sirius Mountain Range, the earth cracked a crack, and the celestial light rushed out from the crack, like a peerless sword rainbow, directly charging into the sky, cutting down all the stars in the sky.

Around this crack, I don't know how many strong people gathered, the **** of the Five Elements Heavenly Sect, Pan Jianming, appeared sneakily near the crack, wanting to enter the crack in the earth.

The two princes of the Pingtian God Dynasty also arrived.

The third prince of Pingtian Yan Xun even fought a battle with the **** son of the Purgatory Demon Palace, the God of Blood Slaughter, regardless of the outcome.

And the Blood Slaughter God of the Purgatory Demon Palace was so strong that it actually blocked the attacks of more than a dozen powerful men, and had already broken into the cracks in the earth.

This guy was so fierce that he was shocked by the three princes of Ping Tian.

And now, I don’t know how many strong people want to break into the cracks in the earth, but no one dares to jump out, because it is too dangerous, not only to deal with the sneak attacks of the strong around, but also from the cracks in the earth. The kind of terrifying sword light attack that rushed out.

"Well, there is a broken sword there!"

Gu Fei's figure appeared on a mountain ridge next to the crack in the earth. He glanced through the void and reached the bottom of the crack in the earth.

I saw deep in the cracks in the earth, a broken sword fell among the rocks. On the broken sword, there were many fairy lights circulating, and from time to time, the sword light rushed out of the broken sword.

No one would have thought that the terrifying sword light that rushed out of the crack in the earth came from a broken sword.

"It can slash the holy creatures, this sword is not easy."

Gu Fei was a supreme being who had cultivated to the realm of eternity. Even if the broken sword deep in the cracks of the earth was destroyed, it still had this power. Could it be an eternal sword?

The sword was broken, and the gods in the sword had dissipated, but the sword still had such a powerful power, even Gu Fei was a little frightened.

He also has two self-refined eternal Dao implements, and he is very aware of the horror of this Dao implement.

"Brother Chu, you are here. It's so hard to teach me to find!"

At this time, a guy walked up the hill.

"Brother Pan!"

Gu Fei saw that it wasn't that Pan Jianming, the **** son of the Five Elements Heavenly Sect, who else was here. In the eyes of these people, he was still Chu Shaoyun of the Scarlet Heaven Sect.

This time, Wang Chen of the Five Elements Gate was not with Pan Jianming, because Wang Chen didn't want to die, he was not Gu Fei, and he could reverse any enemy's attack.

If someone of quasi-extreme class stares at him, then he will definitely die.

Wang Chen retreated and returned to the Five Elements Gate.

"Why are you looking for me?"

Gu Fei looked at Pan Jianming curiously.

"Well... I want to join you and enter into the Sirius Abyss with Brother Chu?"

Pan Jianming looked at Gu Fei nervously and eagerly.

"With me?"

Gu Fei was even more puzzled when he heard this. He was just a little monk in the realm of incarnation, not even an immortal, the weakest, this guy actually wanted to walk with him?

"Yes, you and I join hands, absolutely invincible in the world, who can resist?"

Pan Jianming said boldly.


Gu Fei is speechless, when did this **** rise?

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