Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4602: Break into the Great Abyss

The Taishi Realm, the Southern Territory, and the Sirius Tomb are no secrets to the top powers of the Taishi Realm. These forces also know the details of the Sirius Supreme.

Before being enlightened, Sirius Supreme was nothing more than a small green wolf.

He does not have the talents to guard against the sky, he has no peerless physique, and he is not a powerful descendant. He is just a little green wolf, a little green wolf who has witnessed his own tribe being killed.

Little Green Wolf's mother pressed him under her body before she died, letting him escape.

With great perseverance, he step by step, from weak to strong, experienced unimaginable sufferings for ordinary people, and finally stood on the top of the heavens.

On the day of achieving supremacy, he directly took a palm from outside the sky and sank the immortal gods that destroyed his entire clan back then, directly destroying this dynasty that ruled hundreds of millions of years and passed on for hundreds of millions of years.

No one thought that annihilating the existence of an immortal dynasty would turn out to be just the little green wolf back then.

Sirius Supreme finally became the overlord of a party, but after 100,000 years after Sirius Supreme achieved the Supreme Realm, he had reached the peak in the Extreme Realm, and there was no way ahead.

He wanted to walk a path by himself, the top of the extreme path was not the end, there was still a way ahead, but no one knew whether he had found this way.

It's just that some people say that Sirius Supreme has experienced a great horror, and it seems that when it transcends the realm of the extreme realm, an ominous occurrence has caused Sirius Supreme almost to fall on the spot.

Taking advantage of his remaining breath, the Sirius Supreme built a tomb for himself with supreme magical powers, and then walked into the tomb himself.

The entrance of Sirius Supreme’s tomb is in the Sirius Abyss. This Sirius Abyss, before Sirius Supreme built the tomb here, was a Jedi in the southern region of the Taishi Realm.

This Jedi was terrifying, even if the Supreme entered the Great Abyss, it would be dangerous, let alone other monks.

Gu Fei watched carefully, but discovered a secret under the Great Abyss. The peerless sword light that burst out of the Great Abyss from time to time actually originated from a broken sword.

It is hard to imagine how powerful and terrifying this sword was before it was destroyed.

A broken sword had already blocked countless powerful men from the Great Tomb of Sirius.

This Jedi in the Taishi Realm is extraordinary.

At this time, except for a few people who broke into the abyss of Sirius, everyone was watching, because everyone knew that in this place, if they were not careful, they would die in it.


A cloud of celestial light suddenly lit up above the Heavenly Wolf Abyss. In the next moment, a sword light rushed up from under the abyss and directly split the cloud of celestial light in half.

The fairy light dissipated, and a corpse fell from the sky into the abyss.


Countless strong people near Dayuan were shocked to the extreme when they saw this scene.

"Someone has hung up again!"

There is an old-fashioned existence sighed.

In the endless years, this great abyss has not known how many powerful creatures it has swallowed.

"Wolf Supreme was really perverted that day, and he built his own tomb here."

Some people marveled.

"That sword light..."

On the top of a mountain outside the Great Yuan, Pan Jianming said in shock that the sword light was enough to threaten him. If he was slashed, it would definitely be a dead end, even the body would not be left behind.

"It hurts the supreme!"

Gu Fei looked at Da Yuan and said calmly.


Hearing what Gu Fei said, Pan Jianming was surprised again.

"Brother Chu, you should be able to cope with this kind of attack!"

Pan Jianming said tentatively.

Gu Fei smiled noncommittal.

"Huh! A bunch of timid guys."

At this moment, a sneer sounded, and then, a figure rushed from far away, and endless demonic energy erupted from that figure, and the whole world suddenly darkened.

It was a black-robed old man, and there was **** light lingering around the old man's body like blood-colored lightning.

The powerful demon aura immediately filled every inch of void.

"It's the blood demon ancestor of God Mountain."

Someone exclaimed.

"Why is he here."

There are some powerhouses who look a little ugly. The Heavenly Demon Mountain, but one of the two top demon powers in the Taishi Realm, and the other demon power is the Purgatory Demon Palace.

The blood demon ancestor of the Heavenly Demon Mountain is a generation of demon ancestors, extremely powerful, and his cultivation has reached the pinnacle of the extreme path. When he saw his palm, he blasted a sword light that rushed out from the depths of the abyss, and then rushed directly in. Disappeared into the abyss,

The extreme magic power between heaven and earth also disappeared.

Everyone was relieved.

"This demon..."

The strong men of the older generation felt uneasy.

Where there is this demon, there is no good thing.

Thinking of the existence of the extreme peak of the blood demon ancestor, no one would dare to attack him easily. You must know that once this existence is offended, the consequences are very serious.

"Brother Chu, there are seven or eight people who have entered here. When will we make the move?"

Pan Jianming could not sit still.

Gu Fei was not in a hurry, but he accidentally learned that there was something in the Great Tomb of Sirius that could cut off the blood of a monk. He was curious, really there is such a magical thing in this world?

You know, it is almost impossible to cut off the blood from the father's generation, and the blood of the Ji Dao shackles these Ji Dao descendants, and will eventually become a nightmare for the Ji Dao descendants.

"No hurries?"

Gu Fei looked at the Great Abyss in front of him. His identity in the Taishi Realm was Chu Shaoyun, a disciple of the Chixiao Clan.


At this moment, above the silent sky, there was another extremely shocking noise. A chariot rushed from a distance, and it was actually five dragons pulling the chariot.

Five flood dragons were pulling a bronze chariot. On the chariot, a tall figure stood. An overbearing power erupted from this figure, and the pressure was trembling.

The dragon that pulls the cart, each end is the existence of the peak of the Lord.

As soon as this person appeared, he immediately attracted countless eyes.

"The Dragon Lord of the Great Dragon God Dynasty!"

Someone recognized the middle-aged warrior.

The Great Dragon God Dynasty is one of the Seven Great God Dynasty in the Taishi Realm, and it is a super power.

Dragon Ba, is a peerless powerhouse of the Great Dragon God Dynasty.

No one dared to stop Long Ba. The ultimate saint of the Great Dragon God Dynasty directly drove the chariot and rushed into the great abyss. Numerous sword lights rushed from below the great abyss, all blocked by the power of Long Ba. Down.

The sword light that rushed out from under the great abyss could hurt Extreme Supreme.

However, the scary sword light in the eyes of others is nothing in the eyes of the existence of Dragon Tyrant and Blood Demon Ancestor.


The chariot crushed the void and immediately disappeared into the great abyss.

After that, a few Supreme Dao Supremes broke into the great abyss, and some Supremes struggled to get injured, but still wanted to enter this terrifying great abyss.

There were also a few Quasi-Supreme shots, but they all failed in the end. Some people tried to plot, but the reason for their true fall was the broken sword.

The sword light from the broken sword below the Great Abyss was enough to injure the Supreme Dao, and it was enough to kill any creatures below the extreme Dao.

Some quasi-sages even used the Extreme Dao Device, or could burst out the Extreme Dao-level Power Forbidden Device, forcibly into the abyss, but the ending was very tragic.

Some people were killed directly by the sword light that rushed out from under the Great Abyss, and they died, while some were protected by the Extreme Dao Device, although they were severely injured, they survived.

Those who survived are undoubtedly lucky.

But more people have ended up in a diminished form.

Gu Fei had been observing for most of the day, and finally had some understanding of the sword light from the broken sword below the Great Abyss.

The sword light from the broken sword has certain rules, when it is strong and weak, when it is strong, it can hurt the supreme, and when it is weak, it can't kill even a holy creature.

There is a ray of life in the dark.

However, this line of vitality is difficult to grasp, and only the existence of Extreme Dao supreme level can see the truth clearly.

"Okay, ready to do it."

Gu Fei suddenly said to Pan Jianming.

"Are you going to do it?"

Pan Jianming was overjoyed immediately.

This guy is very shrewd, pulling on Gu Fei's team, in fact, he has taken a fancy to Gu Fei's door, which can reverse all attacks.

As long as you stand beside Chu Shaoyun, you can ignore all attacks.

Gu Fei sat up cross-legged after saying this.

He was sitting for a long time. In the evening, when night was about to fall, Gu Fei, who was sitting on the boulder, suddenly opened his eyes.

Pan Jianming, who had been guarding Gu Fei's side, immediately came to his mind.

"Bend over!"

Gu Fei said to Pan Jianming.


Pan Jianming was taken aback when he heard the words, but he didn't know why.

"You are carrying me!"

Gu Fei looked at Pan Jianming like an idiot.

"Ah! Good, good!"

Pan Jianming nodded quickly and bent down.

Gu Fei was honest, and jumped directly onto Pan Jianming's back.

Pan Jianming could only carry Gu Fei on his back.


Gu Fei waved his big hand, and Pan Jianming immediately soared into the sky with him on his back, rushing towards the great abyss ahead.


Just as they approached the Great Abyss, a divine arrow directly broke through the void and shot towards Gu Fei and Pan Jianming, the speed reaching the extreme.


Pan Jianming sneered, he didn't even bother about the magical arrow he shot.

In the next moment, the divine arrow returned where it came from, and almost hurt the shameless fellow who shot it.

Pan Jianming rushed into the Great Abyss directly carrying Gu Fei on his back.

The moment he rushed into the Great Abyss, a sword light rushed up from below the Great Abyss, slashing towards them, and the fierce sword aura burst forth, splitting the void.


Pan Jianming was shocked, but the next moment, that peerless sword light was actually reversed back.

"how is this possible……"

Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded, reverse the other party's attack? What magical power is this, what secret technique is it?

Someone still shot at Gu Fei and the others.

However, all attacks were reversed by a magical force around Gu Fei's body, even the sword light rushing out from below the Great Abyss was no exception.

Then Pan Jianming carried Gu Fei on his back, ignoring all attacks, and directly broke into the Great Abyss.

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