Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4603: Kill the devil with one sword

Pan Jianming was extremely depressed. He was the **** son of the Five Elements Celestial Sect. He was extremely noble and respected. Even the prince of the immortal dynasty, he would bow his head in front of him!

And now, this Chu Shaoyun actually wanted to enter the Great Abyss with his back on his back, which made him unhappy, but he did not dare to show his unhappy.


However, Pan Jianming also had to admit that his choice was absolutely correct, and that Chu Shaoyun could really ignore all attacks.

Above the sky, a powerful figure threw a war spear directly at Gu Fei and Pan Jianming.


The war spear broke through the void directly, pierced through the dark void, and pierced Gu Fei's body at once.

However, the inexplicable force on Gu Fei once again raged, and the war spear was directly reversed by this force, returning wherever it came from.


The man couldn't help but moved, and the next moment the man reached out and grabbed the war spear that went through the hole.

At this time, one after another celestial light erupted, all blasting towards Gu Fei and Pan Jian, and the whole world shook, as if the end had come.


Pan Jianming, who was carrying Gu Fei on his back, saw this attack, his face changed drastically, and there was a supreme existence of Extreme Dao Supreme Grade who secretly shot.

"Against the chaos!"

Gu Fei roared, a force that was several times stronger than before burst out.

At the same time, the overwhelming horror instantly blasted the power of rebellion that erupted from Gu Fei's body.

In an instant, it seemed as if time had frozen, as if the heavens and the earth were all turned upside down, and countless killer moves were all perfectly reversed by the force that burst out from Gu Fei.


"how is this possible……"

"This guy is against the sky!"

Everyone was stunned by this scene, and all the killer moves towards Gu Fei and Pan Jianming were completely reversed by him without a trace.

There were screams and screams all at once, and some people couldn't avoid them, and were bombarded by the ultimate move. Some people were unlucky enough and were directly killed by their own ultimate move.

Some people ran away, but some were seriously injured.

When everyone was stunned, Pan Jianming successfully broke into the Great Abyss with Chu Shaoyun and Gu Fei on his back.

"This is Sirius Great Abyss?"

Gu Fei looked around carefully, only to see that the surrounding area was dim, with unknown haze surrounding it, and the temperature around it was very low, but there was no trace of ice or snow on the ground.


At the moment Pan Jianming's foot stepped on the ground, a group of magic light like a demon sun burst out and went directly towards Gu Fei and Pan Jianming.

"court death!"

In Gu Fei's thoughts, the strange force on his body burst out immediately, and the magic light like a demon sun was directly reversed back.


The person who made a sneak attack on Gu Fei was directly hit by the magic light. The next moment, this guy was full of black smoke, and his clothes were tattered and embarrassed to the extreme.

"Oh, who am I? It turns out that it's you, devil boy."

Pan Jianming said with disdain, attacking Chu Shaoyun and himself, this is no different from sending him to death.


At this time, the phantoms of the gods appeared in the sky, each of which was once a supreme weapon of the mighty heavens.


With a wave of Pan Jianming's right hand, countless magical soldiers immediately slashed towards the demon cub.

This guy is the God Son Blood Slaughter who broke into the Purgatory Demon Palace in the Great Abyss of Sirius before.

At this time, the God of Blood Slaughter looked up to the sky and screamed, and the sound shook the void, spreading far in the abyss, even to the outside, so that the people outside could also hear his voice.

The terrifying sound wave spread, and it directly shattered all the divine soldiers that were overwhelming and chopped and dissipated into the void.


Seeing that the momentum was wrong, Pan Jianming directly carried Chu Shaoyun on his back, that is, Gu Fei ran away.

"Where to go!"

God Xue Tu took a step with a grinning smile, and instantly caught up with Pan Jianming. The next moment, a big **** hand suddenly appeared in the void and patted Pan Jianming directly.

He wanted to slap these two ants to death.

However, in the next moment, his slap was also reversed.


The right hand of God Xue Tu banged on his left shoulder, and the sound of broken bones sounded.

"Damn, what a cruel guy."

When Pan Jianming saw this, he couldn't help being taken aback. This blood slaughter god's decisive killing was definitely a hero-class existence. Of course, this also needed him to grow up.


God Xue Tu stared at Gu Fei, his eyes flickering.

This guy is just an ant in the realm of transforming gods, how can he catch his own blow?

His body definitely carries a god-defying treasure.

When the God of Blood Slaughter thought of this, his heart moved.

However, he dared not make a move.

"This little guy, it's interesting!"

In a corner of the Great Abyss, a figure stared at Gu Fei, the sun and the moon were sinking in his eyes, and his body did not reveal any powerful aura.

The man disappeared into the void silently.

In the depths of the abyss, a short sword was lying quietly among the rocks.

Gu Fei pointed Pan Jianming all the way towards the pile of rocks where the short sword was.

The Blood Slaughter God followed Gu Fei all the way.

Soon, Gu Fei and the others came to the pile of rocks, and he jumped directly from Pan Jianming's back. Then rushed into the rubble.

There were golden lights on the broken sword circulating.

Although it was destroyed, it could still burst out with incomparable power, which could hurt the Supreme.

Gu Fei grabbed the half-cut sword in his hand.

"That is……"

The Blood Slaughter God rushed over, trying to **** the broken sword from Gu Fei's hand.

"Your opponent is me!"

At this moment, a figure flashed from the side, and then blasted towards the Blood Slaughter God with a punch, and the violent power of the Five Elements erupted from his fist.


With a muffled sound, the two figures separated directly, and the quasi-superior-level powerful power fluctuations rushed out in all directions.

Suddenly, sand and rocks flew in the pile of rocks, and hundreds of thousands of catties of boulders were all shaken away.


At this moment, Gu Fei roared, and the next moment, he held the broken sword in his hand, struggling to slash with the sword towards the God of Blood Slaughter.


A sword light that was almost invisible to the naked eye flashed by, and then, a trace of blood oozes from the eyebrows of God Xue Tu, the next moment, he fell down.

He didn't see the sword clearly until he died.


Pan Jianming glanced at Gu Fei, then at the God of Blood Slaughter who was split in half by Gu Fei, his forehead began to sweat again.

"This sword!"

Gu Fei saw that this sword had such a powerful power, even he himself couldn't think of it.

However, at this moment, his body shook, his feet softened, and he almost sat on the ground.

It was just a sword, but the power of this sword may be much stronger than he expected, because the moment he slashed this sword, Broken Sword almost swallowed all his vitality. .

Otherwise, this sword would not be able to kill a quasi supreme.

At this time, Gu Fei put away the short sword, and then came to the front of the Blood Slaughter God, squatted down, and carefully searched for this guy.

"Well, a lot of things!"

Gu Fei found a lot of things from this Blood Slaughter God, but when the cultivation base reached the blood Slaughter God realm, everything on these guys would be thrown into the world he had opened up.

The God of Blood Slaughter died, but the Inner Heaven and Earth he cultivated through sacrifice did not directly collapse because of his death.

"That sword!"

At this moment, Pan Jianming was shocked to the extreme. A broken sword could kill a Quasi-Supreme. That was Quasi-Supreme!

The power of this broken sword is really powerful and scary. Gu Fei is just an ant in the realm of transforming gods. He is not even an immortal god. However, it is him who directly killed a quasi-superior with a broken sword.

Huashen killed Quasi-Supreme, even in that distant past, such incredible things had never happened.

Pan Jianming was extremely jealous of the half-cut sword that Gu Fei had obtained, because that half-cut sword was definitely a big killer.

The jealousy turned to jealous, but Pan Jianming knew that something entered this Chu Shaoyun's hand, and it was absolutely impossible for him to spit it out.

Gu Feipan sat next to the corpse of the Blood Slaughter God, and then ran the profound arts, carefully sensing the emptiness of the world. He quickly opened his eyes and pointed out.


It was like a muffled sound from the Tiangu, Gu Fei's finger actually opened an inner world, an inner world belonging to the God of Blood Slaughter.

Gu Fei rushed in without hesitation.

Pan Jianming did not lag behind, and turned into a five-element sword light, rushing into that side of the world.

However, when Pan Jianming entered this world, he discovered that Gu Fei had already taken everything away. This guy simply passed by without leaving any hair, and everything was emptied.

Gu Fei directly found the core of this world, and then sat in front of the heart of the world. He wanted to refine this world.

Pan Jianming took another step slower. In this world, he didn't get any benefits at all, just picking up some things that others didn't like.

This side of heaven and earth is naturally the inner world opened up by the **** of blood slaughter. Only Gu Fei possesses an incomparably powerful divine mind to sense the position of this side of heaven and earth, and then point a point between the outside world and the inner world.

This opened up the inner world of the Blood Slaughter God.


Soon, the entire inner world of the Blood Slaughter God shook.

This side has a huge space and a lot of life.

However, Gu Fei saw the reality at a glance. Most of the creatures in this inner world were brought in from the outside world, but the local creatures in this world were very few and pitiful.

Seeing Gu Fei refining the heart of the world, Pan Jianming was jealous and envy.

His face was uncertain, and he didn't even hold Xiang Gu Fei in the end.

But at this time, the outside world, in the depths of the Great Abyss of Sirius, a great war broke out.

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