Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4604: Kill game

Blood Slaughter God was indeed unlucky, he even dared to provoke Gu Fei, so he ended up in a dead end.

Even the inner world opened up by the God of Blood Slaughter was directly refined into his own inner world by Gu Fei, supplementing and perfecting his own inner world law.

Of course, in the eyes of the God of Blood Slaughter, Gu Fei was just an ant in the realm of God Transformation in the Scarlet Xiaomeng.

Gu Fei's identity in the Taishi Realm was Chu Shaoyun, a disciple of the Chixiao Clan.

"This guy……"

At this time, Pan Jianming was very depressed. This Gu Fei was simply plucking his hair. He followed Gu Fei, not to mention picking up some cold food juices, but there was no soup. At best, he could only get some residue.

The inner world of the God of Blood Slaughter is definitely the most precious thing of the God of Blood Slaughter. Seeing Gu Fei step by step refining this world, Pan Jianming was extremely jealous.


Before this hour, Gu Fei refining the heart of the heaven and earth, directly smelting the heaven and earth into his own inner heaven and earth.

"Congratulations to Brother Chu, you have gained the Inner World of the Blood Slaughter God, and your cultivation base has greatly increased!"

Pan Jianming hurriedly came over to say hi, he was shocked, this Chu Shaoyun was really just a disciple of the God Transformation Realm from the Chixiao Clan! ?

In Pan Jianming's view, Gu Fei is very mysterious. You must know that the God of Blood Slaughter is not an ordinary quasi-superior, and the inner world he opened up is much larger than that of the ordinary quasi-superior.

This also indirectly proves the power of the Blood Slaughter God, the larger the inner world, the higher the cultivation base, and the stronger the combat power. This is inevitable.

Gu Fei has refined the inner world of the Blood Slaughter God, and his cultivation level will inevitably increase.

Gu Fei smiled noncommitantly. He is still the cultivation base of God Transformation Realm, but the essence of the inner world of the Blood Slaughter God is constantly nourishing his flesh.

He didn't intend to improve his cultivation level. He had to lay a foundation against the sky in the incarnation realm, so that he could walk farther than others on the road of cultivation.

In the Taishi Realm, in every cultivation realm, the peak is not the limit, and there is also the extreme realm. Beyond the peak, it is the extreme realm.

The limit realm is a realm of cultivation that has been cultivated to the limit, reached the most perfection, and has nowhere to go.

If it really goes further, it means breaking through the limit and reaching a higher level of cultivation.

Therefore, the extreme state is the most perfect state of each cultivation state.

In this Supreme Beginning Realm, there are not a few that know the existence of the extreme realm, especially those top powers, those **** sons and saints, who all cultivate with the extreme realm as the goal.

However, every realm of cultivation has to be cultivated to the extreme, even those **** sons and saints can't do it.

What is the origin of this guy?

Pan Jianming was more cautious in his heart. A small ant in the realm of transforming gods could refine the quasi-supreme inner world, which was originally impossible.

Even the slight breath of the quasi-sovereign can let the ants in the realm of transforming gods directly disappear.

However, this Chu Shaoyun not only completely ignored the coercion of Quasi-Supreme, but also refined the inner world of the Blood Slaughter God. He did what others could not do.

When Gu Fei and Pan Jianming came out of the inner world of the Blood Slaughter God, the entire Sirius Great Abyss became even darker.

"Has Ji Dao Shengxian shot?"

Pan Jianming sensed the mighty breaths of immortality coming out of the abyss, his expression changed drastically, he looked up into the abyss, and saw waves of blood rushing out from the abyss. The wind and clouds over the entire Great Abyss changed color.

Every qi and blood can crush the universe and disperse the galaxy, and this kind of strong qi and blood actually has five strands.

The five great sages of Jidao, these are the most powerful existences in the Taishi Realm. Standing on the top of all beings, overlooking the entire Taishi Realm, the only thing that can be their opponent is the supreme being who is the same Jidao Holy .

"It's just a great tomb of Sirius, it has attracted the five supreme?"

Gu Fei looked into the depths of the Great Abyss, his eyes were very deep, and there was definitely something in the Great Tomb of Heavenly Wolf that was of interest to Ji Dao Saint Immortal.

And what can make Ji Dao Shengxian interested is absolutely no small thing.

Gu Fei finally began to show interest in the Great Tomb of Sirius.

"What to do, don't we have no chance?"

Pan Jianming looked frustrated. There are too many good things in the Sirius Tomb. Any one or two of them is good fortune, but now, where the Ji Dao Saints are taking action, where are they?

Gu Fei did not speak, he carefully checked the surrounding terrain, and then looked up to the sky, staring at the starry sky.


Gu Fei knew that this great abyss was no small matter. Was it a Jedi formed by the heavens and the earth, or was it created by man?

Da Yuan is a kill game, and it is a super kill game. This super kill game borrows the terrain and the sky. This kind of kill game can strangle the supreme.

That day, the wolf supreme dared to build his own tomb in the great abyss. This kind of courage is definitely not comparable to the average supreme.

This is the Array Dao, borrowing from the sky, borrowing the earth, and people. If necessary, the powerful Array Dao can borrow all the power they want to kill their opponents.

To some extent, even the Jedi formed congenitally is a kind of formation, a formation of heaven and earth.

"Let's go and see the supreme means."

As Gu Fei said, he strode towards the depths of the abyss.

"Brother Chu, you don't want to die."

Pan Jianming was shocked when he saw this, this guy dared to enter the depths of the abyss, he thought he was the ultimate holy immortal!

Even the ultimate holy immortal must be cautious in the great abyss. If you are not careful, even the ultimate holy immortal will be injured and even fall here.

Thirty thousand years ago, there was an extremely sage that broke into the Great Abyss, and then never came out.

Some people say that the Jidao Saint Immortal fell into the depths of the Great Abyss.

That is the place where even the Saint Immortal of the Extreme Dao will fall.

"Haha, are you coming?"

Gu Fei laughed and strode forward.


Pan Jianming's expression changed a few times, and the last time he gritted his teeth, he went and went, and I was not afraid.

He directly pursued Gu Fei.

At this time, in the depths of the great abyss, a large coffin floated and sinked in the chaotic air, and the breath that emanated from the large coffin was amazing, where it seemed that a world was evolving.

But around the big coffin, there were five strong men standing, and the breath from each strong man directly dissipated the surrounding cold breath.

These five people are all extremely sages.

And these five people are all staring at the coffin in front.

"Boss Yi, are you coming or me?"

A young man of Jidao Shengxian turned his head and smiled at an old man beside him.

Although they could see the big coffin in the chaotic air ahead, there was an invisible force covering the big coffin.

Even the holy immortal of the Extreme Dao cannot touch the big coffin.

"Hey, who is not the same?"

The old man named Yi Boss smiled and said.

"There are only one or two things, how do you divide it?"

A mysterious person shrouded in black robe suddenly said.

He was like a master in the darkness. Although he was standing there, even though his body also showed blood soaring to the sky, the next moment, the blood on his body disappeared directly, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into nothingness.

"You Yuan old ghost, we just have our own ability. It's yours, we can't steal it, it's not yours, hey, you can't get it either." Boss Yi said.

"A good one has his own ability."

Black Robe Supreme sneered.


A middle-aged white-clothed man showed nine immortal lights, surrounded by the lights, as if it could kill everything.

And the last Saint Immortal of the Great Dao was a bad old man, to be precise, an old drunkard, even in the Great Tomb of Sirius, he still looked drunk.

"Tianjizi, what do you say?"

Boss Yi looked at the old man.

"Me? Haha, do whatever you want, what to do with me?"

The bad old man laughed and pulled out the wine gourd in his hand, took a sip in his mouth, the fragrance of the wine spread, even the other supreme could not help but swallow a few times.

"Okay! It's okay to rely on your ability."

The other Supremes nodded and said.

The wing boss directly strode forward, and slammed into the void ahead with a punch, and the violent immortal power erupted from the wing boss' fist.

However, the supreme shot, earth-shattering, boss Yi's punch is enough to destroy one area and kill countless creatures.

However, such a powerful punch did not show its due power at all. In the void ahead, only ripples visible to the naked eye appeared.

The powerful supreme power has disappeared.


Boss Yi was taken aback, he seemed to have made a serious mistake.


Ji Dao Saint Immortal's vision is extraordinary, the punch of the boss Yi made other Ji Dao Saint Immortals see some amazing things, they were wrong at the beginning.

"Haha, it's fun now."

The old machine drunkard laughed that day.

The faces of other Jidao Saints are very ugly.

They are the supreme supreme. They were calculated by a dead man. They entered the game, and they even entered the game.

"Use our power to kill us?"

Boss Yi was talking to himself.

They knew it was too late, because when they broke this round, they had already made great efforts, and the power of the five great sacred immortals was unknowingly sucked away.

This is not a good thing for the five great sages.

Sirius Great Abyss was a Jedi in itself, but he did not expect to be slightly changed by the wolf supreme that day and set a game in the game.

The game in this game is used to kill the sacred celestial beings.

This time, the five great sacred immortals of the Great Dao have come. If the five great sacred immortals of the Great Dao fell in the Great Tomb of Sirius, the entire Taishi Realm would be in chaos.

You know, these five great sacred celestial beings all represent a super power, a super power dominating billions of territories.

Once such a force loses the guardianship of the ultimate holy immortal, it will inevitably be swallowed by other forces. At that time, blood will inevitably flow in rivers and life will be disgraced.


The Five Great Dao Saints are all angry.

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