Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4605: Heaven and Earth Killing Bureau

Taishi Realm, the Great Tomb of Sirius, turned out to be a big situation, and it was a big kill.

In this way, it is difficult to say whether there is the legendary thing that can change fate in the Great Tomb of Sirius.

And in this big killing game, the sacred immortals, especially the opponents of the Sirius Supreme, are dead, and they will be pitted.

This Great Abyss of Heavenly Wolf was originally a terrible domain. For endless years, this great abyss had no idea how many powerful creatures of the Great Beginning Realm had been swallowed.

Sirius Supreme chose his cemetery here, originally for the layout.


At this time, the entire Sirius Tomb shook, and there were lines of Dao patterns appearing on the giant coffin that was ups and downs.

A powerful force burst out from the giant coffin, and instantly communicated between heaven and earth.


The ancient star field that has been silent for endless years has recovered without warning. At this moment, the supreme beings in the Taishi realm have an instant feeling.

"what happened!"

One star field unexpectedly burst out with incomparably powerful power fluctuations, and one after another shining starlight was rapidly condensing, and the billions of starlight directly formed a huge array.

Using hundreds of millions of ancient stars as chess pieces, in the formation, this method, even the Holy Emperor of the Immortal Dao, can't do it, you know, that is the ancient star field, which has existed for endless years, and the power of the stars is incredible.

It was just a few flashes of time that enveloped a star field, and an array that was much larger than that of the Taishi Realm was constructed. The moment the array was completed, the power of the entire star field was madly moving towards the array. Figures come together.

"Someone actually did something in the star field?"

The supreme sacred immortals in the Taishi Realm directly released their spiritual thoughts.

The Divine Sense of Jidao Saint Immortal is so powerful, it is just a thought, and it has already understood something. This is a super killing array, which is surrounded by stars in a star field.

Only the supreme existence of the Extreme Dao Saint Immortal level can deploy this kind of masterpiece.

"Well, echoing with Sirius Great Abyss."

There is the spirit of Ji Dao Shengxian communicating.

"Is it the back hand of the little wolf?"

A super old antique who has lived for endless years said such words, even Sirius Supreme, in front of this super old antique, is a junior.

"It was a pity that the little guy who had the most hope to take that step."

The old voice was full of regret.

"Unfortunately, those guys actually killed that little guy."

Another equally old supreme being sighed.

"Those people are short-sighted, hey!"

The old antique sighed.

This kind of existence who has lived for endless years cares very little. They only have one purpose, which is to break through, break through the shackles, break through their own limits, and achieve the ultimate leap again.

For these super old antiques, there is not necessarily no way to the end.

They wanted to see how far the little green wolf could go, but some people were afraid that once the little green wolf succeeded, they would have an operation on them, just like the one that was wiped out by the little green dragon that day. The immortal gods are the same.

So, these people started on the little green wolf.

A big battle broke out in the depths of the starry sky without warning. In that battle, the entire starry sky was shaking, countless stars collapsed, and one star field turned into a dead zone.

That day, the wolf supreme was so powerful that he killed three old antique-level Jidao holy immortals and escaped with serious injuries.

The battle of Sirius Supreme shocked the world, shaking the entire Taishi Realm.

The fall of the three super old antiques also directly caused great changes in the power pattern of Taishi Realm, causing great turbulence, and almost bringing Taishi Realm into the dark age.

Because there is a super power behind those three super old antiques, once they lose the protection of these extremely holy celestial ancestors, these powers will become fat in the eyes of others.

However, these forces will not sit still.

The counterattack of these forces is also very terrifying, and in the end, a few Jidao holy immortals took action, and this would not pull the entire Taishi Realm into the dark abyss.

In the Taishi realm, the Sirius chaos lasted for nearly ten thousand years.

Finally, Sirius Supreme walked into the tomb he built for himself.

Some people say that Sirius Supreme died in his mausoleum, but others say that Sirius Supreme did not die. However, after more than 100,000 years, Sirius Supreme did not appear again.

To this day, the back hand placed by Sirius Supreme has been activated.

"this is……"

Gu Fei, who was heading towards the depths of the Sirius Great Abyss, suddenly stopped and raised his head fiercely, only to see when a thick black mist appeared in the sky.

The black fog obscured the entire sky.

"what happened!"

Pan Jianming, who was following Gu Fei, also raised his head and looked towards the sky. When he saw the black air in the sky, his expression suddenly changed.

He was very careful, he had been cautious all his life, he followed Gu Fei, step by step, stepping on the footprints left by Gu Fei.

"This kind of terrain was originally like a hidden dragon in the abyss, and it would not easily erupt, but now it seems that this terrain has begun to recover, covering the entire abyss. People outside cannot get in and people inside cannot get out. ."

Gu Fei said indifferently, he was still looking at the sky, his gaze penetrated the black fog in the sky, and looked directly into the ancient star field deep in the starry sky.

"Good guy!"

Gu Fei couldn't help but move, Heaven and Earth killed the game, such a big deal, this is definitely a game set up for the purpose of slaying the ultimate saint.

It was someone who used the power of heaven and earth to kill the sacred immortals of the Extreme Dao.

"This... Brother Chu, we might as well leave here!"

Pan Jianming was terrified. This is Heaven and Earth Killing Game. He is a small **** of the Five Elements Heaven Sect, not the strongest one. In front of this kind of Heaven and Earth Killing Game, he is just a fart, not even as good as an ant.

"Cogged again?"

Gu Fei smiled and said, he withdrew his gaze, although Heaven and Earth Killing Game was terrible, but he knew everything well.

"What's counseling again, I've never counseled, okay!"

Pan Jianming said with an unhappy expression.

"Haha, don't worry, it's just a little timid."

Gu Fei smiled.

"Oh, I'm not timid, am I not concerned about fellow Chu Daoist? If we don't leave at this time, we will die here." Pan Jianming regretted entering the abyss with Gu Fei.

At this time, the positions of Gu Fei and Pan Jianming were very delicate, and the surrounding void began to appear one after another of destruction divine light, but within a hundred meters of their location, there was no divine light appearing.

Those divine lights emerged from the ground, strangling everything.

I saw a divine light flashing, and a strong man who was retreating from the Great Abyss in fear was directly swept into a cloud of blood mist by that divine light, and his body and spirit were destroyed.

"This Great Abyss..."

All the powerhouses who entered the Great Abyss were frightened and rushed towards the Great Abyss.

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