Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4606: Slay the sage

The Taishi Realm, Southern Territory, and Sirius Great Abyss have completely recovered, and the terrifying atmosphere is vast and endless, even those super old antiques who have been hidden for endless years have jumped out.

"The Sirius boy will cheat people even if he is dead."

One after another extremely Dao-level divine thoughts were exposed everywhere in the Taishi Realm, and one after another, phantoms transformed from divine thoughts appeared outside the Heavenly Wolf Great Abyss.

At this time, the Great Abyss of Heavenly Wolf had completely changed. The terrifying aura enveloped the ten directions and isolated all the secrets. Even the Saint Immortal of the Extreme Dao could not sense the situation in the Great Abyss.

"I don't want to die!"


In the Great Abyss of Sirius, countless powerful men are running for their lives, crying, screaming, and they all don't want to die, they want to survive.

However, I saw one after another divine light rushing out of the ground and directly strangling all the creatures in the great abyss. With that divine light flashing, a living, powerful creature directly turned into a blood mist, and its form and spirit were destroyed.

Even the existence of Quasi-Supreme could not escape death, even the soul would be destroyed, and it would be impossible to seize the house and rebirth.

Even a powerful Saint Immortal of Extreme Dao was swept by the divine light rushing from the ground, and one of his arms was directly turned into a blood mist, and he was hit hard.

The divine light rushing out of the great abyss contains the power of the terrifying law. As long as it is injured by this power, it is not impossible to recover, but it is somewhat difficult.

At this time, the descendants of the major forces outside the Great Abyss were all shocked by the scenes that happened suddenly, and their faces turned pale. If they broke into the Great Abyss, their end would be so miserable.

"Peerless killing game!"

There is the ultimate saint who wants to break through the great abyss and rescue the descendants of his own forces. However, the ultimate saint who shot was immediately countered by the great abyss, and the phantom created by a divine mind directly Beng scattered in the void.

Even if it is as strong as the ultimate holy immortal, it is almost impossible to break through the great abyss at this time.

At this time, in the depths of the starry sky above the Great Abyss, starlights descended from the sky and directly fell into the Great Abyss, and the power of the heavens was finally aroused.

Heaven and earth sympathize, and this Sirius killing game is really running.

The power of heaven and earth is like a millstone, wiping everything out. Even the holy immortal of the extreme realm can't hold it at this time. The holy immortal of the extreme realm wounded by the divine light only had time to let out a scream. He died,

The mighty power of Extreme Dao level broke out, shaking the entire Great Abyss, and the sky was raining blood.

The sacred immortal of the ultimate path has fallen, and the path of heaven is felt, and all kinds of visions have appeared in the universe of heaven and earth.

"Kill a supreme?"

Outside the Great Abyss, the figures transformed by the supreme divine minds one after another were suppressed. They were the ultimate holy immortals, even if they were only the elementary ultimate holy immortals, they were also the ultimate holy immortals.

The sacred immortals of Jidao are definitely the supreme beings standing on the top of the Taishi realm. A single thought can destroy the sky and the earth, crush the starry sky, and slay hundreds of millions of creatures.

However, in the Great Abyss of Heavenly Wolf, Ji Dao Saint Immortal was running for his life like a mortal.

It was just a few breaths. Among all the powerhouses who entered the Great Abyss of Sirius, 90% of them were obliterated by the power of this world's killing game, and completely disappeared in this world.

It stands to reason that as long as it is a "Xian" it is very difficult to die, because "Xian" has countless ways to keep oneself alive, and the lifespan is endless and can coexist with the world.

However, in the Great Abyss of Heavenly Wolf, the "Xian" is too weak, even the quasi-extreme-level Immortal Venerable is not able to withstand a single blow, and the ultimate saint immortal will fall.

At this time, in the tomb of the Great Tomb of Sirius in the depths of the Great Abyss, the five great sages were in a panic.

The wing boss was scorched all over by the electric light that appeared constantly out of thin air, his hair was standing upright, and he was still smoking.

If he hadn't been covered with a net-like Taobao, he would have been hit hard by the power of this great abyss.

And the other four Great Dao sages are more or less dazzling, which is absolutely unimaginable for this group of extreme sages.

You know, the immortal body of the Extreme Dao Saint Immortal is the Extreme Dao immortal body, even ordinary Extreme Dao immortal artifacts can't hurt them at all, and now they are actually injured.

A drop of supreme blood can turn a region into a sea of ​​blood!

However, after these supreme beings were injured, the blood dripping from their bodies was absorbed by the soil on the ground and disappeared.

"Sirius, I was not afraid of you when you were alive, and you still want to make trouble after you die!? I will cut off your physical body and make you completely disappear into this world."

The young sage sage roared and shot.


A sword rang into the sky, and a sword light pierced through the sky. This was a sword immortal of the Extreme Dao. The sword aura was diffused. It was just a sword that broke through the chaotic aura and smashed directly on the giant coffin in front.


There was a sound of collision between gold and iron, and the next moment, the sword light that had slashed on the giant coffin broke apart.


When the other Saints of the Extreme Dao saw this, they couldn't help being taken aback. This giant coffin was different, and even a blow from the Saints of the Extreme Dao could be blocked.

"Too prodigal, to use the innate Hongmeng iron to cast a coffin?"

The wing boss exclaimed.


Hearing the words, the other sage immortals couldn't help but moved, especially the young sage, staring at the giant coffin in front, with greedy eyes in his eyes.

If you use this innate sacred iron to refine your own flying sword, the rank of the flying sword will achieve a transformation.

There are also three or six grades of Ji Dao sword weapons. This Ji Dao sword immortal didn't find any immortal talents back then. As a result, the Ji Dao Flying Sword was not very high.

Now that I see this giant coffin filled with chaos and majestic aura, it is strange not to be jealous.

The Congenital Hongmeng Divine Iron is the immortal Divine Iron, born in the great chaos before the heavens and the earth, it is the exclusive craftsmanship of the ultimate holy immortal.

Only the ultimate holy **** can refine this kind of immortal iron and make it into a Taoist tool.

The giant coffin in front of it is looming in the chaos like a small mountain, but how much innate iron is needed to make such a giant coffin!

"Cut, there are still dreams of other people's coffins now? Life is important."

The middle-aged supreme looked at Ji Dao Sword Immortal and teased.

At this time, the Great Abyss Killing Bureau was fully operational, and the power of the endless stars fell from the sky, perfectly blending with the power of the Great Abyss, and it actually trapped the Five Great Dao Saints at the location of the coffin of the Great Tomb of Sirius.


Suddenly roars came from the giant coffin in front, which made the scalp numb of the five great sacred celestial beings. Could it be that the Sirius Supreme, who has been dead for endless years, has been resurrected?

In another place in the Great Abyss, Gu Fei was demonstrating quickly, and he continued to move Pan Jianming in the Great Abyss, cautiously, he was deducing vitality.

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