Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4607: Fraudulent corpse?

The Great Abyss in the Southern Territory of the Taishi Realm was originally one of the several Jedi in the Taishi Realm. Even without the existence of the Great Tomb of Sirius, this Great Abyss had swallowed the Jidao Saint Immortal.

The mausoleum of Sirius Supreme was actually just at the edge of the abyss, the true core area in the abyss, even Sirius Supreme would not dare to enter.

In the deepest part of the Great Abyss, there are great dangers and great horrors, even the ultimate holy immortals dare not step into it.

The Sirius Supreme was quite good, and built his tomb on the edge of the abyss, using the power of the abyss to pit and kill his opponents.

The Sirius Supreme of the year was conspired and besieged, and then he suffered a fatal blow. He fell shortly after the completion of his mausoleum.

He knew that his opponents would definitely come to dig his tomb after he died, so he set up an eternal killing game.

Endless years passed, and the tomb of Sirius Supreme was finally found by the five great sages, and broke into the depths of the tomb, where the coffin was placed.

The five great sacred immortals directly touched the forbidden law placed by the Sirius Supreme, and triggered this eternal killing.

"Good fellow, the students are constantly changing, is this to cut off all vitality?"

Gu Fei kept deducing, leading Pan Jianming to quickly change his position, avoiding the horrible destruction caused by strangulation.

After all, he was an eternal existence, even if his cultivation against the formation method was far less than that of Hei Tian, ​​but his formation skills absolutely exceeded the level of the great master.

"Unexpectedly, Brother Chu's formation skills are so advanced."

Pan Jianming exclaimed.

Gu Fei didn't pay any attention to this cowardice. From time to time, he went up to the star field and looked down at the terrain. Under the gaze of his god, the entire world was covered with array patterns that no one could see.

When Pan Jianming saw Gu Fei ignore him, he smiled awkwardly, without any dissatisfaction.

At this time, he had to rely on Chu Shaoyun to survive. Only by following Chu Shaoyun's side, he might be able to leave here alive.

"Interesting, interesting!"

Gu Fei couldn't help but marvel, this Sirius Supreme was definitely a master in the formation, otherwise it would not be possible to lay such a lore formation.

This killing formation draws the power of infinite stars upwards, and draws the power of Da Yuan that can kill the sacred immortals of the extreme way. These two forces seem to have turned into a huge grinding disc, which will kill all the living in the killing formation. Everything is lost.

At this time, where the coffin of Sirius Supreme was located, the five great sages were constantly roaring, all desperately resisting the power of the killing.


A bright fairy light burst out of the middle-aged supreme, and the whole person was like a divine sun straggling in the void, blocking away the destructive power known to be obliterated.

However, this killing bureau is constantly devouring his power, although the speed is not very fast, but if this continues, sooner or later, he will be swallowed up by this killing bureau and become a corpse.

"How to do!"

The youth-like Ji Dao Sword Immortal's face was extremely solemn, and the sword light rushed out from his body one after another, directly slashing the destructive power that had been wiped out.

However, although his sword light blocked the power to kill the game, his kendo power was also constantly losing.

"Come out together!"

The wing boss shouted.

After all, they are the elder sacred immortals who have lived for endless years, and they are many times stronger than those primordial sacred immortals.

If he were to be replaced by another extremely sacred immortal, he would have been struck to death by this terrifying killing bureau.


Amidst the primordial chaos, a giant coffin was looming, and countless ancient Dao patterns appeared on the giant coffin, revealing power fluctuations that were terrifying to the extreme.

The roars came from the giant coffin, which shocked all the five great saints to the extreme.

"Sirius is not dead yet?"

That Youyuan Shengxian's heart trembles, if this is the case, it will be difficult for them to get out of here alive.

"He can't be alive."

The old man who was still drunk murmured, the wine gourd in his hand was blooming with celestial light, and that celestial light actually blocked the surrounding killing.

Among the five great sacred immortals, only this bad old man has not received any impact and is still at ease.

"Tianjizi, what do you know that we don't know?"

Boss Yi looked at the bad old man, he couldn't stop it, he could feel the power of this side to kill the game constantly converging toward the giant coffin.


With a loud noise, the coffin lid suddenly flew, and a hand stretched out from the giant coffin. It was a skinny arm. The nails were long and pointed, and a strong breath of death came out from that arm. .

"Fucked a corpse?"

The Five Great Dao Saints all felt a numb scalp, and the generation of supreme who should have died for endless years was about to crawl out of the coffin?

In the next moment, the lifeless arm retracted into the giant coffin again, and the giant coffin was completely dark, and even the Jidao Saints could not enter the giant coffin.

"What are you waiting for? If we don't join hands, we will all confess our lives here."

Old Yi shouted.

In the giant coffin, the breath of death is mighty, and inside it seems that a terrifying **** is evolving, and that power is constantly improving, and it has already surpassed the extreme level.

"it is good!"

"Just so!"

The five great Dao Saints rushed together, and the five great Dao-level powers gathered, and they directly evolved into a great Dao realm, just like opening the sky, opening up an alternative world.

This is the horror of the ultimate holy immortals, their power is more than just one plus one.

The combination of the Five Great Dao Saint Immortals is enough to push the Taishi Realm horizontally. Even if it is the most respected student of Sirius, I am afraid it is not the opponent of these Five Great Dao.

But now, the five great holy immortals had to join forces that day the eternal killing game set by the wolf supreme.


The extreme realm of that side exploded in an instant, and countless formation patterns were directly obliterated. The five great realm sages joined hands to evolve an alternative world, and it was actually the giant coffin cast by the innate sacred iron.

"Haha, I want to see what's in the coffin of Sirius."

The Youyuan Supreme laughed and walked to the front of the giant coffin. At this time, the chaos and magnum qi surrounding the giant coffin was dispersed.

"You Yuan, what are you doing, you just came to break the formation."

Boss Yi shouted at that Youyuan Supreme.

"Boss Yi, this coffin is the eye of the formation. If you destroy it, you will destroy the formation without attack."

You Yuan Zhizun said.


The other supreme stunned.

At this time, the mighty destructive force from all directions continuously compressed the range of the alternative world opened by the five holy immortals, and the four supreme beings were struggling to support it.

At this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out from the giant coffin and pierced You Yuan Zhizun's chest and pierced his back.

There was a heart in that hand.

The heart of You Yuan Supreme was grabbed by the dead hand withered.


When the other supreme saw this, the surprise was really extraordinary.

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