Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4611: Behind the scenes

The Ji Dao Saint Immortal of the Taishi Realm and the Ji Dao Supreme of the Ancestral Realm have different names. In fact, they are both Ji Dao creatures standing on top of all beings.

This Taishi Realm is the world of immortality, and countless creatures have cultivated to the extreme, and they are the ultimate holy immortal.

No one knows how many Jidao holy immortals in the Taishi realm, and in the Taishi realm, among the top forces, there is Jidao Supreme.

For example, the Five Elements Tianzong, such as the Pingtian Divine Dynasty, these forces have been passed on to this day because of the extremely sacred immortals, especially the Five Elements Tianzong, which has been passed down for endless years and experienced more than one era.

Although the inheritance time of the Pingtian God Dynasty was shorter, it was also a giant in the Taishi Realm.

This Pingtian God Dynasty can stand in the Taishi Realm for hundreds of thousands of years, because the Jidao Sage Emperor of the Pingtian God Dynasty is still alive, and there is the Jidao Sage Emperor who is sitting here, who dares to move the Pingtian God Dynasty.

The third prince of Pingtian and the eldest prince also came to the Great Abyss, but they were extremely lucky. Although they had entered the Great Abyss for a short time, they immediately retreated and escaped.

On a mountain thousands of miles away from the Great Abyss, the third prince Yan Xun of Pingtian saw the murderous aura in front of him, one after another, one after another with the destructive light strangling the strong one after another into dregs, his clothes were not soaked in cold sweat. know.

If you were still inside, it would definitely be the end of the body and spirit, even if there was a substitute for death, it wouldn't work.

The crowd of followers standing behind the Pingtian Third Prince shivered even more, and the mighty murderous in front of them made them feel as if they were being framed by a sharp sword on their necks.

In the other direction, Pingtian Emperor Yanzhao was also wiping cold sweat.

"I don't know what happened to Brother."

Over a city thousands of miles away from the Great Abyss, Wang Chen, the master of the Five Elements Gate, frowned as he looked at the starlight reflecting in the sky.

Sirius Cave Sky is simply a meat grinder. Whoever goes in is unlucky!

In Wang Chen's eyes, the legendary Heavenly Wolf Cave Sky in the Great Abyss was a world, but who would have thought that the so-called Heavenly Wolf Cave Heaven was actually just a killing game laid by the Heavenly Wolf Supreme.

Da Yuan's change has attracted the attention of countless strong people.

Even the oldest Immortal Supremes were also shocked a lot.

At this time, above the sky, one after another horrible sword light fell from the sky, directly breaking through the power of the great abyss, and slashing towards the Sirius Supreme.

However, after these terrifying sword lights that were enough to kill a star field fell into the killing array, they quickly turned dimmed, and they all disappeared before the Sirius Supreme was hacked.

The strongest kendo power was actually swallowed by the killing array.

"A little bit of a doorway!"

The old voice sounded, and a figure walked from above the sky. Every time he took a step, the whole world trembled. In just two or three steps, this person came close.

This is an old man with gray hair. The old man has white hair and eyebrows, is tall and looks mighty, even if it is a seemingly random stop, it gives people an extremely depressing feeling.

"It's you?"

Sirius Supreme saw this old man. Can not help but startled and angry.

"Little Green Wolf, come out and die!"

The old voice sounded, and the old man stood with his hand holding his hand, looking at Sirius Supreme with cold eyes.

At this time, even though the three great sages like Tianjizi were still trapped in the battle, they had already rushed out of the battle.


The terrifying power of the Great Abyss is madly obliterated toward the three ultimate saints.

Tianjizi and others teamed up to urge a Dao Dao device to block the destructive force that was worn out from all directions.


A terrifying roar sounded, and a group of powerful beast shadows rushed out of the great abyss and rushed towards the Tianjizi and others.

These beast shadows are not really fierce beasts, just beast souls one after another, but even the beast souls are terrifying. If they are pounced, even the ultimate holy immortal will have to die.


Tianjizi, Jidao Jianxian and others were shocked to see this scene.


With a loud bang, the first beast soul slammed into the Promise Bell, the big bell rang, resounded through the sky, and spread all over the earth, the bell sounded, shocking.

The Promise Bell is the supreme Taoist tool that Tianjizi has sacrificed and refined for endless years. It is used for defense. Even an antique-level supreme existence cannot break it with a full blow.

A group of beast shadows slammed into the Wuji clock, and the Wuji clock shook violently, and countless ancient Dao patterns appeared on it, and an aura that seemed to come from the ancient prehistoric swelled from the Wuji clock.

"How to do!?"

In the Promise Clock, Tianjizi and others were extremely anxious, they urged the Promise Clock with all their strength, and this barely blocked the bombardment of countless beast souls.

However, over time, they will also be dangerous.

"What else can we do? It depends on whether the old antiques can subdue the wolf supreme that day."

Tianjizi said angrily.

He only wanted to obtain the divine fruit of good fortune, not desperately trying to fight the Sirius Supreme.

Others have some causality with Sirius Supreme, and that Youyuan Supreme was the black hand who shot against Sirius Supreme, and the teacher of Wing Boss was destroyed by Sirius Supreme.

The sword immortal of Jidao was also a junior disciple of a super old antique.

And that super old antique also shot against Sirius Supreme.


At this time, Sirius Supreme was extremely powerful, and saw him roar and fist towards the old man in the sky.

With this punch, he directly evoked the power of the Great Abyss, and the entire killing formation was shaking, and the power of endless heaven and earth gathered towards him like crazy.

The violent Quan Jin directly blasted through the void and shook the world.


The old man sneered, just waved his hand, and the terrifying punch of Sirius Supreme was directly resolved, and the whole person staggered back.


Sirius Supreme was shocked and inexplicable. Could it be that he has planned endless years and is still not the opponent of these old antiques?

I remembered that I was conspired by others, and my body was abolished. Only the soul was trapped in the coffin cast by the innate Hongmeng iron.

In that dark coffin, he endured so much pain, endured endless loneliness, until today, he was finally born.

His primordial spirit is extremely powerful, he has already surpassed those old antiques, but now it seems that he still underestimated these old antiques!

"Huh! It's just a little ant. Even before, you were an ant, but now you are still an ant. After all, the ant is an ant."

The old man sneered.

"Hmph, yes, can you imagine the existence of me?"

Another powerful figure came out from a distance.

The whole person was shrouded in a layer of mist, and the whole person looked ethereal, but the aura on his body was astonishing, as if a world of heaven and earth were pressing against the Great Abyss.

"you guys……"

Sirius Supreme stared at the incoming person, gritted his teeth.

He knew that it was these behind-the-scenes men who took action back then that made him hate endless years.

"Haha, you group of self-righteous guys, who think you are aloft, are you still trapped in the extreme peak for endless years?"

Sirius Supreme suddenly laughed.

"The road at the end of the road..."

The old man stared at Sirius Supreme, his eyes lit up.

"So these guys are looking for a way to go beyond the extreme way?"

Gu Fei looked at him coldly. At this time, he knew in his heart that these guys had only one purpose, and that was to transcend the Jidao.

These guys who have lived for endless years have already seen everything very lightly, but there is only one thing they will never forget until death.

Going beyond the extreme and becoming a truly invincible existence is the only pursuit of these super antiques.

"Hey, it's all a bunch of poor people."

Gu Fei sighed, only he knew how difficult it is to transcend the Extreme Dao.

Even in the ancestor realm, for endless years, only he has successfully surpassed the extreme path to become an eternal existence.

However, even if it has become an eternal existence, there are still opponents. The first demon of the ancestor of the year was also an eternal existence.

Gu Fei thought of everything back then, as if it were a lifetime away.

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