Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4612: Then fight!

The Sirius Supreme is undoubtedly very strong, motivating the power of the nine-day stars and the power of the Great Abyss. Such power is absolutely unparalleled in the world.

However, it is a pity that Sirius Supreme's Jidao Immortal body is too weak. What he robs is the body of Youyuan Supreme. This Youyuan Supreme is also considered a master among the Supremes.

However, Youyuan Supreme's Extreme Dao Immortal Body cannot withstand the power of the nine-day stars and the Great Abyss, even one ten thousandth of the power.

Strong action with this kind of power will explode and die, and the soul will collapse.


Sirius Supreme had no other choice. He madly mobilized the power of ten directions, and divine lights wandered around him like lightning.

A strong and terrifying breath erupted from him.

"Hey, Li Kun, that little wolf pup is going to work hard."

Said the vague figure in the distance.

"I saw it, and want to work hard? That would have to be the capital to work hard."

Li Kun sneered.

Desperately? Yes, but you also have to have the capital to work hard.


Sirius Supreme was angry, this guy dared to underestimate himself, I want you to look good.

"Sirius slaughters the sky!"

Sirius Supreme roared, the next moment, his aura soared to the limit, the next moment, I saw his hands pinch the Yin Jue.


Endless power gathered crazily on his handprints, and a terrifying wolf shadow appeared in the void, revealing a terrifying aura of destruction.

"this is……"

Seeing this scene, everyone was taken aback.

Without any hesitation, the fierce wolf condensed by the Sirius Supreme directly swooped at the ancestor Li Kun, and the whole world was shaking with this power.

"court death!"

The ancestor Li Kun's face sank, and he flicked his big sleeves directly at the fierce wolf that pounced.

However, the next moment, the sleeves of Li Kun Xianzu exploded, and the claws of the fierce wolf directly grabbed his head.


Li Kun was angry, and a cloud of fairy light burst out from his body, and instantly enveloped him.

The fierce wolf's sharp claws caught on the ball of fairy light, and it was directly blocked by the ball of fairy light, making it difficult to break through the defense of the fairy light.

Na Li Kun directly stretched out his hands and grabbed the two front legs of the fierce wolf, and then pulled hard, actually tore the fierce wolf in half.

Although the fierce wolf was evolved from the Sirius Supreme Art of Slaying the Sky by the Sirius, it was extremely real, just like a real fierce wolf with flesh and blood.

The fierce wolf that was torn in half by the ancestor Li Kun dissipated in the void.

At the moment when Li Kun broke the supernatural power of Sirius Supreme, a divine light penetrated the body of the ancestor Li Kun instantly, which made the ancestor Li Kun incredible.

"How... how could it..."

Patriarch Li Kun looked down at the blood hole on his chest, and saw his wound suddenly burned.

"I am unwilling..."

The ancestor Li Kun showed a look of despair, his whole body turned into flying ashes centered on the wound, and the ashes dissipated in the world.

An extremely powerful ancestor of the Immortal Dao, to be precise, the immortal ancestor of the Extreme Dao, he died like this, his body and spirit were destroyed, and nothing was left.

Even the inner world of this immortal ancestor of Extreme Dao collapsed silently, and everything inside was wiped out.


The existence of the other Extreme Immortal Ancestor who saw this scene above the sky was directly dumbfounded.


The super old antique with the extreme immortal ancestor level said in shock.

"Huh, do you really think I'm a bully?"

Sirius Supreme scanned the surroundings, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

"Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?"

The mysterious figure in the distance sighed.

The ancestor Li Kun is a super old antique, his cultivation is extremely strong, but he died in the hands of Sirius Supreme.

"Not bad!"

Gu Fei couldn't help nodding when he saw this scene. The Sirius Supreme showed his weakness, and then suddenly broke out and killed Li Kun's ancestor all at once.

In fact, the reason why Sirius Supreme was able to successfully kill Li Kun was because Li Kun did not put that Wolf Supreme in his eyes, he was careless.

"what happened!"

"Didn't the ancestor Li Kun have the upper hand?"

"The ancestor Li Kun actually lost?"

The Tianjizi and others who were still trapped in the killing array were shocked to the extreme.

In their view, the ancestor of Li Kun is a sage of the extreme dao who lived longer than them. This kind of existence is called the ancestor of the extreme dao in the Taishi realm.

An Extreme Dao Immortal Ancestor has fallen, and the impact this has caused is absolutely unprecedented. You must know that the existence of this series is much stronger than the Extreme Dao Saint Immortal.

Although unbelievable, the ancestor Li Kun is really dead, and he can't die anymore.

"Who else will come."

The Sirius Supreme stood in the void, his whole body blooming with endless fairy light, he was gazing at the world, and for a while, no one dared to fight.

"Li Kun is dead, Hao Xuan, you are the next one."

The voice of Sirius Supreme spread throughout the southern region of Taishi Realm.

"What, he is actually challenging the Great Emperor Hao Xuan?"

"That's the emperor!"

A monk of the older generation said in shock.

Great Emperor, that is the title of the supreme powerhouse in the Taishi Realm. The extreme realm of the Taishi Realm can be divided into three realms: Jidao Shengxian and Jidao Immortal Ancestor Realm Jidao Great.

The Great Emperor, that is absolutely invincible, even in the Taishi Realm, he can walk sideways.

"Haha, Hao Xuan, that little guy is actually challenging you, why, don't you dare to fight?"

In the depths of the starry sky, two powerful figures are facing each other. The visions of the two figures are amazing. One is like the ruler of one star field, one star field looming around him,

But the other figure is a mighty grandeur.


The Great Emperor Hao Xuan sneered, but didn't say much.

"Hao Xuan, your courage seems to be getting smaller and smaller."

Daotian sneered.

"Daotian, let's first calculate the matter of you killing my disciple."

Great Emperor Hao Xuan stared at the opposite Daotian Great Emperor and said.

"Who is afraid of whom?"

The Great Emperor Daotian took a step forward as he spoke, the chaotic cosmic energy on his body was lingering, and every chaotic cosmic energy was much bigger than the mountains.


Great Emperor Hao Xuan roared and shot directly.


In the next moment, countless stars smashed directly at the opposite Daotian Great Emperor.

Daotian Great Emperor pressed forward with his right hand, and countless stars directly exploded in the void, and the power of destruction exploded, shaking the heavens.

The two great emperors fought.

At this moment, in the great abyss, Gu Fei seemed to have a heart, and looked up to the sky.

"How do you three want to die?"

Sirius Supreme stared at the Tianjizi and others in the killing array and said coldly.

The Ji Dao Sword Immortal and the middle-aged Ji Dao Saint Immortal were desperate, but the Ji Zi was still calm that day, and he seemed to have something to rely on.

"Lord Sirius, I want to surrender!"

Ji Dao Sword Immortal said quickly.

"Lord Sirius, I am willing to surrender too."

The middle-aged supreme also chose to surrender. No one wanted to die, as long as he surrendered, he could live.

"How about you?"

Sirius Supreme looked at Tianjizi and said.

"It's not my style to surrender without a fight."

Tianjizi suddenly smiled and said.

At this time, the sword immortal of Ji Dao and the middle-aged supreme were far away.

"Then fight!"

Sirius Supreme gave a grinning grin, and slaughtered the Tianjizi who was facing the opposite.

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