Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4619: Xuantian Thirteen Sons

Although the Xuantian Formation Sect is not in the top ten heavenly sects, the formation of the Xuantian Formation Sect is the strongest in the entire Taishi Realm.

Although the Eastern Region of the Taishi Realm is far away from the Southern Region, it is much more convenient to travel between the two regions through the teleportation array.

In the Taishi Realm, the formation masters who can deploy at any time can only be done by those strong formations in the Xuantian Formation Sect.

Of course, it is not to say that all masters of the World Formation Dao came from the Xuantian Formation Sect, and there are also people in other schools and big clans who practice this extremely complicated formation.

Array Dao master, one thought forms a formation, this is the goal pursued by countless cultivators of Array Dao.


The two trail children who worshipped Chen Zhenzheng set off the teleportation formation and retreated to the side.

Even if the two teleportation arrays are separated by endless voids, as long as one moves, the other will react and move along.

Just when the little Taoist boy from the Xuantian Formation Sect was setting up the formation, Gu Fei encountered a major crisis.

That day, the wolf supreme stepped on the Ten Thousand Formation Chart and descended from the sky. The Ten Thousand Formation Chart directly enveloped the entire Killing Formation, and the movement of the whole Killing Formation immediately felt interference.


Gu Fei urged the killing array with all his strength, but the whole killing array seemed to be trapped in a quagmire, its speed slowed down, and its power was naturally greatly reduced.

After sensing the mighty atmosphere on the Ten Thousand Arrays, Gu Fei couldn't help but moved. This Ten Thousand Arrays really deserved its reputation.

"Smelting ten thousand formations, will one picture break ten thousand laws?"

Gu Fei looked up at the formations in the sky and couldn't help muttering to himself.

In fact, in those days, worshiping the Chen Formation Venerable to worship the Ten Thousand Formation Charts was really aimed at breaking the ten thousand formations, and not many people thought that the Chen Formation Venerable would be successful.

However, when countless people thought that worshiping the dust formation would fail, he succeeded.

"One picture breaks ten thousand laws!"

The extreme old super antiques who watched the battle in the distance were all moved. No one would have thought that the treasure that the Heavenly Wolf Supreme had stolen from the Xuantian Formation Sect was actually a ten thousand formation map.

Ten Thousand Formations, that is the lifeblood of worshiping Chen Formation.


Seeing the tens of thousands of feet on the map, the majestic Sirius Supreme, worshiping Chen Zhenzhen, was so angry that he would have killed him if he hadn't desperately restrained.

At this moment, one after another powerful aura suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth, and a full 13 powerful aura suddenly appeared.

Those strong people who appeared, although not the Saint Immortal of the Extreme Dao, were half of their feet already in the realm of the Extreme Dao.

"Xuantian 13 sons are here?"

Someone exclaimed.

The thirteen sons of Xuantian were the thirteen disciples of Xuantian Formation Sect worshiping Chen Zhenzun.

Those Xuantian thirteen sons all surpassed the existence of the Great Master of Formation Dao, and they were called the Great Master of Formation Dao, and they were extremely powerful.

The thirteen Xuantian sons gathered together and appeared in one place at the same time. This is definitely something that has been rare in the past ten thousand years.

You know, the identity of each of the thirteen sons of Xuantian is not trivial, and can be equal to the leader of a country and the leader of a religion.

"Meet Master!"

Under the leadership of the senior brother, the thirteen sons of Xuantian came to the worship of Chen Zhenzhen, and then respectfully saluted the worship of Chen Zhenzhen.

At this time, the Xuantian thirteen sons finally knew why the supreme would summon them not far away for hundreds of millions of miles.

Sirius Supreme, this traitor is still alive.

The Xuantian thirteen sons were all startled and angry.


Especially the big brother Qu Ao among the thirteen sons, his eyes were red. Back then, Sirius Supreme deceived Ten Thousand Forms from his hands!

Ten Thousand Formation Tu, the treasure of the Xuantian Formation Sect, the person who was able to come into contact with Ten Thousand Formation Tu in the past, besides worshiping Chen Zhenzhenzun himself, was his big disciple Qu Ao.

"I killed this guy!"

Qu Ao is about to do it.

"Don't worry!"

At this time, worshiping Chen Zhenzheng spoke.


Qu Ao looked at Baichen Zhenzhen, and he wondered why the master would not let him take action.


Baichen Formation Venerable stared at the figure on the ten thousand formation map ahead, gritted his teeth and said.


The thirteen sons of Xuantian took their orders. At this time, the big brother Qu Ao also reacted. Master, this is to wait for Sirius Supreme and others to lose their hands before taking action!

Master is really a master, and he can still be so calm at this time.

The thirteen sons of Xuantian couldn't help but admire.

If Baichen Zhenzheng knew the thoughts in the hearts of these disciples, he would probably yell: "Calm down!"

He couldn't wait to smash the corpse of this Sirius Supreme.

However, the Ten Thousand Forms Chart is in the hands of that guy. No one knows the power of Ten Thousand Forms better than the Chen Formation Venerable. Even himself, to the Sirius Supreme, who holds the Ten Thousand Forms Chart in his hands, he dare not say that it can be done. Defeat it.

Although the ten thousand array map is great, it takes vitality to use the ten thousand array map.

Therefore, worship the dust array will wait.

"Little guy, die!"

Sirius Supreme was really moved and really angry, his layout for the ages, was actually destroyed by a small ant, which made him almost crazy.

"Want to kill me? You are not qualified yet!"

Gu Fei's primordial spirit beckoned directly, and his physical body flew into the eyes immediately, and then his primordial spirit directly merged with the physical body.

Although this flesh body only had the cultivation base of the realm of transforming gods, it was a native creature of the Taishi Realm. Gu Fei needed such a flesh body very much if he wanted to feel the avenue of this world.

However, this Chu Shaoyun's physical body was too weak.

But it didn't matter. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gu Fei wanted to sacrifice the flesh again.


He directly aroused the power of the nine-day stars, and the power of the nine-day stars entered the body. The next moment, his physical body directly shattered into a cloud of blood.

The blood mist does not disperse, bathing in the light of the nine-day stars, all impurities are tempered by the power of the stars, and every drop of blood becomes crystal clear, revealing a powerful breath of life.

"At this time, you are still drawing the power of nine stars to refine your body?"

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

This guy has too much nerves, when is this, he is still thinking about cultivation.

"Little guy, dare you to look down upon the deity so much?"

The voice of Sirius Supreme Qi trembled, and he was still cultivating when he was fighting against him, so he didn't put himself in his eyes at all!

He was furious, fully urging the Ten Thousand Array at his feet.

I saw that the Ten Thousand Formation Map was sinking, the power of the killing formation below was constantly being wiped out, countless formation patterns were directly dissipated in the void, and the entire formation was actually collapsing.

However, the killing array drew the power of the nine-day stars, and also attracted the power in the depths of the abyss, and the array in the eyes was constantly transforming these two forces.

Numerous formation patterns flew out of the formation plate and re-formed the formation pattern. As long as the formation plate was not destroyed, this killing formation would be immortal.

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