Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4620: Sirius's killer

The formation plate is the core of a killing formation, and it is also the foundation for the existence of a killing formation. It is not important that the formation pattern is destroyed, even if it is completely destroyed, it is nothing.

As long as the formation is still there, this killing formation will still exist, and it is not really destroyed.

Grand Master Formation Dao can form a formation at a single thought, and a person who has a formation can form a formation instantly, even if he is not a Grand Master Formation Dao.

The formation is very important.

However, now, Gu Fei was facing the Sirius Supreme, the Sirius Supreme with the ten thousand formations. The ten thousand formations were much more powerful than any other formation.

I saw one after another killing formations emerging from the ten thousand formations map, and the shocking murderous aura from each killing formation was not weaker than the Great Abyss Killing Formation.

Countless killing arrays emerged, directly eroding the Great Abyss Killing array below.


Countless patterns are dissipating, and countless patterns are collapsing.

In just a few breaths, the formation pattern of the entire Great Abyss Killing Array was obliterated by a third, and the whole killing Array almost stagnated.

"Humph! Today the deity will show you what it means to crush!"

The Heavenly Wolf Supreme stepped on the Ten Thousand Formation Map, descending from the sky, and went directly towards the core of the Great Abyss Killing Array. One after another, the killing lights rushed out of the Ten Thousand Formation Chart and directly penetrated the Great Abyss Killing Array.

"The spring breeze turns rain, all things return to true!"

Gu Fei's divine consciousness fluctuated from the blood mist in the array eyes, and the killing lights that broke through the array eyes and penetrated even disappeared into the void, turning into the most primitive heaven and earth aura.

"this is……"

Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised. What magical power did this man display?

The old antiques who were watching the battle all brightened. They sensed the aura of the immortal Dao, the purest aura of the immortal Dao. This guy is simply the supreme existence of the immortal Dao. Where is the little ant?

Gu Fei used one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao to return to the true secret. The human world, Tenglong ancestor, once walked out of an Supreme Dao ancestor and created the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, which is the Supreme Secret Art of the Immortal Dao. A secret contains the immortal Tao has no rhyme.

As the saying goes, the expert knows the depth and the shallow when he makes a move. Gu Fei displayed the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Way, and those super old antiques naturally saw the truth at a glance.

The power of returning to truth instantly enveloped the entire formation eye, regardless of your ten thousand formations, as long as you are close to the formation eye, it will be instantly refined and absorbed by Gu Fei.


Sirius Supreme stared at the eyes below, his eyes couldn't help narrowing, this little ant has such an ability?

"I don't believe I can't kill you!"

Sirius supreme roared.


Sirius Supreme roared, and directly bit the tip of his tongue, spraying a mouthful of blood on the Ten Thousand Array Chart.


The ten thousand formations screamed fiercely, and the next moment, the whole ten thousand formations were lit up, the endless formation patterns were intertwined, and phantoms emerged from the ten thousand formations.

That is a figure after another that is so powerful that it is unimaginable, that is not a real existence, but formed by the power of the formation.

"this is……"

Those big figures who watched the battle in the distance were a little moved.

Ten Thousand Arrays unexpectedly have this magical effect, condensing the immortal battle soul with the power of the formation, this kind of existence is immortal, and no one can defeat it.

Unless the Ten Thousand Array Diagram is destroyed, otherwise, this existence will not dissipate at all.

Controlling the Ten Thousand Array Map is simply controlling an immortal army!

"This guy actually..."

Seeing this scene, the worshiping Chen Zhenzheng's eyes suddenly opened and round, this Sirius Supreme was a monster, and even the supernatural power of Wanzhentu was realized.

Ten Thousand Formation Tu is of course more than this kind of magical powers, worshiping Chen Formation Venerable has refined the Ten Thousand Formation Tu’s Wushang Dao Supreme.

"Master, this time, you must not let the traitor Sirius live any longer."

Qu Ao, the eldest among the thirteen sons of Xuantian, said to Baichen Formation Venerable that he did not conceal his murderous intent to Sirius Supreme.

"Well, go and prepare!"

The worshipping formation nodded and said.

"Yes, Master!"

The thirteen Xuantian sons directly took the order and then dispersed.

"Big Brother, Master didn't say where to deploy an array, this..."

Someone transmitted to Qu Ao.

"Buy nine heavens and ten earth annihilation formations!"

Qu Ao gritted his teeth and said.


The other brothers were all taken aback when they heard this. Is there anything to do so absolutely? Nine days and ten grounds to destroy the immortal formation, that is the first killing formation of the Xuantian Formation Sect!

Except for the combined forces of the thirteen sons of Xuantian, the entire Xuantian Formation Sect can be deployed by one person.

In Qu Ao's view, it was not cruel to use the Nine Heavens and Ten Earth Destroying Array to kill the Heavenly Wolf Supreme.

When Wan Zhentu was deceived from Qu Ao's hands by Sirius Supreme, Qu Ao was almost beaten to death by Baichen Zhensheng, and was finally punished to face the wall and think for three thousand years.

That was three thousand years, not a month, a year, or even ten years, three thousand years, the big brother of the Xuantian Formation Sect was a little distorted when facing the wall.

And all of this is thanks to the Heavenly Wolf Supreme. Now that the enemy meets, Qu Ao is no longer jealous, and his eyes are about to drip blood.

Soon, a terrifying murderous aura appeared between the heaven and the earth, and the thirteen sons of Xuantian appeared around the Great Abyss, measuring the mountains and rivers, and changing the situation against the sky.

A powerful formation master can change the general situation of the world and integrate the killing formation into the heaven and the earth. In this way, the power of the heaven and earth will be used for their own use, and the power of the killing formation will be endless and endless.

"Well, those guys from the Xuantian Formation Sect are quite capable."

The very old antiques who were watching from the side could not help but nod their heads.

Array Dao is also one of the heavens and the Dao Dao. It is not impossible to achieve the Supreme by the Array Dao. The cultivation of the heavens and the Dao Dao to the extreme can also achieve the ultimate leap and achieve the Supreme Dao fruit.

And that worshipping Chen Zhenzhen allowed his disciples to do it, he just stared at the figure with the foot on the front of the ten thousand formation map.

At this time, in the Great Abyss, the killing array controlled by Gu Fei had fallen apart, and countless array patterns were wiped out by the mighty force of the ten thousand arrays on the ten thousand array map.

Ten thousand formations are the nemesis of all formations.

There were three hundred and sixty-five lines of powerful figures standing up from the ten thousand formation map, and each of them exuded a terrifying aura of destruction.

This is as if three hundred and sixty-five terrifying Hell Killing Gods came out of the ten thousand formations.

The horror power that the entire world void erupted from these three hundred and sixty-five figures was constantly shaking, and countless small silk-like spatial cracks appeared in the void.

"Little ants, you can go to death, kill me!"

Sirius Supreme raised his arms fiercely, and the three hundred and sixty-five powerful figures directly directed towards Gu Fei in the eyes of the killing array below.

These three hundred and sixty-five figures pounced forward at the same time, directly disturbing the universe.

"This guy is over."

"The show is coming to an end."

No one was optimistic about Gu Fei, because it was Sirius Supreme who shot to Gu Fei, and Sirius Supreme, who controlled the Ten Thousand Array.

At this moment, Gu Fei in his eyes just reorganized his body, and when he looked up, he just saw the three hundred and sixty-five figures culled from the sky.

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