Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4628: Yibei Town Wanzhen

Ten Thousand Forms Tu actually gave out the light of annihilation, which made everyone extremely nervous. You must know that this light of death is very terrifying, and even the extreme light of this kind of death is in danger of falling.

"This is the ultimate ultimate move of Ten Thousand Array!"

An old antique-level existence exclaimed, no one would have thought that this tens of thousands of arrays could evolve the light of death, no wonder this tens of thousands of arrays could give birth to an extremely sage.

At this time, those old antiques realized that in the great battle outside the gate of Xuantian Formation Zongshan that year, Baichen Formation Venerable had forged and died a supreme sacred immortal with ten thousand forms.

The news came out, shocking the world.

Of course, there are some people who don't believe it. You know, that is an extremely sacred immortal, standing on the top of all living beings, was actually killed by a killing formation. Is it possible?

In the Taishi Realm, throughout the ages, there has never been a sacred celestial immortal in the slaying formation.


Under the light of annihilation, the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Divine Extinguishing Array was collapsing. Although the Xuantian Thirteen Sons desperately urged the killing Array, they still failed.


Qu Ao asked for help from Baichen Zhenzhen in horror, coughing up blood constantly.

The Nine Heavens and Ten Dixian Killing Array is about to collapse, and the thirteen Xuantian sons have received a great impact. People with weak cultivation bases have cracks and cracks on their bodies, and their bodies are about to shatter.

"What the nine heavens and ten earth exterminating immortal formations, but so!"

Sirius Supreme’s divine consciousness fluctuations were uploaded from the Ten Thousand Array Diagram.

"Well, that seems to be the case."

Gu Fei said that the Nine Heavens and Ten Divine Extinguishing Arrays are very strong, but the Ten Thousand Arrays are strong enough that even the light of annihilation can evolve, which is really terrifying.

However, although the Ten Thousand Array Tu is powerful, in Gu Fei's eyes, it is not the strongest Dao Dao Bao.

"Outrageous, dare to underestimate me."

With a gritted teeth and flipping his right hand, Baichen Formation Venerable, a small stone tablet appeared in his hand, and a powerful heaven and earth erupted from the stone tablet.

"It's a monument to heaven. I didn't expect this kind of treasure in the hands of this worshiper."

Those old antiques who watched the battle were jealous when they saw the stone stele in the hands of the Chen Zhenzheng, this is the legendary stele, a stele of heaven and earth.

Baichen Zhenzhenzun was holding the pitch-black stone stele in his right hand, which seemed very strenuous, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"this is……"

The moment Gu Fei saw the stone stele in the hands of the Lord Baichen Formation, he was taken aback. This stone stele is very similar to the Sanjie stele. The Sanjie stele is the ultimate treasure.

The Three Realms Monument, possessing the power of the Three Realms, is one of the many treasures of the Dao Dao obtained by Gu Fei.

Back then, when his cultivation level broke through to the eternal realm, he had planned to re-practice all the extreme Taobao he obtained.

However, he only sacrificed the two extremely Dao Treasures, the Nine Sky Star Sword and the Sky Blue Immortal Gold Battle Suit, and fought against the First Demon of the ancestor world.

In the end, the first demon of the first ancestor was also considered to be extremely cruel, and even opened the reincarnation with his life, punched Gu Fei into the reincarnation, and cut off his eternal realm of cultivation.

Even his eternal martial arts body was almost wiped out of all divine nature and turned into a mortal body.

Fortunately, his breastbone still retains a trace of eternal divinity. It is eternal true bone. Based on eternal true bone, his cultivation can quickly recover.

Gu Fei had been throwing aside the Three Realm Monument because of its lack.

But now, when he saw the so-called sky stele in the hands of Baichen Formation Venerable, his eyes lit up, and he had an idea. This seemed to be an opportunity to repair the Three World Stele.

"How could he have such a thing?"

It was when Sirius Supreme sensed the aura erupting from the stone stele in the hands of the Chen Formation Lord, he couldn't help being shocked.

The heavenly stele, that was actually a heavenly stele that was indelibly immortal. Although the light of annihilation was powerful, it could not obliterate the heavenly stele.

"go with!"

With a loud yell from the Lord Baichen Formation, he directly sacrificed the heavenly stele in his hand, only to see that the heavenly stele flew from his hand, and it grew rapidly, and instantly appeared to everyone like a black mountain. before.


The monument was even bigger than the mountain and fell from the sky, and went directly towards the town of Ten Thousand Formations.

I saw the void below the sky stele directly shattered. This blow, the Jedi was destroying the sky and destroying the earth, terrifying.

The light of annihilation that erupted from the Ten Thousand Array Map was directly scattered away, and the black stele, which was ten thousand feet high, was directly placed on the Ten Thousand Array Map.

Yibei Town Wanzhen.


The ten thousand formations shook, countless formation patterns rushed out from the ten thousand formations, towards the sky stele brand.

However, the moment those formation patterns touched the sky stele, they dissipated directly into the void, and the power contained in the formation patterns was also sucked away by the heaven stele.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, this Sirius is going to be tragedy."

Someone sighed, there are many treasures in the hands of the sacred celestial celestial worshiper, the ten thousand formation map, and this heavenly stele are all treasures that can be called heaven-defying.

At this time, the Ten Thousand Formation Tu was severely suppressed by the Tianbei, and it was of no use regardless of how the Sirius Supreme, who controlled the Ten Thousand Formation Tu, struggled.

It's like a big world is pressed on the ten thousand formation map.

This black stele has not changed except that it has become bigger, but it is this one that stands between the heavens and the earth, squeezing the ten thousand formations.

"Master, save me!"

The Spiritual Sense Fluctuation of Sirius Supreme, who was integrated with the Ten Thousand Arrays, was uploaded from the Ten Thousand Arrays, with a panic and anxious tone.

"Hmph, being held down by the sky stele, no one can save you, but it's a pity that I have a ten thousand formation map."

Honoring Chen Zhenzhen came from Yuankong and sneered.

"is it?"

Gu Fei stood with his hand in his hand, looking indifferently at the worshipping Zhenzhen Zun opposite.

"No matter who you are, get out as early as possible."

Baichen Zhenzhenzun stared at Gu Fei coldly.

"Tell me to **** off?"

Gu Fei smiled.

"If you don't roll, you will die!"

At this time, there was a roar, murderous intent from all directions rolled, and array flags appeared all around, and terrifying power fluctuations broke out on each array flag.

Gu Fei glanced around. It turned out that the Nine Heavens and Ten Di Immortal Array, which had almost completely collapsed, did not really collapse.

"Hey! A group of frogs at the bottom of the well."

Gu Fei smiled helplessly.

"You said we are frogs at the bottom of the well?"

The thirteen sons of Xuantian Formation Sect were all angry, and even worshiping Chen Formation Venerable also changed their expressions.

"Since you want to die, I have no reason to stop you."

Said the worshipping formation and waved his hand, the whole killing formation immediately started to move.


Gu Fei grabbed his right hand, and a divine sword immediately appeared in his hand.

It was another sword, an extremely stunning sword, wherever the sword light went, countless array patterns were directly cut off.


Seeing this scene, Bai Chen Zhenzheng couldn't help taking a breath.

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