Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4629: Nine kills with one sword

Before Gu Fei's cultivation base broke through to the extreme realm, he had cultivated a lot of Dao, Five Elements, Yin and Yang, Chaos, Thunder, Wind, Fire, Sword, etc., and even the Formation Dao had extremely high attainments.

Kendo is actually a kind of martial arts. There are three thousand avenues, but there are countless trails. Martial arts are avenues with countless trails.

Kendo is a trail under the martial arts. The martial arts are all-encompassing. Gu Fei's kendo is also amazing, because he cultivates the way of killing the sword with one sword.

Back then, he got the Nine Zhutian Swords from the East Heaven Emperor Yuan Gu. The Nine Zhutian Swords were the way to kill the sword, and the sword was murderous and shocking the world.

But now, even the ancestor of the killing sword who created the Nine Zhutian Swords has become Gu Fei's subordinates, protecting the ancestor God Realm for him, and Gu Fei's cultivation realm of this kind of kendo has long surpassed the sword ancestor.

His sword has been burnt away, less murderous, and more rounded, cut out with one sword, without a trace of murderous, but its power is terrifying to the extreme.

"I am honored when the sword breaks ten thousand ways!"

Gu Fei slashed out with a single sword, and directly broke through the Nine Heavens and Ten Divine Extinguishing Arrays. The sword light swept one of the thirteen sons of Zhongxuantian, and that person instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist, and he was directly destroyed. The flag in his hand has also turned into powder.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, especially those of the Xuantian Formation Sect, they were extremely frightened.

"How could it be...just a sword..."

The voice of Qu Ao, the big brother of Xuantian Formation Sect, trembled.

"Seventh Junior Brother is dead?"

The Second Senior Brother of Xuantian Formation Sect Qiu Xiao looked at the terrifying figure in front of him in horror. It was he who had killed their Seventh Junior Brother with a single sword.

"Dead...dead...the body and spirit are destroyed..."

Qu Ao said with difficulty.

"Damn you!"

At this time, Baichen Zhenzhenzun's eyes were red, and this guy actually beheaded one of his personal disciples. These thirteen personal disciples were actually like his son, with deep feelings.

Now that Old Qi was cut by Gu Fei with a single sword, this made Baichen Formation Venerable almost crazy.

Seeing Baichen Formation Venerable stepped out, countless formation patterns rushed out of his feet immediately, and these formation patterns were directly branded to the surrounding area, and a shocking killing formation immediately appeared in the world.

It formed an array in one step, and it was still an extremely Dao-level killing array. The entire Taishi Realm could only be achieved by the founder of the Xuantian Formation Sect, Baichen.

"go to hell!"

Baichen Zhenzhenzun roared and shot towards Gu Fei.

The whole killing array is like a world, and it is killing towards Gufei Town.

"I can break through the nine heavens and ten celestial extinction formations with one sword, let alone your killing formation?"

Gu Fei smiled. He didn't hesitate, and he slashed out another sword. The sword light was like a dragon, instantly rushing for thousands of feet, and directly split the sword that had just been laid by Baichen Formation Venerable in half.

If it weren't for the bad news, and immediately avoided, Baichen Formation Venerable would be split in half by Gu Fei's sword.

"too weak!"

Gu Fei shook his head, opponents are hard to find!

At this time, the Nine Heavens and Ten Dixian Destroying Arrays immediately became unstable because Gu Fei killed the seventh of the Xuantian thirteen sons.

"what did you say?"

The worshiping Chen Zhenzhenzun was angry, but he couldn't help Gu Fei.

"Well, I won't play with you anymore!"

When Gu Fei was speaking, with a wave of his right hand holding the sword, the nine sword lights immediately rushed out of his hand and slashed out in all directions.

"One sword kills the world with nine kills."

Gu Fei roared and displayed the assassin of Zhutian Nine Swords.

Nine sword lights smashed and decayed, and wherever they passed, all array patterns were directly dissipated and annihilated in the void, and heavy array patterns could not stop these nine sword lights.

The killing array of worshiping Chen Zhenzhen instantly fell apart.

This time, although he still escaped fast and was not swept away by the sword light, his disciples were tragedy.

I saw the nine immortal sword lights flashing past, and the nine figures disappeared into the void in an instant, leaving nothing behind.

A faint smell of blood permeated.


Qu Ao and others were directly frightened by this scene. Xuantian's thirteen sons suddenly fell to their ten sons. How could this be possible!

Not only Qu Ao and the others, but also the old antiques who were watching the battle in the distance, were also dumbfounded, as if they were dreaming, they were the Xuantian 13 sons of the Xuantian Formation Sect!

The thirteen sons of Xuantian, each of them half-step supreme, peerlessly powerful, and holding the flag of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands Destroying Array, were killed in this way.

Even if the emperor took a half step, I am afraid it would be impossible to kill the nine great formation masters at once!


Seeing this scene, worshipping Chen Zhenzhen, a mouthful of old blood spurted out, these are his own direct disciples, they died like this? Was cut with a sword?

He hates it!

Baichen Zhenzhenzun sprayed a mouthful of blood on the heavenly monument that suppressed the ten thousand formation map. The next moment, the blood was absorbed by the heavenly monument.


The Heavenly Stele that held the Ten Thousand Formation Chart moved and rose directly from the ground. At this time, the Ten Thousand Formation Chart under the Heavenly Stele had dim light, and the Heavenly Wolf Supreme Primordial Spirit on the Ten Thousand Formation Chart was also extremely weak.

This is the legendary Tianbei. Throughout the ages, even if the Supreme Dao Supreme is suppressed by the Tianbei, in the end there will be only one life and death.

Had it not been for the protection of the ten thousand formations, the supreme spirit of Sirius would have disappeared long ago.

Even so, he still suffered a great shock.

"This old guy is so cruel!"

Sirius Supreme gritted his teeth and said.


At this time, Baichen Formation Venerable drove the Tianbei towards Gufei Town with all his strength to kill him. He was extremely strenuous, as if he was moving a world.

In fact, this is moving a place of heaven and earth, because this is a monument of heaven, which exists like a big heaven and earth, and is the supreme sacred object of this place.

The heavenly stele, the law of heaven and earth that contains the whole world, in the Taishi Realm, this supreme sacred object is also a legendary existence.

No matter how powerful the Wan Zhentu is, it is impossible to pass the monument.

"Well! It's worth taking a closer look."

Gu Fei was still standing with his hand holding his hand, calmly looking at the heavenly stele that was coming towards his own town.

"How dare this guy ignore the legendary monument?"

The old antiques watching from a distance were all nervously staring at the monument, which was even bigger than the mountain. This thing is no small thing, and accidentally touching it can also be life-threatening.

This thing is not something that anyone can touch. The luck of worshiping Chen Zhenzhen is so good that even this thing can be obtained.

"Huh! Sky monument?"

Gu Fei chuckled slightly. If he were to be replaced by a general Jidao Saint Immortal, he would naturally not be able to stop the blow of this Heavenly Stele, but he was not a general Jidao Supreme.

The next moment, a wave of violent violent extremes, and extreme power fluctuations erupted from his body, and the whole world was immediately shaken.

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