Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4649: Playing formation in front of Lao Tzu?

The master of the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion has laid out forever, and has embarked on an alternative eternal road.

However, this path is too heavy to kill. It uses the life essence of endless creatures to cast one's own eternal body. It hurts the sky and, in the dark, it will suffer retribution.

At this time, the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion had reached the final juncture of metamorphosis, and the life essence he had swallowed during this period was too much, because even the existence of the Extreme Dao Venerable Master level had fallen a lot.

The life essence of the Extreme Dao level is so huge that it is unimaginable. The immortal Extreme Dao substance contained in the life essence is exactly what the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion needs.

It is much more useful to swallow the life essence of a supreme realm than to swallow the life essence of countless creatures throughout the world.

At this time, Gu Fei's clone slashed the death giant Jiaolong with a single sword, and then stepped on the ground with both feet, and the whole person immediately rose up into the sky, even rushing towards the nine heavens.

"the host"

The humanoid creature was shocked and extremely nervous.

Above the nine heavens, that was the place where the cocoon transformed by the Lord of Primal Chaos Mansion was located. This guy dared to break into that place. If he disturbed the owner, he would definitely die and be buried.


Thousands of miles away, the demon ape soared into the sky from among the rocks. When the demon ape saw the clone of Gu Fei who had been killed to the nine heavens, he almost fell from the air in shock.

"This guy dares"

The face of the magic ape changed drastically

"Second, what are you waiting for, don't stop this guy yet!"

The Demon Ape roared at the humanoid creature, and he directly chased and killed Gu Fei's clone.

"Shoot? This guy just killed the third child with a sword."

The humanoid creature roared at the demon ape.


When the magic ape heard this, he was shocked.

The third child is a flood dragon, his body is extremely powerful, how could he be cut by this guy with a sword?

Although the humanoid creature didn't want to face the enemy of Gu Fei's clone, he had to make a move. You must know that once the owner was disturbed, he might end up living.

"We will end up worse if we don't shoot!"

The demon ape roared, he knew very well what kind of existence their master was, cruel and cruel, and did everything to achieve his goal.

Otherwise, the master wouldn't make them into death giants.

"Kill! The big deal is death!"

The humanoid creatures didn't care about it, and they turned into a light of death and rose into the sky, chasing and killing Gu Fei's clone in the sky.

"Little guy, come down to me!"

The magic ape flipped his hand, and immediately a formation appeared in his hand. The next moment, nine days of shaking, a giant net shrouded from above the nine days toward Gu Fei's clone.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple, there are other players!"

Gu Fei's clone smiled, the next moment, another immortal sword light burst out of his hand, and the sword light slashed fiercely on the giant net.

The next moment, the giant net was cut out, and countless runes disappeared into the void.


The magic ape urged the formation plate in his hand, and the next moment, countless formation patterns emerged around Gu Fei's clone, transforming into an ancient formation pattern, and enveloped him.

"Haha, this is a ten-square magic seal formation, even if it is the existence of the master's level, it will be sealed." The magic ape laughed wildly.

"Cut! One sword breaks ten thousand magic!"

Gu Fei's clone was slashed out again with a single sword, and the strongest kendo power turned into immortal sword light, directly breaking through the heavy array map, and slashing to the outside.

"how is this possible"

Demon Ape’s surprise was truly extraordinary. He never thought that this human race was so powerful, and what made him terrified was that this human race was just an incarnation.

The avatars are so powerful, wouldn’t they be invincible if the real body arrived?

Gu Fei's clone had just rushed out of the ten-fang magic seal formation, and when the humanoid creature's full blow was hit, the terrifying light of destruction directly penetrated into Gu Fei's head.


Gu Fei's clone didn't even think about it, and cut it forward with a sword.

Without any suspense, the light of destruction transformed by the humanoid creature was directly split in half by the sword of Gu Fei's clone.

The light dissipated, and the body of the humanoid creature was actually split in half.

However, he was not killed on the spot by Gu Fei's sword. The two halves rushed together and wanted to fuse together, but the wounds of the two halves were attached to the power of kendo.

On the wound, there are small sword lights that are like lightning, and they are constantly eroding the power of humanoid creatures.

This is a contest between the power of the two great avenues. Once the kendo power of Gu Fei's clone wipes out the great power of the humanoid creatures, the humanoid creatures will die.


The humanoid creature was roaring, and he desperately wanted to push the kendo power from the sword wound out of his body, but no matter how he urged his great power, it was difficult to drive the kendo power from the sword wound.


The humanoid creature panicked, and the opponent's kendo power was constantly cutting off his own Dao. Once he hurt his Dao origin, then it was really dead.


Gu Fei's clone did not hesitate, and directly killed the humanoid creature. He wanted to completely slay this fellow's soul and kill it here.

However, at this moment, a sonorous voice suddenly sounded, and chain after chain rushed from all directions, entwining directly towards Gu Fei's clone.

The Demon Ape started another killing formation. These chains were not ordinary chains, but chains made of immortal iron. Once they were entangled by the chains, the supreme Supreme Dao would be tied into zongzi.

"Playing formations in front of Lao Tzu? It's just a trick!"

Gu Fei's clone smiled, and the next moment, when his hands were dancing, formation after formation was branded in the void, instantly forming a field.

The chains of the gods entangled, and they were directly blocked by the force of the field outside Gu Fei.

His hand is very handsome, the void is in an array, without any external force, directly branding the formation pattern in the void, setting up a defensive formation.


When the demon ape saw this, his eyes suddenly opened and he couldn't think that this guy was not only powerful in kendo, but also a great master of formation.

The Grand Master of the Dao who enters the Dao is extremely powerful, and he is the most suitable for cheating people.

The person who provoked the Great Master of Formation Dao didn't even know how he died in the end.

"Well, a lot of time was wasted, it's time to end."

When Gu Fei's clone spoke, a heavenly divine light suddenly rushed out of his body, breaking the power of the heavy seal in an instant, reaching the divine cocoon.

He didn't hesitate, and he directly stepped onto this avenue to the sky, and instantly passed through the heavy killing array and appeared in front of the cocoon.

At this time, the divine cocoon was wrapped in countless life essence, and was madly devouring endless life aura.

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